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Best attractions in Sweden: Top 30

Are you planning a trip to the Nordic state located on the Scandinavian Peninsula? Then you just need information on what to see in Sweden. For those who do not know, the state borders with Norway, Finland, and is also related to Denmark. Attractions in Sweden are all without exception worthy of attention.

What is the first thing to see in Sweden?

Most of the country is located in a temperate climate zone, so in its southern part the weather is warmer, and precipitation is relatively low. All this creates the ideal conditions for exploring the best sights.

1. Wadstone Castle

Vadsten Castle Palace is a majestic structure on the shores of Lake Vattern

It is worth beginning the acquaintance with an impressive reminder of the state’s glorious history. On its territory described castle is one of the oldest, after all the construction began as early as 1545. Few tourists know that originally Vadstensky castle had 4 round towers, 3 residential buildings made of stone and several outbuildings. At a certain point, the need for fortifications disappeared, so they were hidden. The decision to turn the building into a historical monument was made in the XX century, for which extensive restoration works were carried out.

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2. Vasa Museum

"Vasa" is a preserved sailing ship of the early seventeenth century

The sights of Sweden can not fail to amaze by their diversity, uniqueness. Vivid proof of this is the museum in the form of a ship, which survived to this day from the XVII century. Until now it is considered the pride of the Swedish navy. Supposedly it sank because the calculations were not quite correct; there was too much jewelry and gold. The ship ended up at the bottom of Stockholm Harbor during her maiden voyage, which occurred in 1628.

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3. The Old Town of Gamla Stan

The Old Town of Gamla Stan is the historical center of Stockholm

Wondering what to visit in Sweden? Check out Stockholm’s historic center, which was called the City Between Bridges until the 1980s. It was founded in the XIII century, as can be easily guessed from its medieval paths, paved streets, houses in the style of the North German Gothic. In the very center there is a picturesque square known as Storget. In 1520, it was there where the Danish king massacred the Swedish nobles. Many other attractions in Sweden are concentrated in the Old Town of Gamla Stan.

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4. Skansen Open Air Museum

Exhibit the Skansen Ethnographic Open-Air Museum

It belongs to the number of interesting places on the territory of the described country. It is represented by a unique ethnographic complex on the island of Djurgarden in Stockholm. This is a kind of village, where you can not lose your bearings in time. There are different eras, peoples and styles, which can not be uninteresting. The photos are sure to turn out great. If you are traveling with children, they will also like it in the open air museum, because there is an interesting menagerie of wild and domestic animals.

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5. ABBA Museum

ABBA Museum Exhibit Frankie Fouganthin

This Swedish landmark appeared in 2013, and it’s dedicated to the world-famous Swedish quartet that existed for a full 10 years. The venue, located next to the Grena Lund Theme Park, showcases the band’s work in a modern, interactive way. The rating of this place is off the charts, because its visitors are offered the opportunity to feel like “kings and queens of dance,” and even record their own rendition of ABBA’s hits.

6. Globen Arena

Globen Arena or Globus is a sports arena in Stockholm bengt-re

Among the best attractions in Sweden is one of the largest spherical structures in the world. A huge number of prestigious competitions take place in it, and in a wide variety of sports. If you are lucky you can visit concerts given by world stars here. Special attention deserves the SkyView cable car. Many people come to this place just for a ride on it. This is a great opportunity to see Stockholm as in the palm of your hand, take original photos and videos.

Be sure to watch this beautiful video about Sweden!

7. Sarek National Park

Sarek National Park is an area of rugged and wild nature

What to see in Sweden? Where, where, but in the northern country there are plenty of sights to see. The park area in the municipality of Jokmokk in Norrbotten County is nothing short of spectacular. It is known as the wildest, because there is only one trail, called the Royal Trail. There are 8 mountain formations in the park, the height of which exceeds 2 thousand meters above sea level. From the reviews you can understand that this place is more suitable for experienced travelers with extensive experience in mountaineering, long-distance hiking.

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8. Gripsholm Castle

Gripsholm Castle is one of the most picturesque royal residences

It is situated on the shore of the famous Lake Malaren, in the south central part of the country. At one time the fortress was erected according to a design drawn up by Bo Jonsson Gripp. It belonged to his family until the period of confiscation of the mansions. Today, only the facade of the wall remains of the original. Inside is a museum of paintings, interesting works of art. The outstanding collection of portraits has made this place famous all over the world. If you’re wondering where to go in Sweden, then Gripsholm Castle is a great place to visit.

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9. Uppsala Cathedral

Gothic cathedral of Scandinavia at night

We continue to describe the main sights. The largest Gothic building in Scandinavia deserves attention. It’s not just an active church with regular Lutheran services, but also an original museum. In its walls whole collections of church garments are on display, as well as stone statues that date back to the past centuries. The interior of the temple is decorated in the neo-Gothic manner.

