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Best attractions in Bari

Bari is a major city and port in Italy, the capital of the Puglia region. Locals compare it to Paris, noting that the latter lacks only the sea for full resemblance. In addition, Bari has a huge concentration of attractions, making it even more attractive to tourists. The city is often called the cultural capital of southern Italy, and this is quite justified. Let’s take a closer look at the sights of Bari, what the center of Puglia is remarkable for, what it can show its guests.

Basilica of St. Nicholas as the main attraction of Bari in Italy

Let’s start acquaintance with the city with religious sites, the main of which is the Basilica of St. Nicholas. It is of great importance for the country, Europe as a whole and the whole of Christianity. Construction of the temple was in 1087-1197 years, so in addition to religious importance should not underestimate its architectural significance.

Basilica of St. Nicholas in Bari Francesco9062

The history of the erection of the shrine is related to the relics of St. Nicholas, which were originally located in Turkey. However, the decision was made to move them for greater security. The city of Bari was chosen because it was on the road to Rome and the saint had expressed a desire to be buried there. The relics were moved to the city in 1087, from which the history of the great basilica begins.

If we talk about the modern form of the building, it is somewhat different from the original version. It went through several stages of restoration, which took place in the 13th, 17th and 20th centuries. The most recent restorations were characterized by some change in the original stylistics. But on the whole, the basilica has been tried to be preserved as it was.

Ciboria (pyx) in St. Nicholas Basilica Porcullus Marek Postawka

Today there is a museum attached to the church with numerous art objects of high value to the Italian people. Of particular interest is the collection of candlesticks, which in the 12th century were given to the church by King Charles I of Anjou.

On December 6, Italians celebrate St. Nicholas Day. On this day, an ointment is collected from the tomb, which the relics are believed to exude. It is distributed in small containers and sent around the world. Believers speak of the many miracles wrought by the world, so this ritual has great significance and value.

Arches with coats of arms of their patrons Tango7174

We have considered a brief description of the main attraction of the city of Bari in Italy. Indeed, it is the basilica that tourists arriving on vacation want to look at first. It allows you to reconsider your worldview, to feel peace and tranquility, to look at the world in a completely different way.

See the beautiful places of Bari in this wonderful video!

What other places of interest are on the map of Bari in Italy

It was mentioned above that the city is a center of culture and religion, and thanks to its centuries-old history can boast many unique sites of great importance to the country and the world at large. Therefore, looking through the descriptions and photos of Bari sights in Italy, you will definitely note these as well:

Bari Vecchia

This is the old part of the city, characterized by a tight arrangement of buildings, small narrow streets. And yet, it holds great value in itself. Anyone who has ever been here is genuinely surprised that on such an area could fit about 40 churches and more than 120 sanctuaries. Trying to accurately count them or looking for a particular object is almost futile. The neighborhood is like a labyrinth, so it is better to simply walk its streets and enjoy the unusual atmosphere and romance. It used to be rumored that crime was rampant in Bari Vecchia, with petty thieves and pickpockets at every turn. But, to date, the authorities have managed to remedy the situation. They have done everything possible so that tourists can safely visit this part of the village;

Bari Vecchia or Old Bari N i c o l a

Castello Svevo

Citizens and visitors to Italy mark this landmark in a special way on the map of Bari in Italy. We are talking about the Swabian castle, built back in 1132. The organizer of the construction was the Norman ruler Roger II. But, a little more than 20 years later the castle was destroyed by William I of Sicily, after which it was rebuilt for a long time. Undoubtedly, it was no longer possible to reproduce the original architectural style and recreate all the former features. But, Castello Svevo is appreciated by how many different transformations and events it had to endure. This place holds a long, rich history that should be known to anyone planning a visit to the castle;

Castello Svevo in Bari Berthold Werner

Official website:

Grotte di Castellana

Grotte di Castellana is another important landmark in Bari. Bari in Italy. It is about a system of underground caves that are millions of years old. Some admire their unique appearance, some amusingly point out that they are like the dwelling place of small gnomes. In any case, the object is worthy of attention. Earlier on the site of the caves there was an underground river. It was it that washed out numerous passages of limestone. Previously, they caused only problems to local residents, but today they have become one of the popular stops on tourist trails. Caves are cleaned and ennobled, so you can safely travel through them, enjoying the surrounding beauty;

Grotte di Castellana in Bari Giorgio Galeotti


It is not as popular with tourists as St. Nicholas Basilica, but it is an older building, which makes it of high value. Researchers assume that the building dates back to the 12th century. That’s when the foundations were laid for the building that survives today;

Facade of the Cathedral of Bari Jean-Christophe BENOIST

Pinacoteca Provinciale

The Pinacoteca Provinciale is the main art museum of the region. It is notable for remnants of sculptures, works of other art dating back to the 12th and 13th centuries. It also features works by famous artists from the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries. It is in the Pinacoteca Provinciale that one can clearly see how painting and sculpture have evolved over time, clearly tracking all changes. Even the building itself can’t go unnoticed because it looks like a chic, bright palace.

View of the Capital Art Gallery in Bari L. K.

That’s not all you can see in the Italian city. Many interesting and important sights for Italy are concentrated in Mola di Bari. It is a small community of about 25,000 people. But, walking around the area, each visitor will be able to get a lot of bright emotions. There are numerous ancient buildings, each of which has its own, unique history. And to make the trip more informative, it is better to walk around with a guidebook, which marked all the important places, giving a brief description of them. Also local guides in Bari will be happy to give you an individual or group tour in Bari. This option will be more effective, because you will be able to get the maximum amount of useful information, without wasting extra time looking for this or that object.

When to go to Bari for sightseeing and recreation

To ensure that sightseeing is not marred by unforeseen weather factors, you should be responsible in choosing the time to plan your trip. The influx of tourists in the city is increased from April. In the middle of spring it’s warm enough outside, and the sea is heated to 20 degrees. This allows you to successfully combine walks around the city and beach holidays. In summer the weather is dry and hot. The thermometers show 28-30 degrees. The beach season lasts until mid-October. In winter there are almost no frosts in the Italian town. Often the temperature is +5 and more. For active travel the temperature is not too comfortable, so most foreign visitors visit Bari from April to November.

A convenient means of transportation for tourists in Bari

Getting to your destination is not difficult. There is an airport 8 kilometers from the city. It takes both domestic and international flights. From the airport there are buses that will quickly take guests to their final destination.

In addition to the city of Bari, we recommend visiting the other attractions of Puglia. Read also about attractions of Genoa and be inspired for further travels in Italy.

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