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Best attractions in Hainan Island: Top 25

If you are interested in the best sights in Hainan Island, take a close look at this review. We have compiled our own rating of what every tourist should see in Hainan Island. Use our recommendations and your trip will be unforgettable.

What to see in Hainan Island first?

What should you visit in Hainan Island? In our opinion, the following excursions in Hainan Island deserve your careful attention:

1. Nanshan Buddhism Center

108-meter white statue of the three-faced Goddess of Mercy at the Nanshan Buddhism Center

One of the main attractions of the center itself is the golden statue of Buddha adorned with jewels. With its size and weight (140 kilograms), it is the largest in Asia. The center’s complex includes a meditation park, a longevity alley, and a temple. In addition, guests will be invited to admire unique values such as a vessel of purity or a bell of purification of consciousness. Not far from the center is a tourist trade zone: you will be able to buy souvenirs, clothes and shoes. You will also be able to buy turtles, fish and birds. You will be able to let the living creatures go free, ensuring your happiness and many years of life. Such sights of China should be seen by every tourist.

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2. Phoenix Island

Night illumination of futuristic skyscrapers on Phoenix Island

Interested in the best luxury attractions in Hainan Island? Then organize a trip over the 400-meter bridge to Phoenix Island - this is where you will be offered a luxury vacation. The area is covered with modern high-rises, prestigious sports complexes, yacht clubs, restaurants and boutiques. Reviews about the stay in Phoenix are consistently rave.

3. Dunshan Safari Park

Predatory animals at Dunshan Safari Park on Hainan Island

Like many other important attractions in Hainan Island, this one appeared at the end of the 20th century. In the spacious area you can meet a variety of inhabitants: lions and crocodiles, monkeys and parrots, rare black swans and exotic ostriches. We recommend that you visit such interesting places in Hainan Island with your whole family.

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4. Hainan Museum

Parking for cars, motorcycles and bicycles in front of the entrance to the Hainan Museum 川号子

Describing the main attractions on Hainan Island briefly, one cannot fail to mention this museum of the late 20th century. It is located in an ancient building created by prominent Chinese architects of earlier centuries. The museum’s collections include ceramics and neurite, pearls and other jewelry, fine porcelain figurines and bronze figurines. In addition, bamboo and bone objects, ancient clothing and scrolls from various eras are kept in the exhibition halls.

5. Li and Miao Ethnographic Village

Traditional buildings of Li and Miao folk village

What to see in Hainan Island in 1 day? Its folklore complex, located in the Benlan Valley. Not far from the ethnographic center is a beautiful park, in which you can take shelter from the scorching summer heat. The village is not inhabited - it is only a popular tourist attraction. Employees of the complex will tell you about the life of the natives in the old days, and offer to try the national cuisine.

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Check out the beautiful places of Hainan Island in this great video!

6. Yalong Bay

The view from the mountain on the picturesque Yalong Bay in the South China Sea

In Chinese, the name of the colorful bay sounds like “dragon shore.” In this paradisiacal area, surrounded by tropical greenery, snow-white beach lines, mountains and forests, the most luxurious hotels in Hainan Island are built.

7. Dadong Hai Cove

The city of Sanya with hotels on the beach in Dadunhai Cove on Hainan

If you dream of a vacation with excellent infrastructure and wonderful beaches, the guides in Hainan Island will certainly advise you to go here. This tropical corner is famous for its gourmet treats in many restaurants, all-night open-air discos, nightclubs, diving centers and sea fishing. Life here does not stop for a minute, despite the fact that as a resort place Dadunhai Bay began to develop no more than 15 years ago.

8. Deer Turned Head Park

The picturesque Deer Turned Head Park on high Luheitou Mountain lienyuan lee

Where to go in Hainan Island will be interesting for both adults and children? This incredible park complex, named after the deer sculpture installed there. In the evening hours near the trees, gazebos and alleys are lit brightly. On the territory there are several viewing platforms with bridges and balconies, cafes with European and exotic cuisine, souvenir shops. You can take unique photos of local panoramas or order your portrait or caricature artist. Inhabitants of the park are birds and monkeys. The latter approach the numerous tourists for a treat without fear.

9. Monkey Island

View from the cable car to the sea, mountains, tropical monkey island in Hainan Lucius Kwok
Monkeys by the pool at the Monkey Island Reserve in Hainan Lucius Kwok

China’s largest reserve in which primates are bred. In total, there are more than 2 thousand monkeys on an island of one thousand hectares. A trip here will give you great pleasure.

10. The Museum of Pearls

Pearls are the pride of Hainan Island
Pearls and other gemstones products in the pearl museum shop

About 20 years ago the Jingjun Group, a pearl mining and processing concern, established its own museum complex. You can look at the pearls on display, as well as buy your favorite pieces in the local store. Pearls are always of high quality and beauty, but are offered at a very affordable price.

11. Crystal Museum

Exhibit at the Crystal Museum

The largest museum center on the island and in the entire country, covering more than 4,000 square meters. The huge pavilion features a variety of mineralogical displays: semi-precious stones and shining crystal.

12. Butterfly Park

The Butterfly Gorge is filled with bright and colorful butterflies

The attraction is located in the picturesque Yalunwan Bay and offers an introduction to a unique collection of butterflies from different parts of the world. After visiting the exhibition center, you can take a look into the canyon itself: it also houses a large number of butterflies and precious plants.

