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Best attractions in Amsterdam: Top 35

If you want to enjoy the spirit of freedom, the floating market of fragrant flowers, the atmosphere of the city, which inspired the great Rembrandt and Van Gogh, you should visit the sights of Amsterdam. The unique architecture of the Dutch capital is created by the water channels dividing the city into 90 islands. Choosing what to see in Amsterdam, every tourist will find something to their liking. Some will marvel at the paintings of brilliant artists, others want to see the exhibits of the Museum of Shipping, and others enjoy a visit to a night club, where you can buy marijuana absolutely free.

What to see first in Amsterdam

The main metropolis of the Netherlands is a special city in every sense, so tours in Amsterdam will definitely be memorable. There are so many places worth seeing here that it is wise to determine before the trip which of them deserve the most attention - and our list of the best attractions will enable you to do so.

1. Rijksmuseum

Rijksmuseum (State Museum) in Amsterdam Mark Ahsmann

It’s impossible to walk past such an Amsterdam landmark as this huge red-brick building with peaked roofs stretches the entire block along the canal promenade. It’s the Rijksmuseum, one of the twenty most famous museums on the planet.

Its many halls collect the history of the Northern Netherlands since the 15th century. Here you can see the paintings of such brilliant artists as Rembrandt, Vermeer, Frans Hals, Jan van Goyen, Cornelis Trost and many others. They depict scenes from the lives of saints, aristocratic nobility, as well as the everyday life of ordinary people.

The centerpiece of the museum is Rembrandt’s painting “The Night Watch”, for which the entire building was reconstructed in 2006.

In the Rijksmuseum, samples of works by famous Dutch jewelers, stone and wooden statues, previously used as decoration for altars in temples, the clothing of members of the clergy, embroidered with gold and precious stones, numerous engravings, photographs and artifacts are exhibited.

The museum has halls presenting works by Italian, Spanish and Flemish masters of painting, equally interesting for art connoisseurs.

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2. Vincent Van Gogh Museum

Vincent Van Gogh Museum Amsterdam Wladyslaw [Disk]

Finding in the guide what to visit in Amsterdam, it is worth stopping at the famous Vincent Van Gogh Museum, which has a collection of 200 paintings of the author, 500 sketches, archival documents, correspondence of the artist with his older brother, friends and colleagues.

Fans of painting can also enjoy paintings by Picasso, Gauguin, Monet and other contemporaries of the artist.

Tours are available in 10 languages, and on Thursdays at 3:30 p.m. the museum can be visited for free with an English-speaking guide. Coming to the gallery with a child won’t be a problem, as they will be offered a two-hour exciting game of Treasure Hunt. But it is strictly forbidden to take pictures in the halls.

The building was erected and opened to the public in 1973. The priceless collection of paintings for it was provided by Vincent van Gogh’s nephew. An exposition wing was added at the end of the 20th century, and since then the appearance of the gallery has not changed.

Moving from room to room, you can trace the development of the artist’s talent and a reflection of his moods. In the early works there is a clear predominance of dark shades, reflecting the hopelessness and depression of both Van Gogh and the heroes of his paintings. But the later canvases are filled with landscapes in a crazy rich palette, speaking of the author’s mental disorder.

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3. Vondelpark

A winding pond in Vondelpark in Amsterdam Ken Eckert

Visiting the various sights of Amsterdam, one cannot pass by the Vondelpark. Here you can admire the beauty of the landscapes, preserving the pristine nature and skilfully supplemented by people. Surprisingly beautiful trees grow here in abundance - catalpas, red chestnuts, graceful birches, shrubs and grasses. A huge winding pond that stretches across the park has become a habitat for swans, ducks, and rare blue herons.

The park has numerous pedestrian and bicycle paths, shady alleys, and lawns where you can relax, bask in the sun, or have a picnic. But the main pride of the organizers is the luxurious rose garden, which gathered more than 70 varieties of roses.

In the center of the park is a monument to Dutch playwright Joost van den Vondel. Also on the grounds can be seen a huge “Fish” by Picasso and a symbol of the fight against racism - a statue of Nelson Carillo “Mama Baranka”.

For entertainment, you can visit the open-air theater for free. For those who are hungry, open the doors of cafes and restaurants. And fans of active recreation will be happy to ride on rollers, play tennis and golf, and have fun with the kids at the playgrounds.

