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Best attractions in Australia: Top 25

Do you know what to see in Australia? Australia is a unique country, a welcoming and extremely beautiful land that holds true riches, including rare natural phenomena and amazing flora and fauna. Australia’s natural attractions are breathtakingly beautiful. The unspoiled nature here contrasts with the most modern metropolises. Divers and golfers from around the world flock here, while adventurers continually retrace the paths of the local explorers. In short, this land is a real treasure for tourists from all over the world. The only thing you need to do is plan your itinerary in advance, and local guides are there to make your trip rich and full of impressions.

What’s the first thing to see in Australia

What’s a trip to the most remote continent without booking at least one excursion in Australia? It’s during it that you’ll be able to fully experience the spirit of freedom, get closer to the local flora and fauna, as well as appreciate the incredible technological achievements of local inventors and architects. And our list of memorials will help you choose the best attractions.

1. Great Barrier Reef (northeast coast of Australia)

The colorful underwater world of the Great Barrier Reef

The Great Barrier Reef stretches along the coast of Australia in the northwest and is a huge ridge of coral reefs and islands. The Great Reef or National Reef Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is truly enormous: it’s about 10% of the world’s coral reefs. Modern studies show that the first reefs here began to form about 18 million years ago. During this time, the old reefs were destroyed. and in their place grew new ones. To date, the surface of the sea surface is visible only to a small fraction of the corals, and only scuba diving will allow to contemplate the most complete and picturesque picture.

That is why for diving enthusiasts today is not a question, what to see in Australia. The underwater world of the Reef is so beautiful that it reminds some kind of fairy tale illustration: just imagine how against the background of huge coral gardens and numerous colorful plants gracefully swim large shoals of incredibly bright, such colorful fish. It really is one of the most beautiful places on earth!

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2. Lake Hillier (Middle Island)

The mysterious pink Lake Hillier on Middle Island

When wondering what to visit in Australia, be sure to put a sight like Lake Hillier in your travel plan. The picturesque lake, whose waters have an unusual pink color, is located on Middle Island, covered with dense eucalyptus forests. If you look at this island from a bird’s-eye view, against the rich green of the eucalyptus forests you’ll see a small bright spot, and that’s Lake Hiller pink. Even more expressiveness of the lake gives a spectacular frame of sand and salt, which are located on its shores.

Status of the attractions of Australia Lake Hillier got just because of its originality. Travellers from all over the world come to the shores of the unique lake to see with their own eyes that its water is really pink. What is the secret of such a hue of the water? Despite numerous studies, to this day, there is no definitive answer.

  • One theory has it that the pink color is due to the pigment secreted by certain microorganisms living in the reservoir.
  • Another says that the pink color is due to a combination of salts contained in the lake’s waters and specific microorganisms.
  • Investigations carried out in the 50s of the 20th century disproved all the earlier assumptions.

Thus, the mystery of Lake Hillier remains unsolved to this day.

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3. Blue Mountains (New South Wales)

The Blue Mountains are one of the most picturesque places in the world

Lovers of outdoor landscapes untouched by civilization will find something to see in Australia because on its territory there is a unique natural wonder - the National Park “Blue Mountains”. This place has got its name for a reason. A huge number of eucalyptus forests growing on a mountain range, ceaselessly emits into the air essential oil vapor. The rays of the sun, refracted in billions of tiny oil droplets, form a blue haze, creating an atmosphere of mysterious fairy tale.

In the conventional sense, the Blue Mountains are not mountains. In fact, it is a set of mountain plateaus and cliffs, above which the height of the majestic Victoria rises to about 1300 meters above sea level.

Sandy plateaus dissected by gorges and canyons are interspersed with a multitude of crystal clear mountain rivers and streams, creating a landscape of amazing beauty. No wonder the national park has become one of Australia’s most popular attractions.

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4. Mount Uluru (Uluru Kata Tiuta National Park )

The unique rock formation of Mount Uluru

If you are planning a trip, you will have no doubt what to visit in Australia, because these lands conceal real wonders. The Eighth Wonder of the World, the Sacred Place, the Red Mountain - Mount Uluru, also called Ayers Rock, has all these accolades. It is one of the most recognizable natural attractions of Australia, one of the main symbols of the continent. During the day, its red-orange rock is capable of changing color: the mountain has the lightest hue at dawn, with the sunrise it turns purple-red, then pink, and finally a golden hue, and in the evening it goes dark.

