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Best attractions in Venezuela: Top 15

Venezuela is the most colorful country in South America with pristine nature that has preserved its pristine beauty and exuberant colors. Tourists flock there year-round, and even seasoned travelers will find something to see in Venezuela. A visit to this small Latin American country will allow you to explore Venezuela’s unique natural attractions.

What to see first in Venezuela

Here is a list of the main historical and architectural monuments, as well as natural wonders that are advertised by literally all guides in Venezuela. Based on the information received, each traveler will have a chance to make an individual plan of excursions for the time of stay in the country of gastronomic pleasures and incredible scenery.

1. Angel Falls (Canaima Venezuela National Park)

High, free-falling Angel Falls

What to see in Venezuela while traveling? Of course, take a trip to a huge mountain 807 meters high, from the top of which water rushes down. The water stream traverses several cascades, the largest of which is about 400 meters long. At the base of the mountain is a lake. The mountain is located in a wild tropical forest and people get here quite rarely. And asphalt roads are not provided in this mountainous area.

Angel Falls is one of the greatest waterfalls on the planet. The path to it is not easy, but the effort is worth it. You can get here by traveling by river or by air. Most often tourists get to the falls by plane. In the small town of Canaima there is an airport, which sends tourists who want to admire the falling from a great height water. To do this, you need to choose the right time for the trip - if there is increased cloudiness, visibility will be poor, and to see the waterfall will not work. Therefore, it is better to plan a trip to this remote place of the planet in the dry season, which lasts here from June to December.

2. Canaima National Park (Bolivar State)

The Ancient Lands of Canaima

The natural attractions of Venezuela are very diverse, and the Canaima Reserve stands out among them. It is a world of wildlife, unique landscapes, and mystical secrets.

In the park there are mountains of unusual shape with cut off tops, which are called tepuis. These are the oldest mountain formations, resulting from the destruction of a huge plateau. The steep slopes of the tepuis are made of hard sandstone. At the top of the mountains there are many sinkholes, the size of which reaches 300 meters.

Indian tribes believed that on the tepui, surrounded by fluffy clouds, the gods lived. At the foot of the mountains stretched amazing waterfalls and impenetrable jungle. Their inhabitants are carnivorous plants, exquisite orchids, monkeys of all kinds, huge ants and other representatives of flora and fauna.

Visitors to the park are invited to take a canoe ride or view its beauty from an airplane. On the territory of the park there are several settlements of Indians. Unforgettable impression is made by the famous Angel waterfall. Its height is so great that the water flow turns into a mist when it reaches the ground.

The trip will be impressive for connoisseurs of wildlife and those who want to open the door to an amazing world.

3. Morrocoi National Park (Falcon State)

The beautiful Morrocoi Water Park

If you’re wondering what to visit in Venezuela to make your trip memorable, go to Morrocoi National Park. It is a continental part and a complex of small islands. Scattered along the coast are beautiful coral reefs. In the water you can find a wide variety of fish and crustaceans. Exotic beaches are full of vacationers, and if you want peace and quiet, you can rent a boat or a boat and sail to the pristine island.

The national park provides rental equipment for diving and fishing. After your trip, you will be left with many photos of the vibrant underwater world. In Morrocoi Park, there is an opportunity to visit the Indian village of Cuare. The village is notable for a large canyon with ancient Indian inscriptions. Not far from the canyon is the bird sanctuary of the same name, the largest in the world. These attractions in Venezuela will make you forget everything. After enjoying the beauty of the flamingos, sea turtles, and pelicans, it’s easy to find a place to eat and stay overnight. The park’s infrastructure is excellent.

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4. Mount Roraima (Canaima Reserve)

Mount Roraima in Canaima National Park Adalberto Jose Perez Lopez

Venezuela is the most picturesque and colorful country in South America. Since the time of the Spanish conquistadors, interest in it has been constantly growing. The pristine nature, tropical forests, highest mountains and plateaus, numerous rivers and waterfalls, unique fauna and flora - all this attracts explorers and tourists from all over the world.

