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Best attractions in Lucerne: Top 26

Our review will tell you which attractions in Lucerne are the most successful. In compiling our rating, we have taken into account reviews and recommendations from experienced guides. If you don’t know what to see in Lucerne but are planning a trip to the welcoming city, read the article now.

What to see in Lucerne first

Listing all the interesting places in Lucerne could be endlessly long. Therefore, we will highlight only those fascinating objects that every tourist should see:

1. Kornmarkt Square

The picturesque facades of the old buildings in Kornmarkt Square in Lucerne Leiju

The central square of the city where Lucerne’s main attractions are located, including the town hall. Every local building is an architectural masterpiece from the Middle Ages: the facades of the houses are decorated with inscriptions and frescoes. There are also a large number of boutiques and stores, so the square can be called the center of shopping.

2. Old Town Hall

The Old Town Hall building on the banks of the river Reuss in Lucerne Mimihitam
The Old Town Hall with its high clock tower on the Kornmarkt square at night Santiago Puig Vilado...

An early 17th-century building with original masonry, a tall rectangular tower and a gigantic roof. In former times the tower overlooked the market square, where large-scale fairs were held. If you don’t know what to visit in Lucerne but are fascinated by history and architecture, come here.

3. Museggmauer castle wall

Medieval military fortification near Lucerne Lines voisy

The object is included in all lists of “the best sights of Switzerland“ because the absolute majority of the country’s fortifications have been completely destroyed. The length of the structure connecting the 9 medieval towers is 870 meters. Only three towers are offered for viewing.

4. Kapelbrucke bridge

The ancient Kapelbrucke Bridge and Wasserturm Tower on the Reuss River in the city of Lucerne Ikiwaner

An ancient bridge made of wood back in 1333. The name of the landmark was given by a temple erected on one side of the riverbank. The length of the Kapelbrucke is 170 meters. Under the roof of the bridge is located more than a hundred paintings on the themes of mofic and history of the state. The tower of the bridge - Wasserturm, was able to reach our time in its original form. Over the years it served as both a prison and an arsenal. In the summer of 1993 the bridge and its paintings were damaged in a fire. In memory of the tragedy, it was decided not to reconstruct the charred paintings. The bridge itself was reconstructed.

5. Sproerbrucke Bridge

Sproerbrucke Bridge and the Chapel of the Virgin Mary with the pointed red roof on the river Rois Alessandro Gallo
The unique 17th century "Dance of Death" frescoes under the roof slope of the Sproerbrucke Bridge Leiju

The second name of the landmark, which was built back in the 15th century, sounds like the Bridge of the Scum. Despite this, it attracts hundreds of thousands of travelers from all over the world, and it guides in Lucerne recommend visiting it first. Nearby is St. Mary’s Chapel. Under the roof of the Sproerbrucke there are rare medieval frescoes, including the legendary “Dance of Death” fresco.

Check out Lucerne's beautiful places in this great video!

6. Hofkirche church

Frontal view of Hofkirche church in Lucerne Leiju
Side altar in Hofkirche Church User:MatthiasKabel

An early Renaissance church, which in earlier times served as the cathedral for the Benedictine monastery. The first building was completely destroyed by fire in the mid-17th century. The present parish church is a functioning church. Inside are several altars, a wonderful arched gallery with sculptures of saints, and black marble bas-relief from the 15th and 16th centuries. When choosing tours in Lucerne, be sure to check out the opportunity to see this temple.

7. Jesuit Church

The Baroque Jesuit Church in the historic part of Lucerne Andrew Bossi
Interior decoration of the Jesuit Church in Lucerne Andrew Boss

The majestic baroque building with opulent interiors is near the town hall. The building was created comparatively recently - in the 17th century. According to historians, it was designed by K. Vogler.

8. The Hotel Chateau Gooch

Hotel Chateau Gutsch on top of a mountain in the Swiss city of Lucerne (WT-shared) ED01

Few hotels in Lucerne can boast the same rich history. “Chateau Gooch operates in an ancient 19th-century palace, perched on a mountainside. Guests are encouraged to spend time surrounded by the royal landscape and visit the observation deck to view the valley, the lake and the panorama of the city. Guests of the hotel include royalty, the world’s wealthiest people, actors and directors.

