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Best attractions in Hannover: Top 21

Our review will tell you what to see in Hannover every inquisitive tourist must see. We have taken into account the reviews and recommendations of experienced guides when compiling our rating. The main sights of Hannover will be of interest to you even if you have not yet planned a trip to this popular German city.

What to see first in Hannover

Hannover is an old city with many architectural monuments and cultural treasures. Your trip here will be unforgettable if you visit sites such as:

1. New Town Hall

The New Town Hall rises on the shore of an artificial lake among a green park in Hanover

Anyone who has bought tours to Hanover should plan a visit to the New Town Hall. This landmark, which was built in the Baroque style on the shore of a beautiful artificial lake, is only a hundred years old. The dome of the structure has an observation deck to which an unusual corner elevator rises. The building itself is richly decorated with many bas-reliefs depicting scenes from life. If you don’t know what to visit in Hanover is interesting both as a family and alone, come here.

2. Old Town Hall

The brick structure of the Old Town Hall in Hanover's Market Square Christian A. Schröder

A classic architectural masterpiece created in the Northern German Gothic style. The brick building complex is divided into three buildings. Today meetings of international level are organized here and city celebrations are held. There is a small restaurant on the territory, which serves the national cuisine of the country.

3. Kropke Clock

Kropke Clock is a favorite meeting place for Hanoverians ChristianSchd

The true symbol of the German city is actually a rich green bollard with a clock mechanism. According to the locals, if the wedding cortege of newlyweds stands next to the Kröpke for just a few minutes, the lovers will live happily married for many years and never break up. No matter how long you are visiting the city, such famous and interesting places of Hanover should not be overlooked.

4. “Red Thread” hiking trail

The Red Thread symbol on the Hanover sidewalk Axel Hindemith

Want to see all the sights in Hanover without asking for help from experienced guides? Then take the unique “Red Line” hiking trail, which are lines and arrows in red painted on the sidewalks. The signs will lead you to the main historically significant, architectural and educational sites in the city. We recommend that you buy a guidebook in advance, which indicates all the stops on the route.

5. Headquarters of NORD LB

A view of the NORD LB bank headquarters from the New Hanover City Hall tower ChristianSchd
The courtyard of the Nord-LB office building on Aegiedientorplatz in Hannover ChristianSchd

Giant modern building with an area of 40,000 square meters. The building has an original futuristic appearance and somewhat resembles a broken-down Rubik’s Cube: transparent tube-shaped corridors connect the individual blocks. The complex was built for the offices of a large bank, not imagining that it would become so famous even outside the city. Today the object is included in all the lists of “Germany’s top attractions“.

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Check out the beautiful places in Hannover in this great video!

6. Opera House

The magnificent building of the Hanover Opera House and Ballet in the late classicist style

Where should art lovers go in Hannover? Visit the local opera house, which managed to survive the Second World War. The main auditorium was extensively renovated. Thanks to the reconstruction, the sound has improved many times over. Classical productions and strong arias are given on the stage. Outside, near the theater, fans of the subculture gather, which, however, do not cause any trouble neither to the police, nor to tourists, nor to the citizens. You might also be interested in seeing them perform.

7. Sprengel Museum

The "Other Twister" sculpture by Alice Aycock in front of the Sprengel Museum Dr. Olaf Hoffmann

When listing the best sights in Hanover, one cannot forget this 1972 museum complex. Visitors can view works of art by such distinguished masters as F. Leger, C. Schwitters, and C. S. Phal.

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8. Museum of the Land of Lower Saxony

Facade of the Lower Saxony State Museum in downtown Hanover Christian A. Schröder

The main subject of the exhibition images is Lower Saxony. The museum, which holds paintings by Rubens, Rembrandt and many other of the most famous artists, was opened in the mid-19th century. The date of the most ancient paintings is the 11th century. In addition, in the collections of the complex - ancient coins, ancient awards and medals of different times.

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9. August Kastner Museum

The August Kastner Museum at Tramplatz in Hanover ChristianSchd

Date of opening - late 19th century. The building in which the museum is located is reminiscent of the city’s modern buildings, despite its respectable age. The architectural style is neoclassical. The exhibition is based on ancient Egyptian coins and small plastics from the private collection of A. Kestner. In addition to these, visitors can view numerous examples of medieval objects of decorative and applied art.

10. Wilhelm Busch Museum

Wilhelm Busch Museum in the St. George's Palace building in the heart of Hanover Losch

The art center is home to the finest graphics, comics, satirical manuscripts, mini-pictures and cartoons from around the world. The museum was created by poet, artist and cartoonist W. Bush. If you do not know what to see in Hannover in 1 day will be interesting to anyone of any age, come here and you will not be disappointed.

Official website:

11. Lutzen-Hanover Aviation Museum

MiG-21 with Luftfahrt-museum sign Axel Hindemith
Aircraft display at the Luftfahrt-museum Lutzen-Hanover Heino Rhoden

On a vast museum area of more than 5 thousand square meters there are four hangars with more than five dozen reconstructed helicopters and airplanes from different ages. In addition, at the aviation center you can see experimental aircraft, navigation devices, ejectors, and many other specialized devices.

