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Best attractions in Alma-Ata

Alma-Ata is the second capital of Kazakhstan. It was built during the Soviet era, so the sights of Alma-Ata are mostly Soviet architecture. Huge parks with shady alleys, the old center, the subway and many other objects that were built before the country’s independence, and today are of interest and benefit to both tourists and residents. Don’t know what to see in Alma-Ata? Especially for you we have compiled a list of popular places of this city, where we have included the most interesting sights.

Main places of interest in Alma-Ata

Photos and names of sights of Alma-Ata are unusual. Amazingly beautiful mountain Kok-Tobe, the name of which is translated from Kazakh as “green hill. It is located not far from the city, and on it there is a television tower, which is the highest building in Alma-Ata because of this location.

Symbols of Alma-Ata

The Kok-Tobe Rock and the tower are the main symbols of the second capital of Kazakhstan. To enjoy a magnificent view from the top, you can climb to the observation deck by cable car, which starts almost from the center of the city. In just six minutes of ascent you will see Alma-Ata from different angles. After climbing the cliff, visit “Kok-Tobe Park”, where you can:

  • See the monument to the legendary band “The Beatles”;
The monument to "The Beatles" in Park "Kok-Tobe" Ken and Nyetta
  • Throwing coins into the “Fountain of Wishes”;
  • rest in a cafe or restaurant, of which there are many;
Outdoor cafe in Alma-Ata tjabeljan
  • visit a rock climbing wall;
  • visit an art gallery.
Monument of Independence in Alma-Ata tjabeljan

Independence Monument

The historical development of Alma-Ata and the country as a whole is symbolized by the Monument of Independence, which stands in the central square. It represents a “golden man” standing on a winged leopard and controlling it. This composition symbolizes the firmness of will and indomitable power.

Tele Tower Kok-Tobe in Alma-Ata Nomosb
Be sure to watch this beautiful video about Alma-Ata!

Palace of the Republic

In addition to the Kok-Tobe TV tower, visible from all points of the city, among the iconic buildings of Alma-Ata can be noted the Palace of the Republic, which can accommodate 3000 people. Exhibitions and important conferences are constantly held there, as well as concerts of world stars.

Palace of the Republic in Alma-Ata tjabeljan

Other interesting places in Alma-Ata

Not far from the Palace of the Republic there are such famous buildings of the city as the hotel Kazakhstan and the Arman cinema. The first institution is the hallmark not only of Alma-Ata, but also of the whole republic, because the 102-meter high building from the Soviet times is a symbol of the country.

Orthodox Holy Ascension Cathedral in Alma-Ata Stomac

An interesting place in the city, located in the park named after. 28 Panfilov Guardsmen Park is the Russian Orthodox Holy Ascension Cathedral, formerly called Turkestan Cathedral. The building is made of wood and is of unparalleled beauty throughout the world. The exterior of the cathedral impresses with colorfulness, especially the five unusual colored domes with crosses. The interior of the building is also splendid: manuscripts on the walls, iconostasis with paintings and other religious decorative elements that have survived since the beginning of the 20th century.

Official website:

Central Mosque in Alma-Ata MaratD

In Alma-Ata, the main cult object is the Central Mosque. It has an unusual appearance: a structure made in white, decorated with blue domes that symbolize harmony and simplicity. The courtyard of the mosque is equipped with a cozy square with alleys, benches and flower lawns, so it is comfortable to rest here. The building itself is one of the largest in the republic, it can accommodate up to 7000 people.

Official website:

Центральный Государственный музей в Алма-Ате Tisoiso

The city is famous for the Central State Museum, which is the largest in Kazakhstan. Here you can see three hundred thousand exhibits of the republic’s heritage, represented by:

  • national clothing;
  • yurt;
  • items of nomadic tribes;
Worldly items - exhibits of the museum in Alma-Ata Jean-Pierre Dalbéra
  • armor and weapons of warriors;
  • embroidered goods;
  • jewelry.

Official website:

Museums of Alma-Ata

The history of Alma-Ata can also be explored in the museum of the city. Although it was opened recently, but it has already collected a considerable number of historical objects: from the Bronze Age to the present day. Among the interesting exhibitions are:

  • Art Museum with an art gallery of works by Russian and Kazakh authors;
  • Nature Museum with an exhibition devoted to the flora and fauna of the republic;
  • Geological Museum with a unique collection of minerals.

