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Best attractions in Leipzig: Top 21

After reading our review, you will understand what you should see in Leipzig in the first place. In compiling our rating, we were guided by the reviews and recommendations of guides and experienced travelers. The sights of Leipzig that we will now list have made the city famous.

What is the first thing to see in Leipzig?

If you want your trip to be unforgettable and informative, choose the following excursions in Leipzig:

1. Old City Hall

The 16th century Old City Hall on Market Square in the historic center of Leipzig

An architectural historical monument, erected in the 14th century, with lines characteristic of the Renaissance. There are some typical Gothic elements as well: The 8-cornered tower, the entrance to the town hall mixed from the center. In the early days the members of the town council gathered in the building and in the basement there were commercial pavilions and warehouses. Later the building was used to house exhibitions of the historical museum. Among the specimens is a portrait of J. Bach. Every tourist should visit the old town hall.

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2. New Town Hall

View of the New City Hall from the Burgplatz in Leipzig

Leipzig. It is also included in all lists of “main tourist attractions in Germany“. A complex with over 600 halls, in Art Nouveau and Gothic style, spread over ten thousand square meters. The building reminds of an old palace: round tower, bay windows and bas-reliefs. Particular attention should be paid to the chic grand staircase leading to the enormous VIP hall. Guides in Leipzig recommend that you begin your acquaintance with the city with a tour of such a significant attraction.

3. Monument to the Battle of Nations

The Lake of Tears and Battle of Nations Monument commemorates the historic battle of October 16-19, 1813

In the mid-20th century, the complex was used to promote nationalist ideas. For this reason, the government of the German Democratic Republic for a long time planned to demolish it. However, the monument managed to survive, and stood in disrepair for more than half a century. Only in 2003, the structure, which is about 90 meters high, began to be restored. Visitors can ascend to the upper viewing platforms by elevator or by a staircase with hundreds of stone steps. The vantage points offer incredible panoramas of the entire city.

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4. St. Nicholas Church

Monument to the 1989 Peaceful Revolution in front of St. Nicholas Church in Leipzig Dirk Goldhahn

Leipzig’s oldest church, made famous, among other things, for its classical interiors. The interior furnishings are decorated with fascinating works of art from the 18th century. In ancient times, Bach performed in the church, which was built in the 12th century. It was also the place where peaceful resistance to the government was organised. The current appearance of the building is a church with three naves in the late Gothic style. If you don’t know what to visit in Leipzig, but are fascinated by history and architecture, come here.

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5. St. Thomas Church

The second most important church in Leipzig is St. Thomas Church
The grave of Johann Sebastian Bach at St. Thomas Church in Leipzig DerHHO

The date of construction of the church is the 12th century. Like many other landmarks in Leipzig, the church has been reconstructed more than once. During the Great War it was almost completely destroyed by bombs. Subsequently, the remains of Bach, who served in the local choir, were brought here. Note that it was thanks to the great composer that the Gothic church managed to become famous throughout the world. In our list of “places of interest in Leipzig” it also got to be due to its imposing appearance: the facade is decorated with rich decor, including stained-glass windows with images of scenes from the Bible. Inside are two huge antique organs.

Take a look at Leipzig's beautiful places in this great video!

6. The Russian Glory Monument Temple

Saint Alexis Church-Monument of Russian Glory

An Orthodox church that was built in honor of the Russian soldiers who fell in the military clashes of 1813. The building was consecrated a hundred years after its construction. Of great interest is the iconostasis kept in the cathedral, created in the spirit of hand-painted 17th century. A sightseeing trip by Russian tourists rarely goes without a visit to this building.

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7. Golize Palace

View of the 18th century Golisa Palace from the garden side in the German city of Leipzig Radler59

Originally built in the mid-18th century, the castle was intended to be a country residence for the city’s rulers. Many of the most famous masters of the time worked on the creation of the architectural masterpiece. The purpose of the palace was slightly changed: representatives of Leipzig’s intellectual society began to meet here. Later the building was handed over to the city authorities. Today it is open to tourists.

8. Alte Waage

Alte Waage at Leipzig's Market Square Frank Vincentz

Renaissance style building, located in the central part of Leipzig since the middle of the 16th century. It was built for the metropolitan chamber of weights and measures. That’s why the name of the landmark can be translated as “Old Scales”. The front part of the Alte Waage, decorated with a sundial and a 4-stage pediment, faces the Market Square. The building is now owned by a large insurance firm.

9. Leipzig Opera House

Fountain and Facade of the Leipzig Opera House Ichwarsnur

The art of opera has conquered all of Leipzig. Germany has been famous for its opera tradition since the 17th century. In spite of this, the first and second buildings were completely destroyed. The new musical theater in the city, the one you can see now, was not built until 1960. A great option for where to go in Leipzig for opera fans.

Official website:

10. Mendelssohn House Museum

The study of Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy at the composer's House-Museum in Leipzig Andreas Praefcke

The house is listed in the Blue Book. It is the only building in which Mendelssohn lived that has survived to this day in relative good condition. The rooms of the museum complex carefully preserve documents, personal belongings, scores, and furnishings that once belonged to the legendary composer. Guides talk not only about the music, but also about Mendelssohn’s political and social work.