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4. The Beguinage in Amsterdam

Beguinaje in Amsterdam Dennis Jarvis

For those who are tired of the hustle and bustle of the city, the Beguinaje is worth a visit and is one of the attractions of Amsterdam. It consists of 47 detached houses forming an enclosed courtyard.

In the 14th century, widows and unmarried women settled here, who decided to devote their lives to caring for the poor and sick of the city. While aspiring to a righteous lifestyle and practicing Catholicism, they still had the right to leave the community at any time and even to marry.

Visitors enter the beguinage through a massive ancient gate, which bears the image of St. Ursula, the patron saint of the Beguinages. A professional guide will lead visitors through the well-kept courtyard with green lawns, trees, and statues of the saints. He will tell you that it is worth visiting the Beguinage in Amsterdam, if only to see the oldest wooden house in Holland.

In the library, you can see biblical writings and drawings illustrating scenes from the lives of saints. It is also home to the Presbyterian Church of Scotland, more commonly referred to as the Church of England.

Feel the atmosphere of Amsterdam in this beautiful video!

5. Flower market

Bloemenmarkt Flower Market in Amsterdam zak mc

When going to Holland, many people decide in advance that it is necessary to visit the floating flower market Bloemenmarkt in Amsterdam. After all, such a great number of flowers, seeds, bulbs and seedlings, perhaps, you will not see anywhere else in the world.

Until the mid-17th century farmers brought their fragrant goods here, selling them to citizens directly from the boats. In 1862 it was decided to install small flower stores on moored barges.

At the market you can not only admire the beauty of blooming flowers, but also to buy bulbs of famous Dutch tulips, seeds of local and exotic plants. However, if you are going to take them home, you need to get a certificate from the sellers, giving the right to export them.

Among the colorful bags you can see in free sale already packaged marijuana seeds. Do not try to take them out of the country illegally, because instead of recalling the sights of Amsterdam with a smile, you can get in trouble with the law.

6. Amsterdam Botanic Garden or Hortus Botanicus

Amsterdam Botanic Garden Guilhem Vellut

Residents of the Dutch capital city believe that every tourist should see the famous botanical garden in Amsterdam. Back in 1638 it appeared to save the city from the plague, and now it is a beautiful corner with a collection of more than 6 thousand plants.

The thirties of the seventeenth century were marked by an epidemic of plague in Holland, which killed thousands of people for several years. At that time, doctors began to grow by the walls of Amsterdam medicinal herbs, infusions and decoctions from which brought relief to the sick. Thus Hortus Botanicus was founded, which then continued to expand, and in the 19th century became the property of the university, where the famous biologists of the time conducted their research.

Travelers and seafarers constantly enlarged the collection of this landmark of Amsterdam, bringing plants from other countries and continents.

An interesting fact is that the birthplace of coffee is Holland. In the botanical garden were grown beans, which Louis XIV sent to Brazil, where they were widely spread.

In Hortus Botanicus the famous Victoria Amazonica lily blooms two nights a year. Moreover, on the first night its petals are white, and after a day they turn pink. So that visitors can see this spectacle, the garden deliberately stays open at this time.

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7. Dam Square

Dam Square in Amsterdam Sietske

It is quite fair to say that every tourist will want to see Amsterdam’s central Dam Square measuring 20,000 square meters. It is here where the most important events of the city are held, including ceremonies, festivals, concerts, demonstrations, and sometimes large-scale protests.

Amsterdam’s sights on the square include several buildings and an amusement park, which is open even at night.

The Royal Palace, where King Willem-Alexander currently resides, is open to visitors during his absence.

You can visit an exhibition of contemporary artists or listen to organ music in the New Church, which lost its original theological function at the end of the 20th century.

Dam Square is probably the most famous museum of Madame Tussauds in the world, the building itself is an architectural jewel of the capital.

In the center of the square is the national monument to the Dutch soldiers who died in World War II. Every year, hundreds of flowers are brought to it in gratitude for the deliverance of the people from fascism.

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8. Museum of Shipping or Maritime Museum

Netherlands Maritime Museum in Amsterdam Ricardo Liberato

Knowing the rich maritime history of Holland, it’s safe to say that the Amsterdam Maritime Museum is a must-see in Amsterdam.