13. Feathered World Park

Parrots among the bright green rainforest of Feathered World Park

The largest park complex for birds in the whole country. There are about 200 varieties of singing and talking inhabitants. Guests can stroll alongside free-flying birds through the landscaped alleys of tropical thickets.

14. Zhujiang Nantian Hot Springs

A pool with garra rufa fish for skin exfoliation at Zhujiang Nantian Hot Springs Graham Hills

The healing thermal springs have been popular with the people of China for hundreds of years. When you come to the island you can visit this modern health center and its 36 pools with water of different composition and temperature. In addition, the complex includes salons with spa services, national tea houses, outdoor cafe, a restaurant with traditional cuisine and a small hotel.

15. Wuzhishan Mountain

The top of Wuzhishan Mountain against a background of white clouds Anna Frodesiak

The shape of this landmark resembles a palm with five outstretched fingers. The mountain range has a height of almost 1.9 thousand meters at the peak. The area is equipped with a large number of trails for trekking - they lead to several peaks of the mountain. The area Uzhishan is covered with fragrant tropical plants. For example, there are more than 50 varieties of orchids.

16. Ma An Volcano

The Ma An Volcano National Geopark in Hainan Island 川号子
Layout of the park and surroundings in one of the educational pavilions 川号子
Below, a small platform and a crater, densely overgrown with lush vegetation 川号子

Located in a national park with the same name. Due to the fact that the slopes of the volcano are strewn with almost impenetrable tropics, to conquer it is both interesting and difficult at the same time. For travelers “paved” natural steps made of cooled lava. Therefore, to get to the most millennia-old crater is still possible. On the slopes there are restaurants and a museum. On the way to the top you can rest on small benches.

17. Xinglong Botanical Gardens

Lounge Corner of Xinglong Botanical Garden
Jackfruit, the "queen of fruits" at Xinglong Botanical Garden

The botanical garden covers an area of 80 hectares. In the past, it was owned by a university that worked to preserve and study unique plants. Today you can see not only decorative plantings, but also fruits and vegetables, black pepper, vanilla and coffee trees. There is a shop with local produce for guests.

18. Oceanarium and Marine Zoo

Sharks and stingray among other sea creatures at the large Hainan Oceanarium

The marine zoo is home to a variety of animals and even birds, including exotic ones. Visitors to the zoo and oceanarium can view fish in small, rather than giant, aquariums. And also enjoy exciting performances with crocodiles, dolphins and sea lions.

19. Heavenly Grottoes Taoist Park

The path in Taoist Heavenly Grottoes Park runs next to the sea

A vast landscape area with marvelous grottos, sacred Chinese trees and many winding caves. Recall that, according to Taoist philosophers, grottos are the gateway to the other universe. In the park you can visit the Temple complex of the Dragon world lord. Keep in mind that the place is sacred - and you should come here in a proper manner, so as not to hurt the feelings of Taoist followers and pilgrims from different parts of the state.

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Hainan sights: what else to visit on Hainan Island?

If you have already seen all those sights in Hainan Island, photos with names and descriptions of which we have now given, book tours to the following sites:

20. The “End of the World” Park

White beach and big smooth boulders on the beach at the "Edge of Light" Park Huangdan2060

According to an ancient story, once upon a time, a girl and a young man, madly in love with each other, turned to stones on the coast. Soon other boulders began to appear near them. A beautiful park was created on the shore, in which each stone has its own beautiful name. If you want to spend some quiet time, meditate and enjoy the mesmerizing panoramas, come here by all means.

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21. Yanoda Tropical Forest

The mist in the rainforest of Yanoda National Park

A unique forest artificially divided into Dream Valley and Jungle Valley, similar to the tropics. A key feature of the protected area is that the roots of the trees are on the surface of the soil, not inside it. The trees themselves create four levels above the ground.

22. Pirate Island

White sand shoreline of Pirate Island

Rather modest in size, however, quite a visitable island, the size of a few square meters. You can get to it by buying a ticket or renting a boat from Hainan. On the journey on the water you will not take more than half an hour. Due to the fact that as a tourist destination, the island has become famous not so long ago, the nature here still retains its untouched charm. Literally the entire territory is a rainforest. Guests are offered the opportunity to relax on the pristine beaches, and look at the coral reefs near the shoreline.

23. West Island or Sidao Island

Popular beach vacation on the West Island of Hainan

You can reach the island by motorboat or boat. This place is especially loved by fans of diving. The site is surrounded by dense reefs of coral, the inhabitants of which are exotic fish and creatures. The water here is transparent, due to which the visibility in it is close to perfect.

24. Chinese Tea Ceremony

The ritual in the tea ceremony is to bring people together and create a cozy atmosphere

By booking a tea ceremony, you can learn how to properly (according to Chinese centuries-old traditions) brew and serve a fragrant drink. Note that the island of Hainan, with its hot climate and excellent environmental conditions, has an important national importance in the manufacture and export of tea to various countries in Asia and around the world.

25. Jade Belt Beach

Heavens at Jade Belt Beach HNPIX~commonswiki

The shoreline, dozens of meters wide, is covered with pure white sand and separates the Wanzuanhe River from the South China Sea. The beach is known for being listed in the Guinness Book of World Records because of its unusual landscape. If your goal of a trip to the island is to have an unforgettable relaxing vacation, there is no better place to visit.

We hope the sights we have just told you about arouse your interest. When planning your trip to the island, be sure to include them in your itinerary. When visiting Hainan, don’t miss a trip to Hong Kong! We’ve prepared an overview of the best sights in Hong Kong to inspire you for your next trip to China.

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