How was Uluru formed? Millions of years ago, the mountain range was more like an island. Gradually around the edges, the rocks crumbled and settled, forming rock. Now the desert, where Uluru is located, has winds and heavy rains, creating deep cracks in the mountain’s surface.

The fantastic red rock, which resembles a huge elephant, is not just unique in appearance, the age of the natural monument is also remarkable - its history of existence is about 6 million years. This is confirmed by rock carvings, testifying about the life of ancient people.

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5. Yarra Valley (Melbourne)

The Yarra River Valley Wine Region of Australia

South Australia is famous for the wine industry. And perhaps one of the most spectacular wine regions here is the Yarra River Valley, home to many grape varieties. The first vines were planted here in 1838 and since then more than 40 wineries have been established which nowadays produce excellent grapes.

Thousands of wine connoisseurs visit this fertile land to taste the sumptuous bouquet of local wines. In addition to that, travelers can see many other interesting things here.

  • For example, you can visit one of the many nature reserves which exist here, admire breathtaking views of wildlife, see the local fauna such as kangaroos, wombats, emus and some species of birds of prey.
  • Everyone can find memorabilia in the markets of the local small towns along the valley.
  • You can even take part in collective multi-day treks to experience the local color and learn as much as possible about the mysterious valley.

To see the valley from a new perspective, take a hot air balloon ride, take a bird’s eye view and land in one of the many vineyards to enjoy a fresh breakfast of food and sparkling wine.

Feel the atmosphere of Australia in this beautiful video!

6. Opera House (Sydney)

Symbol of Sydney's Opera House

The attractiveness of the green continent is not only in the extraordinary nature of the continent. An important role is played by cities that have become centers of business and cultural life, where the oldest landmarks of Australia are next to modern skyscrapers, parks buried in verdure - with busy avenues, historical museums - with huge supermarkets.

So, for example, the landscape of Sydney is uniquely recognizable among thousands of other cities due to the world famous landmark - the Opera House building, one of the most famous in the world architecture. This unique building was designed by a Danish architect named Jorn Utzon. By designing the roofs of the Opera House, which are original in form, the Dane gave Sydney a symbol of the city, by which almost every inhabitant of the planet recognizes it now.

Many years after the famous building, the architect admitted that the creation of the unique roof of the theater inspired him … orange peel, taken from the fruit in triangular segments. The only difference is the scale. The sloping roof vaults are covered with countless tiles, which, reflecting the sun’s rays, create an unusual color scheme. The Opera House has always attracted the attention of tourists with its unconventional forms, and therefore this architectural creation has become almost an essential element of any tour in Sydney.

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7. Kangaroo Island (Gulf of St. Vincent)

Kangaroo Island Park and Beach

Perhaps everyone knows that since ancient times the authentic symbol of Australia has been the kangaroo. But not everyone knows that there is a whole island dedicated to these amazing animals, it is called - Kangaroo Island. On its territory stretches a huge area of the park, populated by rare species of ancient animals and relict plants. The island was inhabited by aborigines several thousand years ago, after which they left these lands, and all this time the land has remained completely isolated from the outside world, allowing the local animals to live in complete peace and safety. It was not until 1802 that Flinders, a European, set foot on Kangaroo Island, which gave the land its name.

In addition to animals, visitors to the park are attracted by interesting geological formations - the so-called Remarkable Rocks, huge boulders of the most unusual and bizarre shapes, located at a low altitude above sea level.

Not far from the Remarkable Rocks is another Australian attraction, Admiral’s Arch. This creation of nature is a cave inside a huge boulder, from the depths of which it is so interesting to contemplate the beauty of the sea tides.

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8. Lake Gippsland (Victoria)

Lake Gippsland

Australia is rich in amazing places that grab the attention of tourists from all over the world. Among them is Lake Gippsland, sometimes called the “Fire from Underworld”. During daylight hours this lake is no different from any other body of water, but after dark the real miracles begin to happen here. From the water entrails of the lake a fascinating bluish glow comes out. This phenomenon has a quite real scientific explanation, and has acquired the term “bioluminescence”. The fact is that the lake waters are inhabited by plants and organisms endowed with bioluminescent abilities. It is this property that allows everything living in the pond to emit a kind of light, which we can see in the dark time of the day. In general, such light is emitted constantly, but only in darkness, when the sun is completely hidden behind the horizon, we can observe a real extravaganza of bluish lights along the shores of the lake.