Its building was erected back in 1656 as an admiralty warehouse. It was converted into a museum by order of Princess Beatrix in 1973. From 2007 to 2011, it underwent a grandiose reconstruction, which resulted in an elegant glass structure above the courtyard, and the exhibits of the museum are divided into 11 halls of the exposition, according to the subject.

Visitors can see a huge collection of nautical charts, portraits of mariners, books about voyages across the oceans, and textbooks on navigation, as well as antique globes, measuring and navigation instruments.

The museum has the largest collection of various vessels, from ancient rowing boats to modern high-speed liners.

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9. Albert Koepe Marketplace

Albert Kuijp Market in Amsterdam Franklin Heijnen

The sights of Amsterdam are astounding in their diversity. The silence of museum halls and temples is quickly replaced by the bustle of squares and street markets, the most colorful of which is the Albert Jacobs Koep market.

More than a century ago, traders from all over the world displayed their wares here. Now it has become the most famous and largest market in Holland.

On the territory of this site in addition to the market stalls and stores are located craft shops, small cafes and even a museum. The museum exhibits are heads of cheese, which you can try and learn the history of their preparation.

Most of the merchants are immigrants from different countries, which is reflected in the rich assortment of goods. Many of them are a reflection of the national culture of one people or another, and are often unique. But here such products can be purchased at fairly low prices, which attracts many customers.

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10. Amsterdam City Museum, Stedelijk museum

Amsterdam City Museum (Stedelijk Museum) FaceMePLS

Many sights in Amsterdam attract tourists not only by their contents, but also by their appearance. It’s hard to walk past a huge bathtub overhanging overhead and not wonder what lies beneath it.

This is what the new wing of the largest modern art museum in the Netherlands looks like, covering 8,000 m². It contains unique paintings by contemporary artists, whose works are admired by some, bewildered by others, and protested against this “abuse of art” by others. But at the same time no one remains indifferent and disappointed, getting a huge amount of diverse and contradictory emotions.

The museum has collected works of masters of classical modernism, expressionism, minimalism, pop art, neoplasticism and other trends.

Often thematic exhibitions are organized here, which give the institution a dynamic connection to the reality of life.

Official website:

Amsterdam sights: what else to see while in Amsterdam

To get an even stronger sense of the local flavor, you can visit the sights in the list below. Not to get lost in the bright and dynamic city will help guides in Amsterdam, ready to uncover the secrets of the night capital and fully demonstrate the beauty of the metropolis in the light of day.

11. Royal Palace

The Royal Palace on Dam Square in Amsterdam Robert Scarth

The Royal Palace (included in top best attractions in the Netherlands), located on the main square of the capital, is generally considered to be Amsterdam’s main attraction. The royal family lives here very rarely, so the building is often open to visitors. Coronation ceremonies, weddings of monarchs, receptions of foreign delegations and other such events are also held here.

Inside, the palace is striking in its grandeur and abundance of marble and gilding. In the huge Civic Hall, symbolizing the cosmos, one can admire the sculpture of the legendary titan Atlantus, holding the globe on his mighty shoulders. On the floor of the hall is a map of Earth and the celestial spheres. The giant dome of the building is crowned by a weathervane in the form of an ancient ship, which is the symbol of Amsterdam.

In the palace is a museum, which shows many historical documents, household items and clothing of the Dutch in different eras of development. Visitors can also touch the beauty by visiting the hall of paintings by Rembrandt, Bohl and other famous artists.

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12. Nemo Museum

The Renzo Piano Nemo Science Museum in Amsterdam Velvet

There are attractions in Amsterdam that attract not only adult visitors, but also members of the younger generation. Such institutions include the Nemo Museum, which has the form of a huge green ship, with exhibits that tell about the achievements of mankind in technology, medicine, art and other fields.

There are numerous interactive exhibits, allowing to learn a lot about the human body, the origin and possibilities of various energies, sound and light. Visitors are given the opportunity to take part in scientific experiments themselves.

The building has several levels, each with a specific theme. The top floor is in the form of a real ship deck, from which you can admire a magnificent view of Amsterdam and its surroundings.