Official site:

Object of archeological excavations in Alma-Ata m.prinke

Many important and valuable objects have been found during excavations in Kazakhstan, including bones of the most ancient animals, fossils and disappeared minerals. All of this can be seen today in the museums of Alma-Ata, so a tour through the exhibitions will be informative and unforgettable.

Giraffes in the Zoo in Alma-Ata Aiganym Kairbekova

Where to go with a child in Alma-Ata

It is interesting to visit the Alma-Ata Zoo. On its large enough area there are sections with a variety of animals and an aquarium. Many of the represented species are in the Red Book. For a quiet rest in nature, you can visit the “Park of the First President”, the territory is decorated with the largest fountain in the city.

Official website:

City fountain in the Park of the First President in Alma-Ata Andrey.moiseyev

Children and adults alike will enjoy watching the colorful circus performances. The circus building in the city is decorated with a hyperbolic dome, built in 1972 and recognized as a model of civil architecture. The key number in the circus arena is the equestrian performance featuring Zhaydarbek Kunguzhinov. Most of the artists taking part in the performances are gymnasts, tightrope walkers and riders, who have been awarded various prizes and won first places in many festivals and competitions.

Official website:

Зелёный базар в Алма-Ате Spacekid

For memorable gifts you can go to the huge colorful markets of Alma-Ata. One of the most visited places by tourists is the Green Bazaar.

Winter attractions in Alma-Ata and outdoor activities

Ice rink of "Medeo" sports complex in Alma-Ata Vmenkov

Interesting photos of places of interest in Alma-Ata are also presented in winter. This time of the year you should definitely visit a high-mountainous sports facility “Medeo”, which is the largest in the world. It is located in the Zailiisky Alatau tract near Alma-Ata at an altitude of 1700 meters above sea level. During the free period from the competitions, which is from October to April, the tourists and residents of Almaty like to go skating in the Medeo complex. There are also ski resorts on the outskirts of the city, where skiers, snowboarders and ski freestylers love to spend time. Favorite places like this one include:

  • Chimbulak - it offers tracks for beginners and experienced skiers, and there are also routes for downhill skiing. In the summer, the ski resort organizes a camp for children, a rope park, and guided hikes through the mountains;
  • Tabagan is an all-season sports and recreation complex, where in summer you can ride mountain bikes, skate, play tennis and volleyball, visit saunas and massage rooms, and in winter there is a ski resort;
  • Ak-Bulak - operates throughout the year. Here you can go skiing, snowboarding and snowmobiling.

Official site:

Beach on the shore of Lake Kapchagai Torekhan Sarmanov

Ecological tourism in Alma-Ata

After getting acquainted with all the interesting places, be sure to take photos of the sights of Alma-Ata. Eco-tourists like to travel here, as there are numerous hiking trails near Almaty. Those who like hiking should visit the Ile-Alatau Nature Park. It has a large size and covers over 200000 hectares. In the reserve you can see more than 1000 diverse plants, and the number of different animal species exceeds 1500. Most of the animals and birds inhabiting the Ile-Alatau Nature Park are in the Red Book. The Almaty Reserve with its lush coniferous and deciduous forest vegetation is no less attractive.

Official site:

A great place for walks is the Kolsai Lakes Park. The name of this attraction says that on its territory there are the most beautiful highland lakes. Tourists are given the opportunity to climb into the mountains and along the way to admire the many unique and interesting places. Also, popular horseback riding tours in the foothills.

Balkhash Lake in Kazakhstan Yuri Ivankov

Those who like to go down the mountain reservoirs can go to the Ili River. It begins in the rocks of the Tien Shan, flowing into Lake Balkhash. The Altyn Amel National Park is also located here.

All the attractions in Alma-Ata are striking in their beauty and diversity. In the city and its environs you can perfectly rest according to your taste and financial possibilities. If you’ve been to Alma-Ata, be sure to visit Astana! We have prepared for you a review about the best attractions of Astana to inspire you for further travel in Kazakhstan.

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