The huge Roraima Plateau, the grandiose Angel waterfall falling from a height of more than eight hundred meters - these and other attractions of Venezuela can be found in the immense Canaima National Park, the largest by area in Venezuela, which is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

The Rock of Roraima, a blue-green mountain, according to the legend of the Indians (who, incidentally, still live there) is not a mountain at all, but the stump of a mighty tree of plenty, the “center of the Earth”, where the goddess Quin - the foremother of men - still resides.

The Roraima Plateau, which looks like a pyramid with the top cut off, is riddled with numerous rivers and waterfalls, stone labyrinths and caves. More recently, a karst cave called Crystal Eye was discovered here. It turned out to be the largest from all the caves discovered before. Guides will lead you to the “lost world”, described by Conan Doyle, where the still untouched landscapes amaze with their fantasy.

5. The cable car in Mérida

At a cable car ride on the cable car

What to visit in Venezuela? The answer is simple - everyone who comes should see Telerifico de Merida, the most interesting and exciting place. Here is a cable car, which has no equal in the world. Its total length is 12.5 km. The guides will tell you about the peculiarities of its construction, show some sights of Venezuela from the bird’s eye view, and offer to take a walk and make unforgettable photos against the background of snowy slopes.

The route runs from Barinitas to Mount Espejo (altitude 4.7 km) and is divided into 4 parts (La Aguada, Pico Bolivar, La Montana, Loma Redonda). The best time to travel is in the morning, before fog or clouds form and hide the mountain scenery.

The sudden change in climate (altitude and oxygen concentration in the air) can have an adverse effect on the well-being of the tourist. For people who are prone to meteorological dependence, there is a cable car up to 1 or 2 sections of the route. Thrill seekers are offered hikes, but experienced travelers are advised to order the services of a guide, as in the mountains it is easy to go astray and get lost.

Check out the beautiful places in Venezuela in this great video!

6. El Guacharo Park (Monagas)

Park El Guacharo - Venezuela's cave system

Anyone planning to visit the sights of Venezuela can’t ignore the El Guacharo National Reserve Park. The park is divided into two parts: the mountainous part (Black Mountains) and the lower part (Media Caripe River).

The area of 627 square kilometers has a lot of interesting places for both explorers and tourists. One of them is the Guacharo Cave, which is 10.2 km long, but only 1.2 km is accessible to visitors. This karst cave consists of many corridors with stalagmites and stalactites. These caves are home to the nocturnal guajaro “wonder birds” that fly out of their shelters by the thousands at night in search of food. Guacharo was first seen and described by the scientist Humboldt (1799), so the second name of the cave - the name of Humboldt.

There are other attractions available for viewing in the park. For example, the waterfall of Salto La Paila, with picturesque scenery around it. The flora and fauna of El Guacharo is rich in diversity, unique and rare species. The excursion route will take 8-10 days. It is recommended to visit the National Park from December to April.

7. The Orinoco River and its delta (the Atlantic coast of Venezuela)

The natural richness of the Orinoco River

One of the largest and most abundant rivers on the planet originates at the Brazilian border and flows into the Atlantic Ocean, forming a unique delta in its natural riches on a vast coastal area. The main attractions of Venezuela in the Orinoco Delta are the fabulously rich natural world, flora and fauna of virgin forests, original culture of ancient Indian tribes living on numerous islets of the delta.

Each of the tributaries and arms of the huge river is a unique natural zone, a unique ecological system. The tributaries differ in color and composition of water, and the entire ecosystem as a whole counts a huge number of species of birds, animals, plants, fish, and reptiles. Among them is the most enormous snake on the globe, the anaconda, which terrifies all living things.

And another attraction of the Orinoco Delta is the historic center of Ciudad Bolivar, a city attracting tourists with the splendor of colonial architecture, which was the capital of Venezuela during the time of Simón Bolívar.

8. Margarita Island (Nueva Esparta State)

"The Pearl of Venezuela" is a tourist's paradise

Margarita Island, awarded the title “Pearl of Venezuela,” was discovered by Christopher Columbus and colonized by the Spaniards because of its pearl placers. Located among the reefs of the archipelago, which includes several other islands. A true paradise for tourists - upscale fashionable hotels, miles of sandy beaches, lots of orchids, hundreds of flamingos and parrots, comfortable and relaxing vacation.