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13. Micropia

Museum Micropia in Amsterdam Nadine Ranger

There are attractions in Amsterdam that have giant exhibits, but the Micropia Museum is the opposite. The smallest creatures that inhabit the planet are on display here. These are viruses, bacteria, protozoa, microscopic fungi and other microbes that people come into contact with every day without noticing them or not realizing their presence at all.

In this museum there are halls where one can see numerous microorganisms under the microscope and learn about their structure and life activity.

Other halls display household items used by humans on a daily basis, products, prints from various surfaces, photo and video materials, giving an idea of the invisible life that is constantly boiling around people.

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14. Westerkerk

Westerkerk Church Dennis Jarvis

The spire of this Amsterdam landmark, topped with a crown, can be seen from afar. It is the Westerkerk, a church with graceful architecture and a rich history. It is here that the great Rembrandt, whose paintings have fascinated art lovers for centuries, is buried.

Next door to this church lived the Jewish girl Anne Frank, whose diary about the horrors of the Nazi occupation is known throughout the world. A monument to this courageous child is located in the church square.

Climbing up the 186 stairs, visitors to the church find an observation deck with a breathtaking view of the beautiful Dutch capital.

The building is now also used for practical purposes - it serves as a fire tower, as it is the highest point in the city.

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15. Moederslot Castle

The medieval 13th century Castle Moederslot at the mouth of the Vecht River, surrounded by a moat with water

To get to know Amsterdam thoroughly, it is definitely worth visiting places that allow you to get acquainted with its centuries-old history. For a taste of the Middle Ages you can visit Amsterdam’s castles, the best preserved of which is the 13th-century Meuderslot, located 15 kilometers from Amsterdam in the town of Meuden. Outwardly, it looks like a fairy tale about brave knights - round towers rush to the sky, impregnable walls surrounded by a moat with water, and inside leads to a single bridge. This structure has a long and complicated history, and the fortress stood on this site a thousand years ago. All this thanks to its valuable location at the mouth of the river Vecht, which was an important transport, trade artery and a kind of customs, where ships were charged. Today, the restored halls with recreated authentic interiors house a branch of the Rijksmuseum.

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16. Rembrandt House Museum

Entrance to the Rembrandt House Museum in Amsterdam WarXboT

Lovers of fine art will undoubtedly enjoy a visit to the Rembrandt House Museum. The great master painter not only lived here, but also created masterpieces, and the upper floor was home to the workshops of his students. The main emphasis in the museum is made on the everyday life in which the artist lived - there are reconstructed everyday objects of the 17th century, kitchen utensils and unusual furniture. And the main works of Rembrandt are collected in another institution - the Rijksmuseum, but still, within the walls of the former house, there is room for a rich collection of engravings of the talented master, as well as works by his students. There are 260 of the 290 engravings created by the artist, as well as several examples of his paintings. The collection also contains works by painters who lived much later than Rembrandt, but used his artistic techniques.

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17. Madame Tussauds Museum

Madame Tussauds Museum on Dam Square in downtown Amsterdam

November in Amsterdam is not the best time for a walk in the countryside: the sun rarely peeks out from behind the clouds and the temperatures are still just above zero. But if you happen to holiday in Amsterdam during this period, you need to think about what to see in Amsterdam in November. Autumn weather is a good time to visit museums. One of the most famous and popular museums in Amsterdam is Madame Tussauds on Dam Square - once it was the first branch of the world famous wax museum in London. A visit to Madame Tussauds takes you into the world of celebrities, who have become symbols of their era. Here you can “meet” the stars of cinema, music, sports, politics - all of them look so realistic that sometimes it seems as if they have just come off the TV screen. The unforgettable experience is completed by the original design of the halls, as well as interactive, music and light special effects.

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18. Diamond Factory and Diamond Museum

The headquarters of the Dutch jewelry company Coster Diamonds in Amsterdam Andere Andre
Exhibit at the diamond museum of the Coster Diamonds jewelry company in Amsterdam MissCookie1994

Ever since the technique of fine diamond cutting was developed in Amsterdam in the 16th century, this Dutch city has been the center of the diamond trade. For four centuries, talented artisans have been honing their skills by cutting and polishing diamonds from all over the world. This delicate craft has long been an art, and no wonder that diamond factories, jewelry stores and diamond museums can be found exactly in Amsterdam. By the way, the diamond museum appeared thanks to the company Coster Diamonds, which in the 19th century owned the diamond factory. Among the products of this company’s true pride was a blue and white cut diamond for the British Crown. One museum building combines the factory, the exhibition halls, and the diamond vault. So when you visit the museum you can at the same time observe the fine work on an inconspicuous stone, which in the process of cutting is transformed into a beautiful sparkling diamond.