Official website:

9. Culture and Congress Center

West facade of the Culture and Congress Center in high-tech style on the shores of Lake Lucerne Photones

When listing the best attractions in Lucerne, we should not forget this complex with its exhibition halls, art museum and concert hall. The center also includes a luxurious congress hall. The area is divided into 3 sections, with the turbulent waters of the Roiss flowing between them. Guests can explore the exhibits and interiors of the halls and relax on the outdoor terraces. A trip here will be unforgettable.

Official website:

10. Richard Wagner Museum

Richard Wagner Museum in a house amidst a park on the shore of Lake Firwaldstätten JosefLehmkuhl
Richard Wagner Museum Exhibit Alessandro Gallo

The talented composer had been living in the country since 1866. He was often visited by the most famous personalities of the time: Ludwig II, Nietzsche, Liszt. The museum is open in the mansion where Wagner lived and worked. The exhibits are things that belonged to the genius or are somehow related to him.

Official website:

11. Rosengart Collection

The unique collection of Picasso's late works in the city's museum - Sammlung Rosengart WES1947

There are more than 120 paintings by Klee in the exhibition center, as well as artworks by such famous 19th- and 20th-century masters as Matisse and Monet. Visitors can also view Duncan’s WWII period photographs. A spacious room is set aside for Picasso’s paintings. The best place to go in Lucerne for art lovers.

Official website:

12. Swiss Transport Museum

Interesting exhibits at the Swiss Museum of Transport in Lucerne W. Bulach
Part of the outdoor area of the Swiss Museum of Transport in Lucerne Johnw

This museum complex is considered the best interactive museum in Europe. Over 3,000 specimens of vehicles - space, air, rail, and automobile - are spread over 40,000 squares.

Official site:

13. Lucerne Nature Museum

Lucerne Nature Museum in the former Orphanage building on Kaserenplatz WES1947

Although the museum has a relatively modest size, it is well worth a visit. It is housed in an early 19th century building in the architectural style of neoclassicism. The exhibits tell about the environmental problems of the Earth, the geological situation, the fauna and flora of the state. The specimens include stuffed birds and animals. In addition to the permanent exhibits, temporary exhibitions are regularly organized.

14. Lucerne Historical Museum

Lucerne Historical Museum in the former arsenal building on Pfistergasse WES1947

The collections include archives, handicrafts, weapons, armor and personal items of the country’s natives. In order to recreate the atmosphere of bygone years, the museum puts on theatrical performances with the participation of experienced actors. Wonderful option of what to see in Lucerne in 1 day. There are organized excursions through the museum.

15. Panorama of Bourbaki

The exterior view of the Bourbaki Panorama Museum or Bourbaki Panorama in Lucerne Leiju

A huge panoramic canvas, over one thousand square meters in size, shows the march of the French army through Switzerland. The panoramic painting is in a round-shaped pavilion, interesting in itself as an architectural structure. The illustration was created in the 19th century.

Official website:

16. Glacier Garden

Original excavations at the Garden of Glaciers in Lucerne Leiju
The Mirror Maze in the Garden of Glaciers in Lucerne Roland zh

The geographical and geological attraction of the city is divided into several zones: there are recreated glaciers as well as a subtropical garden. There is an original mirror maze and observation deck. The exhibitions show how the topography of Lucerne and Switzerland has changed over the years. Specimens include landscapes and natural formations.

Official website:

17. Dying Lion Monument

The famous "Dying Lion" sculpture in the Swiss city of Lucerne ktulinho

The image of the king of beasts is carved into the rock. The lion, wounded by a spear, covers the Swiss coat of arms. Under the monument is a phrase about the soldiers who gave their lives for Marie Antoinette and the Tuileries Castle. It is in honor of them that the memorial was created.