In addition to the amazing views at night, during the day you can enjoy the extraordinary beauty of the scenery - the entire lake is surrounded by cliffs and fern forests.

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9. Royal Canyon (Watarrka National Park)

View of Royal Canyon

Located in Australia’s Red Centre, Royal Canyon once had the status of sacred land for local Aboriginal people. Today it has gained the status of an Australian landmark because of its unique appearance and peculiar natural beauty. Formed of sandstone, the steep canyon walls, up to 200 meters high, have been formed over millions of years, acquiring unusual shapes under the influence of wind erosion. Within the canyon grow dense thickets of ferns and cycads, palm forests, and hundreds of species of animals-all thanks to the canyon walls, which act as a protection for local flora and fauna from the desert drought outside the canyon.

There are several rocky climbs to the edges of the canyon that offer hikers an amazing view.

  • The most popular is the 6-kilometer route, which takes about 3-4 hours of time. This is the optimal route in terms of complexity, which allows you to enjoy the incredible panoramic views of the canyon, consider the unusual rock formations of the Lost City, and descending into the canyon itself - to admire the beauty of the Garden of Eden, so called the reservoir in the rock, surrounded by lush vegetation.
  • The easiest and shortest route goes straight to the bottom of the Royal Canyon, which offers an overview of the many boulders and giant eucalyptus trees, and this route ends at the observation deck on the heights of the gorge, overlooking the steep cliffs.
  • Finally, the toughest route, the 22-kilometer loop between Kings Canyon and the town of Kathleen Springs, is for the most avid hikers to conquer.

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10. The Island of Tasmania

The coastal part of Tasmania Island

To the south of the mainland sits another unique Australian attraction - the island of Tasmania, famous around the world for its unique beauty of rainforests.

Amazing nature of the origin of the island - the continent of Gondwana, which existed on Earth a few hundred million years ago, united the lands of the future Australia, Africa, South America and Antarctica. As a result of the movement of the Earth’s plates single continent gradually split into many parts, forming several separate continents that have retained this appearance to this day.

Lovers of tropical beauty are sure to find something to see in Australia, because the island of Tasmania - a real gift of nature, full of lush vegetation. Just imagine: the majestic giant trees, mostly eucalyptus and ancient beech, have grown so dense that it’s impossible to get between them. Everything around is overgrown with dense greenery, ferns and thick mosses carpet densely undergrowth, lianas hang down between trees. The area is home to a variety of fauna, including the famous Tasmanian devil, red wallaby, marsupial wolf, and Tasmanian battington.

Lakes, streams, and mountain rivers abound throughout the valley, a sight the traveler will appreciate.

Australian sights: What else to see while you’re in Australia

Think about what places to visit during the holidays, long before you get on the plane. Don’t think that guides in Australia will tell you about all the local attractions, because there are hundreds of them. Fortunately, you have our list at your disposal, with which you won’t be lost even at the ends of the earth!

11. Fraser Island (east coast of Australia)

The large, sandy island of Fraser

The world of the Green Continent is rich and diverse, and a bright spot on the map of the continent shines white on Fraser Island - another interesting Australian attraction. The world’s largest sand island is made entirely of sand, which has been blown for thousands of years by sea currents and winds and creates another incredible natural wonder: sand dunes. These are real mountains of snow-white sand, reaching a height of 240-250 meters.

An amazing feature of the sand island is that on its land, washed on all sides by the salty waters of the ocean, there are more than a hundred freshwater lakes. How does an island not fed by rivers or glaciers have so many freshwater lakes? It’s all about precipitation and groundwater, which constantly replenish the reservoirs, not letting them dry up. Panoramas of these lakes are extraordinarily beautiful - the purest waters are framed by a border of snow-white sand, and all this surrounded by wild forests. Among the most picturesque bodies of water - Lake Mackenzie, located at an altitude of 100 meters above the sea, and the largest of them - Lake Boemingham, the area which reaches 200 hectares. In general, the climate of Fraser Island is milder than that of the rest of the mainland, this is due to the large amount of moisture in the air and soil.