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19. Anne Frank House Museum

The queue at the Anne Frank Museum on the Prinsengracht Embankment in Amsterdam © 1971markus

There is also a museum in Amsterdam whose main exhibit keeps its own special history. It is the Anne Frank House, which displays the original diary in which the Jewish girl described the horror of genocide through the story of her life during World War II. The museum’s collection also includes temporary exhibitions on the subject of Jewish persecution, racism, fascism and anti-Semitism. As an 11-year-old girl, Anna and her family were forced to hide from the Nazis in a hiding place in the building where her father worked as a company manager. The family was forced to hide for two years, living in confinement and in constant fear. An outlet for the girl was a diary, reflecting in those terrible days all the minutiae of daily life. But after two years, the secret was revealed, all family members were sent to concentration camps. Only the girl’s father, Otto Frank, managed to survive there, who decided to publish a book with her notes in memory of his daughter.

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20. Amsterdam Underground Museum

A special effects exhibit during the Middle Ages at the Amsterdam Dungeon Museum Steve Terrell

The Amsterdam Dungeon Museum recreates the darkest features of the Middle Ages-it’s the perfect thing to see in and around Amsterdam for nerve-racking lovers. The scariest moments in the life of the city are reflected in the exhibits and attractions of this museum. The journey into the world of the Middle Ages begins with a ride in a creepy elevator 5 floors below the ground. Here you see a huge room with bones and skulls, shackles, torture chamber, where the most terrible tortures are realistically played out by actors. Witches, rampant pestilence, groans of undead souls, death with a scythe - it seems that this is where the real underworld begins. The Rembrandt Mystery attraction, which transports visitors to a medieval hospital for the mentally ill, is also in demand. As visitors emerge from the bowels of the dungeon back into the white light, they feel the euphoria of knowing that all that horror was just a played out skit.

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21. Hemp museum

Shows dedicated to cannabis at the Marijuana and Hemp Museum in Amsterdam Didier le Ger

In Russia, it’s hard to even imagine some things that have long been the norm in Holland, like the cannabis museum in Amsterdam. Light drugs are legal here, so they’ve already become an integral part of the local culture. Initially the cannabis museum appeared in the early 1990s as a personal exhibition of breeder and botanist Ben Dronkers, but over time it has gained unprecedented popularity. Outwardly the museum looks more like a coffeeshop, but inside everything is transformed - here is a cozy surroundings, where in the semi-darkness are arranged showcases and stands with flickering lights, there is even a hothouse, where real cannabis is grown. But still, the main exposition of the museum focuses more on the accessories used to consume marijuana - for example, here you can see a large selection of smoking pipes, hookahs, there are woven cannabis products and a variety of products made of the plant.

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22. St. Nicholas Church

Church of St. Nicholas in Amsterdam Gouwenaar

If the sights of Rotterdam impress with the most innovative architectural solutions and creative execution, the monuments of Amsterdam are a tribute to tradition, authentic architecture, where every stone of the paved streets keeps centuries-old history. The true jewel of Amsterdam is the Church of St. Nicholas, revered here as the patron of the Netherlands. This is the largest Catholic church in Amsterdam from the 17th century, located near the central station. It is often called the “temple within the walls” because of its location right in the center of the ancient fortress walls. In the elegant appearance there are features of Neo-Baroque and Neo-Renaissance, the facade is crowned by two high towers, in the central part there is a large rose window, the magnificent mosaic depicts images of Christ and evangelists, in a special niche there is a sculpture of St. Nicholas, inside there is an organ, on which concerts are held.