10. Forest Cemetery of Skoogschurkogarden

The territory of Skugskurkogarden Forest Cemetery

Despite its complicated name, this attraction in Sweden is very interesting. It is a real cemetery, which is made in a style that demonstrates the development of architecture, from classicism to mature functionalism. Now we see that the use of the natural landscape has created a kind of atmosphere of tranquil beauty. The architects at the time had thought everything through to the smallest detail. This was noticeably reflected in the design of mass grave sites in other countries.

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11. The Oresund Tunnel Bridge

Part of the Oresunn Tunnel Bridge

This landmark of Sweden is really unique because it is 8 km of road on the bridge, 3.5 km in the tunnel and 4.5 km on an artificially created island. This construction connects the capital of Denmark with the Swedish city of Malmo. Its opening and commissioning took place in 2000. Then at the celebration attended by the Queen of Denmark and the King of Sweden. From the official description you can learn that during the construction, unexploded bombs from World War II were found at the bottom of the strait.

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12. Nobel Museum

The main entrance to the Nobel Museum on Sturtoriet Square

As the name implies, we are talking about a place dedicated to the Nobel Prize and its laureates. It is not uncommon for guides in Sweden to go with their groups to this very museum because it is located in one of the most beautiful buildings of the 18th century. It used to be a stock exchange. In order to tell people about Nobel laureates, achievements and the prize itself, exhibitions are regularly organized, films are shown, and even theatrical productions are staged. A visit to the museum is not only interesting, but also useful.

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13. Drottningholm palace

Drottningholm Palace is the royal residence on the island of Lovo

What to visit in Sweden? Of course, the palace complex, whose name translates as Queen’s Island. At one time it was presented by the ruler as a gift to his wife Katharina Jagiellonka. After the building was damaged by a massive fire, it was reconstructed. It was a rather modest building, without massive walls and towers. In 1991 it was decided to enter the palace complex on the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

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14. Lake Melaren

View of the picturesque Lake Malaren

It is known that Stockholm is located on the shores of the Baltic Sea. But this is not the only body of water of natural origin nearby. The city is washed by Lake Malaren. In the ranking of the largest in the country, it is in third place. It is 120 km long and 64 km wide. The lake is surrounded by many islands, which explains the abundance of nearby attractions in the form of ancient castles, palaces, estates, mansions. The lake has always attracted tourists with its mystery, mysteriousness.

15. Museum of modern art

Stockholm Museum of Modern Art Francisco Anzola

Not sure what to see in Sweden in one day? It makes sense to visit one of the best museums in Europe. It offers the attention of tourists samples of modern art, exhibited on the principle of decreasing time. The recommendations of this place are very positive, passing from hall to hall, it is simply impossible not to be amazed by the genius of contemporary artists. It is worth noting that the meaning of some exhibits is not quite clear, but you can always ask the guide for clarification.

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16. Vic Castle

Vic Castle is a medieval fortress in Sweden Paulius Malinovskis

Often excursions in Sweden are organized toward the castle, which has preserved its appearance unchanged since the middle of the Middle Ages. It is located on the shore of Lake Malaren, in the town of the same name. Looking at it, you get the feeling that you find yourself in a fairy tale. It is provided by its appearance with unusual towers, spires on the roof. Despite the fact that it was built in the XV, its architecture resembles more the XIII century, such buildings were found in Normandy. Preservation of the pristine nature of the castle was possible due to the surrounding moat with water. If you look closely, you can see traces of the past on the walls.

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17. The World of Astrid Lindgren

The Astrid Lindgren's World Theme Park

This is an amusement park area dedicated to the famous Swedish writer. It was opened in 1981. It is an area of 130 thousand square meters, on which the books of Astrid, loved by many children, have literally come to life. Fans of works such as Pippi Longstocking, Carlson on the Roof and more can see the characters live. If you are traveling with children, then this Swedish attraction deserves your attention. In the summertime, fairy tale performances are organized here, the most beloved characters take part in them.

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18. Liseberg Park

Attractions for all ages and tastes at Liseberg Amusement Park

This is another interesting place to relax with children. On a large territory there are many rides, there is even a universal pavilion, where circus performances, concerts and dances are held. The foundation of the park was laid back in 1923, which was done in honor of the 300th anniversary of Gothenburg. The place is open for visits from April to September.

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19. Kalmar Castle

The Kalmar Castle landscape

It is a unique piece of architecture with a history dating back to 1160. Its construction began with a round watchtower, and over time a castle was formed around it. It was once the site of the Kalmar Union. The building once served as an important fortification, because it stands as close as possible to the Swedish and Danish border. Negotiations between representatives of different countries were held in this very place.

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20. Stockholm Town Hall

The Stockholm Town Hall is a symbol of the Swedish capital

It is a building of the municipal council of the city of the same name. It is located on the eastern part of the island of Kungsholm. Inside are numerous offices, conference rooms, parade rooms, and deserves special attention a luxurious restaurant. This landmark of Sweden is deservedly considered one of the main attractions, it demonstrates the Swedish national romanticism in architecture. Not far from the building is a park, which is decorated with the works of famous sculptors. What stands out is the 20m monument erected in honor of Engelbreckt Engelbrektsson.