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12. The Big Pineapple in Queensland (Vumbay)

The Big Pineapple Statue

Undoubtedly, fans of creative architecture will also find something to see in Australia. In the state of Queensland, in the town of Vumbay, for many decades the big pineapple statue has been delighting tourists with its brightness and positivity. The steady stream of inquisitive travelers, eager to see this creation, doesn’t fade from year to year. The large 16-meter fiberglass construction was erected here in 1971, when the Taylors, having built a small farm and recreation park, decided to attract the attention of visitors. It should be recognized that they have done it perfectly, because the huge and bright statue in the shape of a pineapple attracts the eye from afar.

By the way, the farm exists to this day, it is inhabited by domestic animals - donkeys, pigs, as well as exotic animals, such as alpaca, valuable wool of which is used to manufacture various wool products.

In the neighborhood you can also visit a small zoo, which is home to kangaroos, deer, koalas and other representatives of local fauna.

Visitors also have the opportunity to watch pineapples and the Australian macadamia nut being grown on local plantations.

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13. Stone Wave Rock (Western Australia)

Stone wave sculpture

A strikingly beautiful landmark in Australia in the form of an unusual shaped rock formation is located in the west of the mainland. This rock “Rock Wave”, which took its name from its shape - outwardly, this natural wonder looks like a huge sea wave that swells up right in the middle of the land. Every year hundreds of thousands of tourists come to see this stone statue. The visible part of the “wave”, towering above the ground, is about 15 meters in height and more than a hundred meters in length.

For many centuries, this creation of nature has played a major role in the culture of the local population. It was once believed that it was at the site of this “wave” that the forces of spirits and nature accumulated and intertwined. With special reverence Australians treat this statue and to this day, making great efforts to preserve the beauty of natural monuments. For this purpose in the 50s of the last century to protect the “Stone Wave” from natural erosion was built reinforcing dam.

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14. The Rocks of the Twelve Apostles (Victoria, Port Campbell National Park)

The limestone giant rocks of the "Twelve Apostles"

One of the most famous and recognizable sights in Australia is the group of rocks “Twelve Apostles”, which became a symbol of the Great Ocean Road, which stretches at a spectacular height above the coastline. It is the “Twelve Apostles” that are often depicted in numerous tourist booklets, and hundreds of thousands of interested tourists visit these sites each year to observe the peculiar beauty of the cliffs and their ability to change their color throughout the day. The most picturesque panorama opens to the eye in the morning and evening hours, when the subdued sunlight gives the landscape a mystery and richness of colors.

These rock formations are tens of millions of years old: year after year, the waves and wind have eroded the soft limestone, creating cavities in the cliffs, and the resulting arches have collapsed over time, forming cliffs up to 45 meters high.

There are some interesting facts associated with the “12 Apostles” cliffs.

  • In fact, after visiting these places, you will find that there are not 12 rocks, but only 8. Originally there were 9, but one of them collapsed in 2005.
  • Previously the complex of rock formations was called “Pig and Little Pigs”, but in order to make the name more consonant this creation of nature was renamed into “12 Apostles”.

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15. Kuranda, Queensland

The Kuranda Zoo

And what corner of Australia can you learn the most about indigenous life on the Green Continent? What to visit in Australia to get acquainted with their culture, peculiarities of life, the features of their mentality? Perhaps the best place to do that is the small hilly town of Kuranda in the north of Queensland. It’s so small that you can walk around it in a matter of minutes - it’s only 1 kilometer from edge to edge, but it’s certainly something to see.

  • For example, at the local markets you can not only buy the usual souvenirs, but also most fully acquainted with the peculiarities of crafts and folk art of the natives.
  • Under a large mesh canopy is Birdworld, where you can stroll peacefully among soaring birds, including parrots, quail, pigeons and cassowaries.
  • “Koala Gardens” is the name of the small continental wildlife zoo. In addition to koalas, there are kangaroos, crocodiles, lizards and snakes.
  • Aboriginal Studies Center - is a village inhabited by the true natives of the continent. Here you can learn as much as possible about the culture and life of the Aborigines, watch their traditional dance, watch a boomerang or spear throw, listen to the play on the ancient African instrument didgeridoo.

