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Best attractions in Argentina

The fascinating country of Argentina, with Buenos Aires as its capital, is one of the most visited in South America. It is easy to explain its popularity: it is a breathtaking place ready to offer tourists everything. There are snow-white beaches, mountain peaks, waterfalls, endless steppes, and ski resorts. Everyone can choose an activity to their liking. Here, nature wonderfully coexists with modern metropolitan cities. The sights of Argentina are unique and unforgettable. If you still can’t decide where to spend your vacation, this place will be the best option.

Argentine sightseeings: what to see in Argentina first

It is definitely worth starting your trip in Argentina with the capital city of Buenos Aires, namely Plaza de Mayo. For centuries it has been the center of political and cultural life of the capital. Here in 1810 the independence of Argentina was proclaimed. All demonstrations, strikes, rallies take place on this square. In the heart of the capital are the main attractions - the Pink Palace, the Cabildo Museum, the municipality and others.

Plaza de Mayo in Buenos Aires Hostel -06 CENTRAL- Buenos Aires

Official website: https://turismo.buenosaires.gob

Park Tres de Febrero

The capital city is home to the huge Tres de Febrero Park. There are many interesting places to visit here. You can go to admire the Japanese garden, and for space lovers, there is a planetarium. The park was built in 1875. The park was fully equipped in the early twentieth century. In the Tres de Febrero Park you can go boating, as there are three artificial ponds.

Tres de Febrero Park in Buenos Aires in Argentina Daniel Ronan

Iguazu Falls

After taking a trip through the capital city of Argentina, you can move on. The real gem of the country are the Iguazu Falls. This is a true miracle of nature, consisting of a whole complex of waterfalls, the number of which reaches 275. They are arranged in a crescent shape. One of the seven wonders of the world appeared as a consequence of a volcanic eruption. Interestingly, the name of the waterfall means “big water”. The treasure was discovered in the year one thousand five hundred and forty-first Spaniard Cabeza de Vaca during a trip through the South American jungle. There are many legends associated with this place. One legend has it that God once fell in love with a beautiful aboriginal woman named Naipu, but the feelings were not mutual. Naipu loved another man, with whom she decided to sail away in a canoe. The god became angry and cut the river, creating a waterfall so that the lovers would die.

Scape of Iguazu Falls in Argentina Tabetabe

The height of almost all the waterfalls is sixty meters. “Devil’s Throat” is the widest waterfall at one hundred and fifty meters. To see the attraction in Argentina is definitely worth it for everyone.

Feel the atmosphere of Argentina in this beautiful video!

Perito-Moreno Glacier

The Perito Moreno Glacier, which can be seen in Los Glaciares Park, is probably one of the most stunning places on our planet. You can see the glacier with your own eyes from a special observation deck. Thirty kilometers wide and protruding sixty meters above the water, this miracle looks majestic and powerful. It might look as if it is frozen in place, but it is not. The speed of its movement is two meters per day. This is an unforgettable experience to be inside the iceberg. And it is possible! Special boats take tourists to find themselves in the ice cave.

Perito Moreno Glacier - in Los Glacieres National Park Tanenhaus

Nahuel Huapi National Park

If you are in Argentina, it is impossible not to visit the amazing Nahuel Huapi National Park. This attraction is located in the south of the country. The park got its name because of the lake Nahuel Huapi. The main area of the park is seven hundred eighty-five hectares. The main goal is the preservation of rare plants and animals. It is home to many wildlife, as well as mighty and majestic forests. Some of the trees are about five hundred years old. One of the places worth seeing in the park is the extinct volcano Tronador. Its height is about 3,478 meters above sea level. You can see Argentina’s landmarks with photos and descriptions on the Internet.

The extinct Tronador volcano in Nahuel Huapi National Park Zuarin

Lake Nahuel Huapi

Lake Nahuel Upi is not only famous for its beauty and grandeur, there are many mysterious stories associated with it. It is believed that a monster lives at the very bottom of the lake, which sometimes shows up from under the water. Crowds of tourists travel to Argentina to see the mysterious beast. Scientists have come many times to discover the monster, but all to no avail. Locals offer tourists all kinds of souvenirs in the shape of the mysterious beast. They offer trips around the park by car, the length of the journey is two hundred and eighty kilometers.

Lake Nahuel Huapi in Nahuel Huapi National Park Robert Cutts

Fortress of Pucara de Tilcara

Near Purmamarca is another landmark: the ruins of an ancient fortress, built as early as the twelfth century, called Pucara de Tilcara. The stone structure had no windows, and about two thousand people could live there. This city was surrounded by walls that protected people from enemies. The inhabitants defended their fortress from attacks of the enemy on their own. Once they could not stand against the Incas, who came to the territory at the end of the fifteenth century. The fortress of Pucara de Tilcara was turned into a well-fortified city where some of the mined metals were stored before they were sent to the capital. The Incas did not rule in the city for long - only fifty years. After the Spanish came they had to leave the area and the fortress was abandoned.

Ruins of the ancient fortress of Pucara de Tilcara in Argentina Fernando de Gorocica

Official website:

Once an Argentine professor and his student thoroughly investigated the fortress, numerous archaeological expeditions were made, resulting in the discovery of many important artifacts. In the year one thousand nine hundred and sixty-six, the fortress was declared an open-air museum, where all the finds are displayed.

Talampaya Park

Talampaya National Park in La Rioja Province in Argentina ActiveSteve

In the province of La Rioja we suggest tourists to visit the unique Talampaya Park. It became a national park only in the year 1997, and in the millennium it was included in the list of World Heritage Sites. Due to the large number of rivers, there are many species of animals living here. Archaeological excavations are constantly being conducted in the park. For example, a lot of evidence has been found that dinosaurs lived here a long time ago. The nature of the park is unique. Here you can find unique statues of stone and sand. The most famous is the composition “The Lost City”. In the park were found the remains of a turtle, which lived on the planet about two hundred and ten million years ago.

It is worth noting some of the other landmarks of Buenos Aires, Argentina


In the center of the capital is the Obelisk, which is sixty-seven meters high. In this place, the flag of Argentina was raised for the very first time. It is interesting that the structure was installed in four weeks. Today, there are many festivals and celebrations near it;

"Obelisk" in downtown Buenos Aires in Argentina alphis tay

Official website:

La Boca District

The La Boca neighborhood is Argentina’s most active neighborhood, as it is constantly buzzing with life. It is a neighborhood of creative people - musicians, dancers, and artists. The colorful houses and the constant dancing are exciting and striking, here people enjoy every second of their life;

Shops in the "La Boca" tourist area in Buenos Aires Phil Whitehouse

Museum of Latin American Art

The Museum of Latin American Art was only opened in 2001. The purpose of this place is to collect various items related to Latin American art from the beginning of the twentieth century to the present day. Many exhibitions, meetings with artists and writers, and film screenings are held here. The exhibit is regularly updated, which is the reason why this place is so actively visited.

Museum of Latin American Art budget travel accommodation

Official website:

Argentina is a fantastic country, so versatile, incendiary and unique. Here every tourist will find somewhere to go and what to see. Especially breathtaking is the incredible nature. In this corner of the world the flora and fauna is diverse and truly beautiful. Here the whole family can enjoy a vacation at any time of the year. Argentina is always ready to welcome and delight tourists.

Read also about the best sights of Brazil and be inspired for your next trip to the Americas!