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21. Royal Palace in Stockholm

View of the Royal Palace in Stockholm

Located in the central part of the city, it has the appearance of a 7-storey building, with an honor guard always standing near the door. The palace is the residence of Swedish rulers. As conceived by the architects, it was supposed to exactly replicate the plan of the city, such an effect has been achieved. The building has four facades, each of which has its own purpose. In one part there is the king, in the other the queen and the winter garden, in the third the offices of the members of the government, and the fourth hides the church and the Throne Room.

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22. Tom Titus Museum of Experiments

Lobby of the Tom Titus Museum of Experiments Holger.Ellgaard

It is located in a suburban part of Stockholm, and is quite unusual. It attracts the attention of not only children but also adults. The main feature of this place is a unique opportunity to combine leisure activities and informative tours. Guests can visit laboratories, participate in experiments, competitions, fun activities.

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23. Millsgaarden

Millsgaarden Sculpture Park Museum

Whatever time of year you decide to travel, if you find yourself in Stockholm, don’t miss the opportunity to visit an open-air museum. It’s a place that marvelously combines scenic nature with exquisite works of art. To a greater extent, these are fountains, sculptures. Interesting in Millsgarden is an art gallery, there you can visit the current exhibitions. This attraction is deservedly considered the pride of the described locality.

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24. High Shore

A stunning view from the High Bank Pudelek

What to see in Sweden? A visit to the coast of the Gulf of Bothnia is worthwhile. This area, which continues to rise after the retreat of glaciers, is characterized by a very interesting landscape. Its uniqueness lies in the presence of steep high granite rocks, rocky islands. Scientists agree that this is the largest continually occurring uplift of the land.

25. Radio station Grimeton

The Grimeton radio station building Pimvantend

At one time it became the main means of communication with the outside world. The radio station is an entire complex of buildings on 109.9 hectares of land. The main one is the one that houses the transmitter that propagates radio telegraph waves over long distances. One of the reasons why Grimeton is considered a landmark is that the staff houses here are built in the neoclassical style. These days, the radio station is turned on traditionally on Morse code birthday and Christmas Eve.

Sightseeing in Sweden: What else is there to see in Sweden?

For those who are not aware, to enter this country, residents of Russia and the CIS require a visa, as well as travel medical insurance. However, this should not be a barrier to visiting the incredibly beautiful country. Let’s try to figure out what else to see in Sweden.

26. Rock reliefs in Tanum

The petroglyph complex in Tanum village

When reviewing this interesting area, keep in mind that we are talking about more than 3 thousand drawings created during the Bronze Age. They were found in the area of Tanum village. It is no exaggeration to say that this is an amazing treasury of ancient artistic masterpieces. In 1972 the local rocks wanted to raze to the ground, but after the discovery of drawings it was decided to keep them. Now, unfortunately, they are at risk of complete disappearance, due to the influence of the environment, causing oxidation of images.

27. Lake Venerne

The nature of the freshwater Lake Vann

In the whole country, it is considered the largest representative of freshwater bodies of water. It is characterized by a large number of flowing rivers, and for some it is the “mother”. On the expanse of the lake there are a large number of islands, both small and large, some rocky, others, on the contrary, overgrown with forest. The local vegetation here is quite diverse. It includes coniferous and mixed forests, grassy hills. There are also many animals, inhabitants of the aquatic world.

28. The garden of Carl Linnaeus

Panoramic view of Carl Linnaeus Garden Nicola Sap De Mitri

Refers to one of the oldest gardens in the world, and is therefore part of a selection of things to see in Sweden. The garden was planned and created by Olof Rudbeck, professor of medicine, which occurred in 1655. Unfortunately, after his death, his heir failed to manage and the garden fell into disrepair. But! The number of plants was partially restored, today there are more than 1300 varieties. They all grow according to a classification that was invented as far back as Carl Linnaeus.

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29. City of Visby

The roofs of Visby and the ruins of the medieval church

It is considered the best preserved representative of the Middle Ages in Scandinavia. At one time the village was a UNESCO heritage site, its unofficial name is “the city of roses and ruins. All because its streets of beautiful flowers contrast with the ruins of the Middle Ages. By the way, the villa, where the heroine of the book “Pippi Longstocking” lived, is located here. Now there is a children’s museum. You are lucky if you get here in August, when there is a big festival that immerses you in the atmosphere of bygone times.

30. Abisku National Park

The Abisko River in Abisku National Park

To finish the list of things to see in Sweden, we would like to end with a park area located in the province of Lapland. It was created in order to preserve the local nature in its pristine form, use for scientific purposes.

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As for hotels in Sweden, accommodation can be found for all budgets. The main thing is to take care of booking a room, so you won’t have any problems.

Also read about the best sights in Norway and get inspired for your next trip to Europe!