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12. Market Church

The Market Church of St. George and Jacob in Hanover's Old Town Square

Few landmarks in Hanover, photos with names and descriptions of which you now see in this review, have as rich a history as this main religious monument of the city. The first work on the temple began as early as the 14th century. The present-day complex of the Market Church includes the first building, which has preserved its appearance virtually unchanged, and a later addition - both objects are made of brick in the North German Gothic style.

13. Church of St. Aegidius

The ruins of St. Aegidius Church in Hanover Hajotthu

The church was also begun in the 14th century in honor of St. Aegidius. The first building did not survive and was destroyed during the air strikes of World War II. Only ruins remain, but they are of great historical interest as a “living” memorial to a terrible era.

14. Leibniz’s House

Fountain of Oscar Winter at Leibniz's House (center) on Holmarkt Street in the German city of Hannover

The restored house of the famous philosopher and mathematician, where he lived for 18 years, partly belongs to the local Leibniz University. The original building was destroyed during the Second World War. The exhibits tell about the life and research of the famous German thinker.

15. Train station

The equestrian statue of King Ernst-Augustus in front of the entrance to the Hanover Railway Station Heidas

If you already know what to see near Hannover, head beyond the city limits through this significant and major railway hub. More than 250,000 visitors come every day, and the large number of stores and cafes inside the station is a good place for shopping. On the station square there is a statue of the “father of the state” and one of the most beloved rulers of the federal state, Ernst August I.

Sightseeing in Hannover: What else is there to see in Hannover?

We have told you about the most popular excursions in Hannover. In addition to them, your attention also deserves:

16. AVD Arena

AVD Arena - soccer stadium in Hannover Tim Rademacher

The city’s main arena and one of the largest stadiums in Europe. It was built in the mid-20th century. Since then many national and international soccer championships have been held there. Initially the complex was intended for home training and performances of the local club Hannover 96. In addition to sporting events, it organizes concerts of world stars: among the performers at the AVD Arena are Madonna, M. Jackson, Rolling Stones, etc. If you are looking for good hotels in Hannover, you can find them near this stadium.

17. Herrenhausen Royal Gardens

Panorama of the Royal Gardens of Herrenhausen in historic Hanover

One of the best examples of what to see in Hannover in winter and summer will be equally interesting. The park complex in the original Baroque style was arranged in the 17th century based on the garden of Versailles in Paris. There are numerous palm trees, cacti and orchids, the rarest specimens of shrubs, trees and plants. As well as a large number of valuable examples of landscape design. Within walking distance are erected: the palace-museum and a memorial with the burial of George the First.

18. Mash Lake

Lake Mash is a popular destination for numerous water sports Pedelecs

An artificial water body, built in the 20th century. Masters of the Weimar Republic worked on the project of the lake. However, the construction work was not started until the time of Hitler. The Nazis wanted to improve the health of the nation, and therefore were actively engaged in the creation and development of such objects. Therefore, the history of Lake Masch is inextricably linked with the sad events in the state. To see such sights of the city guides in Hannover recommend without fail.

19. Hanover Zoo

Elephants at Hanover Zoo
Polar bears at Hanover Zoo

The 1865 facility was commissioned by a private company, but the company went nearly bankrupt during the World War II era, and the zoo had to cease operations. A few years later, through the efforts of local residents and authorities, funds were raised to reopen the animal park. The Ruhe firm became the owner of the attraction in the mid-20th century. Its owner sold the animals and showed them to possible buyers. Two decades later, the zoo became the property of the city, and it was once again in disrepair. The end of the 20th century was the most wonderful time for the zoo: according to the original project it was reconstructed, turning it into a zoo-world in the European style. It took more than 110 million euros to implement the grand idea. Every year about 2 million people visit the object, which now has more than 3.5 thousand inhabitants.

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20. Serengeti Park

The African section of Animal World at Safari Park Wiki-Hypo

A beautiful park located on the outskirts of the city and named after a legendary nature reserve in Africa. The vast area is divided into several zones. Each area has a different theme: entertainment, animals, monkeys, water. The animals walk “freely” and are in open aviaries. You can take incredible photos and jeep rides alongside rhinos, antelopes, cheetahs, lions and other formidable Serengeti inhabitants, many of them exotics.

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21. Fireworks Festival

Fireworks on the grounds of the Royal Gardens of Herrenhausen Hannover Marketing und Tourismus GmbH

Every year a fireworks festival is held in the Herrenhausen Gardens, which attracts visitors from all over Germany and the world. The participants display their “fire” talents. This is a real international success, so please buy your tickets well in advance.

We have told you about the main attractions of Hannover in brief, and we hope that our rating will help you to compose your own excellent sightseeing itinerary. Read also about sights of Dortmund and get inspired for your next trip to Germany.

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