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16. Queen Victoria House (Sydney)

The late 19th century Queen Victoria Building in downtown Sydney

When exploring places of interest in Sydney, you can start with the most emblematic monuments - such as the Queen Victoria House, towering in the middle of the city’s business district. The majestic building was born in 1898 to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Queen’s reign, on the site of the former city market, which existed here since the early 19th century. Today the place is an impressive sized shopping center, where various fashionable boutiques, cafeterias, jewelry stores, etc. are located. Recognizable elements of the building are the exquisite stained-glass windows, the mosaic floor, the characteristic staircase, one of the ten most beautiful staircases in the world, and the interior, executed in the traditional Gothic style. Directly in front of the entrance is a majestic monument dedicated to the Queen, and a separate cause for admiration is the Great Clock of Australia, showing in pictures the history of the country.

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17. Harbour Bridge (Sydney)

Harbor Bridge's steel arch bridge over Port Jackson Bay in Sydney

Perhaps Australia’s top 5 landmarks are worthy of the Sydney Harbor Bridge - the largest steel arch bridge in the world. It is often called the “coat rack” by locals because of its resemblance to this object. The inauguration of the bridge took place in 1932, although construction was planned in the mid-19th century. All the 25 previous designs were rejected, and only the design by London architect Ralph Freeman won, and construction began in 1926. The Harbor Bridge crosses Port Jackson Bay, connecting the North Shore and the business section of the city. The bridge can be used by pedestrians and bicyclists, as well as cars - there are special roads for all. The bridge is 1,150 meters long and 134 meters high, and those who wish can climb to its highest point to explore beautiful city panoramas.

18. Sydney Tower (Sydney)

Sydney Tower in the skyscrapers and Virgin Mary Cathedral area of Sydney

Among other things, Australia is known for high-rise structures, one of which is the Sydney Tower - the tallest building in Sydney, the second tallest in the southern hemisphere of the planet. The tower project was developed in 1970, 5 years later active construction work began, and another 6 years later the structure was opened to the public. The building consists of three main sections with observation decks, and one of the three high-speed elevators can be used to get to any of them. The first section is a closed observation deck at a height of 250 meters with a 360 ° angle of view, the second section - the deck 18 meters above the first, the main trump card of which is a glass transparent floor. A visit to the second section turns into a spectacular attraction, with a view of the huge city, skyscrapers, the bay and the picturesque Blue Mountains from a dizzying height. The third section is a restaurant for up to 220 people.

19. St. Paul’s Cathedral (Melbourne)

The façade of St. Paul's Cathedral in downtown Melbourne Adam.J.W.C.
The interior of St. Paul's Cathedral in Melbourne

When choosing historical and cultural attractions in Australia, you can’t do without one of the country’s religious symbols, St. Paul’s Cathedral, located in Melbourne’s historic district. It is the largest Anglican church in the neo-Gothic style and at the time of its construction was the tallest structure in Melbourne. One of the main treasures of the cathedral is the largest organ from Great Britain, created by the English master T. Lewis and including more than 6.5 thousand pipes. The cathedral itself looks very majestic, and in the evening and at night with the lighting - simply fantastic, its hall with a mosaic floor is impressive with its enormous size. The height of the building together with the spire makes it the tallest Anglican cathedral in the world. There used to be a stone parish church, but in 1891 it was replaced by a grandiose sandstone structure, and it was not until the 20th century that its spire and tower were completed.

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20. Kakadu National Park (northern Australia)

A huge termite mound in Kakadu National Park

Kakadu Park is sure to appeal to those who love ecotourism, natural attractions, and are passionate about archaeology and history. This is a picturesque place of the continent, where you can see wildlife in all its beauty and diversity. It is a plateau surrounded by cliffs, with rain forests, savannahs, rivers and waterfalls. Each of these sites is saturated with abundant vegetation - the flora is represented by 1,600 species of plants. The fauna of the park is no less rich - here you can find traditional marsupials, more than a hundred species of reptiles, about 3 hundred species of birds, which is a third of all the birds that inhabit Australia. The park pays special attention to river tourism, organizing water safaris and trips to some waterfalls. The reserve is managed by the Aboriginal community - they provide educational tours here, demonstrating local customs and some distinctive products.