18. Fasnacht Carnival

Frescoes depict the characters of the local Fasnacht Carnival Avinash Bhat
Costumed characters from the annual fun street carnival Fasnacht in Lucerne
The Guggenmusigen carnival music groups are one of the features of Carnival Fasnacht

The grand event, lasting six days, begins on the first Sunday after the spring full moon. It has no exact date. The theme of the festival is spirits, monsters and ghosts. From the central part of Lucerne begins an incredible procession of carts and disembodied people. Every inhabitant of the city dumps beer and confetti, sings songs and dances in the street. This is also done by the many visitors to the city, who come from all over Switzerland and the world. The house with the fez is a colorfully painted cottage with carnival scenes. If you didn’t get a chance to visit the festivities themselves, go see the unusual murals on the walls.

19. Lucerne Railway Station

A view from the station square of the facade of the Lucerne Railway Station Petar Marjanovic

The city railway station, from which long-distance and suburban trains depart. The building, designed by an architect from Spain, has an original roof and a transparent corridor. The building is owned by the state concern, which also owns the Swiss railways.

20. Pilatusbahn

The Pilatusbahn toothed railroad leading to Mount Pilatus Christian Horcel from Miami, FL, USA

The length of this cogged railroad, which is at an incline of almost 50 degrees, is 4.5 kilometers. The design was created in the late 19th century, and since then it has been improved only once, in the middle of the 20th century. After that its systems have never been modernized. However, it is in good technical condition.

Lucerne sights: what else to see in Lucerne

If you have already seen all those attractions of Lucerne, photos with names and descriptions of which we have given now, go to see such objects as:

21. Entlebuch Biosphere Reserve

Panorama of the Entlebuch Biosphere Reserve René Edward Knupfer-Muller

The ecosystem consists of foothills and peat valleys. The size of the natural area is 400 square kilometers. On the most picturesque places hiking trails of varying difficulty and duration are laid out.

22. Royce river

The Royce River in the center of the old part of Lucerne Simon Koopmann

The waters of this body of water fall down from a height of about two kilometers. Grandiose architectural works have been erected on the banks of the river, including several historic buildings from the 18th century. Walking along the banks of the Rois, you can also see a wonderful landscaped garden. The most interesting way to explore the local beauty is by steamboat and ship. The average duration of the walk is one hour.

23. Nadelwehr Dam

The Nadelwehr Dam of wooden stakes on the River Reuss in Lucerne Manfred Heyde
The closing of the Nadelwehr needle dam in Lucerne by workers Nienetwiler

An ancient dam made of tree stakes, controlling the water outlet of the river Reuss. The attraction is located within the city limits, and is a replacement for the “Reuss steps”, by means of which, in former years, water was supplied to the local mills.

24. Mount Rigi

The picturesque slopes of Mount Rigi

Among the activities on offer: visits to thermal baths, hiking, tobogganing (all equipment can be rented here). In the 19th century, a cog railway began operating on the mountain. While on top of Riga, you can observe the panorama of the city and part of the country. This is a great opportunity to take unique photos.

25. The Pilatus mountain massif

Hotel Pilatus Kulm top of Mount Pilatus Tilman-AB

The mountain is on the border of several canyons in the Swiss Alps. The height of the highest point of the massif, covered with dense forests with many conifers, exceeds 2.1 thousand meters. The name of the natural site was given by a legend, according to which the tomb of Pontius Pilate, a character from the Bible, is located here. However, there is another version - a scientific one, according to which Pilatus is named after his cloudy cap, or, in Latin, pilleatus. The inhabitants of the mountain are moose, hares and foxes. You can climb the hill by cable car and by railroad (the most winding and steepest in the world).

26. Lake Lucerne

Popular water-cruises on Lake Lucerne (Firwaldstätten) Ad Meskens

In former times, several forest cantons were located on the shores of this gigantic body of water, formed from an ancient glacier. The parameters of the lake are striking: the depth reaches two hundred meters, the length is about 35 kilometers. During the warm season turquoise water warms up to +20 gr. Celsius. On the water float wheeled steamers, created in the last century and more modern vessels. You can take a fascinating trip on the lake by any of them.

We have told you briefly about the main attractions in Lucerne, and we are sure that you will definitely want to see them in person.

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