To enjoy the relaxation, to see the colorful sights of Venezuela, you should drive along the coast of Isla de Margarita, plunge into the nightlife suburb of the capital - Costa Azul, visit the remarkable, inimitable forts, forts and charming villages, buried in the luxuriant green parks and gardens, visit historical museums, plantations of cocoa beans, unique thermal springs.

For special guests, there are miles of luxurious beaches with pure white sand and huge palm trees, some beaches for surfing, colorful hotels and pensions, which are located in private estates and isolated from the rest of the beaches. And another jewel of the island is the cosmopolitan city of Puerto de la Cruz, a resort and tourist center of leisure and entertainment.

9. The Caribbean Andes (western Venezuela)

The beautiful forests of the Caribbean Andes RASECZENITRAM

The Andes are the longest mountain range, stretching all along the west coast of South America, and part of it crosses western Venezuela from the Colombian border to the Caribbean. The highest point, Bolivar Peak, is just over five thousand meters above sea level.

The northern foot of the mountains is washed by the warm Caribbean Sea. The capital of hiking, Mérida, is high in the mountains, just below Bolívar Peak. From here come dozens of hiking trails and paths, attracting hiking enthusiasts like a magnet.

The picturesque sights of Venezuela will open the eyes of tourists: charming historical towns with lush colonial architecture of buildings, churches and museums, parks and gardens buried in the green trees and luxurious orchids, waterfalls and mountain lakes with a lot of fish, which jump into your hands.

A high-altitude observatory with a Schmidt telescope, a national park guarding the famous eagles-condors, coffee factories-all the diversity of the colorful world you will find as you wander through Venezuela’s countless hiking trails.

10. Puerto de la Cruz Beach (Margarita Island)

Puerto de la Cruz Beach - a romantic spot of Margarita Island Enano275

What to visit in Venezuela if you want not only to walk around the local museums and interesting places, but also to sunbathe? If so, head to Puerto de la Cruz beach, located on Margarita Island. It is considered one of the best. Not without reason it is called the pearl of the Caribbean Sea. Surprisingly dry climate and sun - all this attracts vacationers.

The romantic place is located in the bay, which is reliably protected from the wind. There is a sandy bottom and white sand. The island has a well-developed infrastructure, and to book a comfortable hotel is not a big difficulty. However, it is better to do it in advance if a trip to Margarita is planned in the summer season, when there are a lot of holidaymakers. In the winter months, when the rains start, you can rent a room at any time. You can get here by plane, which has regular flights from Caracas airport, and then go to the island by ferry or on a real liner. You can diversify your vacation by going to see the local attractions of Venezuela in the national parks located on the island. It is home to rare parrots and other feathered birds. There are also discos and restaurants. You will not be bored!

Sightseeing in Venezuela: What else to see while in Venezuela

Incredibly intense and sometimes even extreme excursions in Venezuela beckon many travelers. To make every moment filled with vivid emotions, see photos and read about the most popular sights, worthy to become an addition to your excursion program.

11. El Guacharo Cave (El Guacharo National Park)

Entrance to El Guacharo Cave in El Guacharo National Park Sankirumi

What to see in Venezuela when planning a vacation here? Of course, you must go to see the legendary El Guacharo Cave, which is located in the national park of the same name. It is located at an altitude of 1065 m above sea level. Its temperature inside is about 21 degrees and it is about 10.5 km long. The cave has several halls and many corridors.

Here you can meet the attractions of Venezuela in the form of a rare nocturnal bird guajaro. Its appearance is quite ordinary, something it resembles a chicken. However, it is a carnivore, as evidenced by the curved eagle’s beak and the wings of a large size. For tourists in the national park there are several routes. You can order a tour of 10 days. In addition to your impressions will be a climbing route, which has a length of about 250 meters. It is located near the Miraflores mountain. Here you will also have the opportunity to see the waterfall of Salto La Paila. You can get to the national park from Caracas. To camp in the reserve, you must obtain a special permit. Tourists are also offered a trip by plane, which takes flights from Maturina Cumana Airport.