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21. Bondi Beach (Sydney)

Bondi Beach is Sydney's most popular city beach

Sometimes it’s enough to download a photo of a landmark in Australia to appreciate its beauty and aesthetic appeal. The 6-kilometer long Bondi Beach, located just outside the center of Sydney, is a strip of white sand, with clear turquoise water and incredible waves that are so attractive to surfers. It is also a string of trendy cafes and bars, stores and cozy hotels, as well as numerous festivals, contests and celebrations. For example, it has long been a tradition on the beach to celebrate Christmas with volleys of grand salute. At the same time, this place is devoid of excessive pretentiousness and secular glamour, here you can just laze on the sand, admiring the magnificent scenery, views of rocks, waves and the shore with its walking trail that connects Bondi with several other beaches.

22. Australian Zoo (Birva)

Entrance to the Australian Zoo in Birva Kaus

To decide what to see in Australia in 2 weeks, it’s worth considering that such a stretch of time allows you to go beyond the standard Sydney itinerary. Adding variety to the trip, you can go to Queensland to visit the most interesting zoo, which bears the name of Steve Irving. This eminent nature lover from his childhood showed great interest in Australian wildlife - for example, he demonstrated wonders of courage and dexterity, catching crocodiles for the reptile park, created by his parents. The park spreads over 40 hectares and is populated by a huge variety of animals - there are about 30 species of reptiles, as many species of mammals, about 40 species of birds. Some of the park’s inhabitants can not only look, but also feed them by hand and even pet them. Visitors are deeply impressed by the spectacular crocodile show.

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23. Penguin Parade (Phillip Island)

The famous penguin parade at sunset on Phillip Island

When you arrive in Australia, it is worth buying a tourist booklet - Australia is presented there in terms of the main sights, descriptions and how to get to them. But if this will be enough for a beginner tourist, the sophisticated traveler will not stop at the standard list of objects - he will look for something new and exotic. For example, will go to the island of Philippa, known for its parade of penguins - a huge colony of these birds is registered here. Every day at sunset penguins, returning from sea hunting, friendly and rumbly go to their holes, and the action takes on a large-scale and very spectacular view. And for convenient observation of this fascinating parade, without disturbing the birds, special platforms and stands are built for visitors.

24. Great Ocean Road (Victoria)

The 243 kilometer long Great Ocean Road along the ocean coast in Victoria

If Western Australia with its dry and sunny climate is famous for its wine regions, quirky rock formations, sand dunes and ancient eucalyptus trees, the most important attraction in Australia’s south is the Great Ocean Road. It stretches for hundreds of kilometers across Victoria along the Indian Ocean coast, connecting Melbourne and Adelaide. But its main feature is the superb views of the coast, its nature, flora and fauna, which come from a wide variety of angles along the winding ribbon of road. The road mostly follows the ocean, but sometimes it dives inland, passing through vineyards and fantastic rain forests, glimpses along the precipitous foot of cliffs, and allows you to admire grottoes, caves, and columns of limestone. This amazing trail was built in 1932 to promote tourism.

25. Cape Byron (New South Wales)

The white lighthouse at Cape Byron on the east coast of Australia in the state of "New South Wales"

In order to comprehend the beauty and diversity of Australian nature, you can sail around the Australian islands to the east of the mainland and explore the sights of Oceania, see coral reefs, cliffs of fantastic shapes, colored lakes and mountains with eucalyptus forests. And you can, without leaving the land, go to Cape Byron, the easternmost tip of the mainland. It is a unique place, which, despite the developed infrastructure, maintains its wild and pristine appearance, striking in its grandeur, picturesque and diverse nature. The cape is named after the poet John Byron, a famous adventurer who loved to embark on various adventures. One of the prominent landmarks of the cape is the 1901 white lighthouse, which has an observation deck. And the town of Byron Bay, nestled in the area, is a popular tourist resort with excellent opportunities for water sports.

Wherever you are in the Green Continent, you will undoubtedly be welcomed by local people, and the nature of Australia will open before you a gateway to the amazing world of tropical forests, crystal clear lakes, pristine lands, far away from the usual routine and bustle of modern civilizations.