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11. Bach Museum-Archive

The Bach Museum-Archive in the Bosehaus Geisler Martin
Exhibit of the Bach Archive Museum in Leipzig AugustusTours

The museum is organized in the building where Bach used to live for more than a quarter of a century. It was in this house that the composer died in 1750. On display: organ parts, personal items, manuscripts, and scores. If you want your walks around Leipzig to be not only fascinating but also informative, include this museum in your itinerary.

Official website:

12. Modern History Forum

The Leipzig Contemporary History Forum Appaloosa

History Museum, with specimens dating back to 1945-89. The permanent collection of exhibits includes over 3,000 newspaper articles, photos, and documentation. Let it be said at once that the exhibits present the FRG as a bastion of democracy and justice, while showing the GDR from its most unattractive side. For those who are fascinated by German history, walking through this museum will be a pleasure.

Official website:

13. Grassi Museum

View of the main Grassi Museum building in the first courtyard in Leipzig JeanNeef
Window in the Africa department of the Grassi Museum in Leipzig sailko

F. D. Grassi, a wealthy city merchant, bequeathed about two million marks to Leipzig. The money was given to open a museum complex and build several buildings. During the Second World War the museum was bombed, destroying a large part of the collection. Later, however, the funds were restored.

14. Museum of Fine Arts

New modern building of the Museum of Fine Arts in the form of a glass cube LutzBruno

The museum was opened in the 19th century thanks to generous donations from bankers and businessmen. The collection was assembled throughout the 20th century. The first complex was destroyed during the World War II, and was replaced by the current unusual structure in the form of a glass cube. Such best sights in Leipzig are interesting to see not only from the inside, but also from the outside.

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15. Museum of Natural History

Natural History Museum or Leipzig Natural Science Museum in Leipzig Enst38
Eskimo costume at the Natural History Museum Kürschner

The exhibits in the complex relate to archaeology, zoology, geology, and other similar sciences. The walls of the museum contain, among other things, collections of invertebrates donated by A. Reichert (absolutely all insects that live in the Leipzig region).

Leipzig sights: what else is there to see in Leipzig?

We have told you about the main sights of Leipzig in brief. Seeing them with your own eyes will be interesting for every traveler. However, this is by no means a complete list of what to see in Leipzig in 1 day or a longer trip:

16. Gewandhaus Concert Hall

The central facade of the city concert hall Gewandhaus on Augusta Square in Leipzig Appaloosa

Since 1981 the Gewandhaus has been home to the Leipzig Symphony Orchestra, chamber music groups and a choir. The large hall can seat slightly less than 2,000 guests at a time. In the foyer of the building is the largest in Europe monumental painting on the ceiling.

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17. Leipzig Zoo

The main entrance gate to the Leipzig Zoological Garden Frank Vincentz
Landscape enclosure in the Africa themed section of the Leipzig Zoo Frank Vincentz

Date of foundation - 1878. The present-day zoo area is 26 hectares, despite the fact that it was originally a “living corner” in a restaurant. Local residents are about 400 varieties of sea creatures and fish, and 850 species of animals, including lions and other “cats. The animals are separated from zoo guests by partitions of glass and deep moats. Travel through the zoo is offered on small trips. There are small cafes for visitors.

Official website:

18. Leipzig Main Station

A general view of Leipzig Central Station in Willy Brandt Square Appaloosa
Trade Passage at Leipzig Central Station de:Benutzer:FloSch

The largest railway station in Europe (the size of the front part of the station is 300 meters long). Like many other sights in Leipzig, photos with names and descriptions of which we gave, this one was seriously damaged during the Second World War. However, it was reconstructed, and now includes about a hundred stores and more than 25 platforms.

19. Auerbach’s Cellar Restaurant

Large hall of Auerbach's Cellar Restaurant, the oldest restaurant in Leipzig Ungry Young Man

An old and famous restaurant opened in the historic center of Leipzig. The establishment was named after a luminary of medicine. The Cellar has four spacious rooms, each of them can accommodate about 30-40 guests. It is necessary to reserve a table in advance, as this restaurant is considered one of the best and most popular in the world. In his time, Goethe turned this Cellar into one of the action sites of Faust, adding to its fame.

Official website:

20. Zum arabishen coffee baum

Facade of Leipzig's Zum arabischen coffee baum Dundak

A branch of the city’s history museum and a restaurant at the same time. It’s recognizable by its signboard, the design of which remains unchanged since the early 18th century: The West receives coffee as a gift from the East. Among the celebrities who visited the Zum arabishen coffee baum is R. Schumann.

21. “Madler Passage”

North entrance to "Madler Passage" in Leipzig Appaloosa

A shopping mall in the central part of the city that opened its doors in 1525. Originally the complex was a modest wine restaurant, then an exhibition center was added to it. In the 20th century the area was enlarged many times over. Only the historic cellars, which now hold collections of leather, porcelain and wine, remained untouched. The complex includes commercial pavilions and boutiques, business and office space. Not far from the Madler Passage are the best hotels in Leipzig.

If you want to visit the hospitable German city soon, be sure to plan your itinerary with our recommended sights in mind.

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