12. Temple of Vinger de Coromoto in Guanara (Portuguesa State)

Temple Winger de Coromoto

What to visit in Venezuela when going to the city of Guanare, located in the state of Portuguesa in the northwest of the country? There are several universities and a monument dedicated to the national hero Simon Bolivar. But the main attraction is the Church of Vinger de Coromoto, erected in honor of the Virgin Mary de Coromoto. This saint is considered the patroness of the country. There is an ancient Indian legend according to which one of the local chiefs, who tried to hide from baptism in the local jungle, the Virgin Mary appeared and offered to be baptized. Some of his tribesmen accepted the rite, but the cacique himself, fearing for his own power, continued to persist and even tried to shoot the saint with a bow. Strangely, however, the weapon fell out and the image of the Virgin Mary appeared in his hand. Subsequently, the chief was bitten by a poisonous snake, so he returned to Guanare, where he was baptized, after which he became a preacher.

You can see these sights of Venezuela with your own eyes when you visit this amazing city. The temple of the Virgin Mary is not the only place in town that will be interesting to visit the tourist. There are theaters, museums, restaurants, and nightclubs. You can stay at a local hotel and get acquainted with it.

13. Lake Maracaibo (northern Venezuela, Maracaibo)

View of Lake Maracaibo, one of the oldest lakes on the planet Carla leal121

What to see in Venezuela is the question every tourist planning a trip to this country is asking, because there is so much to see here. One of the oldest lakes on the planet is Lake Maracaibo, located in the northern part of Venezuela. Its water is salty, but this largest body of water in Latin America is attracted by its unusual lightning, which can be seen here 160 days a year. In the language of the indigenous people, it is called the “Snake Place.” Many ancient Native American legends are associated with it. Scientists say that even its name the country owes its main attraction.

The Yupa, Guajiro, and Parahuano Indian tribes living here add special color to the area. The unique natural landscape, representatives of flora and fauna, which can be found only in the National Park Cienagas del Catatumbo, part of which is a lake, all this attracts crowds of tourists from around the world. Boat rides on the vast natural body of water will be fascinating. You can even stay here for a few days, renting a small house of those that are built especially for tourists. Going to see the sights of Venezuela, it is worth visiting this exotic place.

14. Bolivar Peak (Mérida National Park)

Peak Bolivar is the highest mountain peak in Venezuela

If you have had your fill of the exotic beauty of this Latin American country and don’t know what else to see in Venezuela, we suggest you visit Bolivar Peak. It is the highest mountain in the country and is part of the Sierra Nevada system of peaks located in the Mérida National Reserve. Several expeditions tried to conquer the mountain from 1897 to 1922, but they failed. And only in 1935 a man was able to climb to the top.

There is an ancient Indian legend, according to which the glaciers of Bolivar Peak are the hands of a princess who hunted eagles, and the snow on the tops are the folded wings of birds. Today, this mountain range is very popular with visitors to the country. Moreover, it is one of the popular tourist routes. Today, everyone can visit the highest mountain and admire the sights of Venezuela, located in the eastern Cordilleras, from there. For the convenience of travelers there is a cable car that leads to the peak of Espejo, located next door. And if there is a desire to get directly to Bolivar Peak, you can make the way on foot.

15. Simón Bolívar House Museum (Caracas)

The house where the national hero of Venezuela was born and grew up

Caracas has many interesting places worthy of tourist attention. What to see in Venezuela when traveling through the country? The capital has a large Cathedral, the Miraflores Palace and even the Teresa Carreño Theater. You can spend an entire day admiring the sights of Venezuela located in the city. However, the experience would not be complete without visiting the local Simón Bolívar house-museum, located on San Jacinta Street. Outwardly it is an unattractive building, but it is loved and respected by locals who honor the memory of their liberating hero. This is the house where the national hero of Venezuela was born, spent his childhood and youth. That is why all the exhibits of the museum are linked to his memory. There are antique chests, pieces of furniture, mirrors, bedrooms and a library. The museum often hosts exhibitions of local artists.

There is also an interesting courtyard, where the baptismal font in which Bolivar was baptized is located. Here you can book a guided tour. For visitors, the entrance is open from 9 a.m. daily. Near the house-museum there is a square of the same name, as well as the museum “Bolivarian”, which has many valuable artifacts preserved after the revolution of the XIX century.

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