23. Oudekerk church

The early 14th-century Audeckerk Church in the De Wallen district in the center of Amsterdam

The ancient Dutch church of the Oudekerk from the 13th century is a true piece of the Middle Ages and impresses with its grandeur and identity. It is the oldest building in Amsterdam, located on the Audekerksplein, and its respectable age is not its only virtue. The church was erected in honor of the especially revered in the Netherlands St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, and over the course of three hundred years it was rebuilt and restored, overcoming numerous natural disasters. On an impressive area of 3.5 thousand square meters there are 10 chapels, a bell tower and a baptistery. The church has the largest vaulted roof in Europe, which dates back to the 14th century, and under its floor are tombs, which over the centuries have become burial places for many famous artists, poets, battle heroes and ordinary residents of Amsterdam, totaling about 10,000 people.

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24. Nieuwerkerkerk Church

View of the 15th century Nieuweckerk Church from the side of Dam Square in Amsterdam Pemolo

Amsterdam’s Nieuwerkerkerk is an eclectic building, and its name literally translates as “New Church,” which is very conventional in nature. The fact is that, in contrast to this structure, there is the church of Audeckerk, that is, the “Old Church,” although it was built only a few years earlier. Today Nieuwekerk graces the city with its Gothic facade, whose 109-meter spire can be seen from the farthest corners of the city. It must be said that this spire has been the cause of disasters more than once - twice it has been struck by lightning, causing a large-scale fire. The interior decoration is a contrasting combination of white marble and noble colors of dark wood, skilled carvings and colorful stained-glass windows, the honorable place is taken by the organ of the 17th century. It is within the walls of this temple that ceremonial coronations of royalty take place, and many famous poets, military and political figures also rest here.

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25. The Weighing Chamber

The building of the 15th-century Weighing House on Niumarkt Square in Amsterdam

When deciding where to go in the center of Amsterdam, in addition to various museums and religious shrines, you can visit the ancient building of the Weighing House, located in one of the central squares of the city, the Nieuwmarkt. Until the 17th century this structure was the tower of St. Anthony, located directly within the city walls. Later these walls were demolished and the tower housed the Weighing House, where various goods were weighed - in those years Amsterdam was a major trading center. It was the second weighing house at that time, because the old one on Dam Square was no longer sufficient for the volume. The upper floors at the time housed workers’ guilds of bricklayers, blacksmiths and doctors. After the closing of the weigh station in the 19th century, the building housed workshops, a fire station, an archive, museums, and today there are several atmospheric cafes.

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26. The Berlage Exchange

One of Amsterdam's cultural centers is the Berlage Exchange on Damrak Street User:Mtcv

On Exchange Square sits the world-famous Berlage Stock Exchange building, named after its architect. Today it is a valuable monument of Dutch art deco architecture of the early 20th century, though it is often said to have a medieval character. Its ascetic red-brick facades with asymmetrical and cubist features are crowned by a tall Art Deco corner tower. For many decades the building housed a commodity, currency, stock, grain and cargo exchanges; nowadays it houses entertainment facilities, a museum, and regular concerts are held in the spacious halls, which have excellent acoustics. The museum exhibition tells the history of the former stock exchange, the architect of the building, and the tour program provides access to some of the interior rooms and tower chimes.

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27. Coin Tower

Tower on Amsterdam's busy Coin Square P.H. Louw

The main adornment of Amsterdam’s Coin Square is the homonymous tower, whose history dates back to the Middle Ages. At that time it was part of the city walls that protected the city from enemy attacks. The walls, built in the 15th century, were destroyed by fire in the 16th century, only the tower, where the guards were originally located, remained. In the 17th century these walls were occupied by the state mint, where money was minted. The reconstruction of the early 17th century gave the building some Renaissance features, it had an octagonal top, a graceful spire, a clock and a unique carillon - a mechanical instrument that sets in motion the row of bells and creates melodious ringing. Inside the tower today is a china store, offering porcelain items - exquisite vases, plates with traditional painting, as well as figurines, souvenirs, and other works of art.

28. Amsterdam Arena

Inside the Amsterdam Arena soccer stadium in the city of Amsterdam David Jones

Fans of soccer, sports and in general any modern achievement should definitely plan a route to the Amsterdam Beilmer Arena metro station, where just a 20-minute walk away is the Amsterdam Arena stadium, a model of cutting-edge innovation of our time. This is the home arena of the famous FC Ajax, whose achievements a whole museum is dedicated here. Back in 1996, when it was built, the stadium became one of the most progressive arenas in Europe - a closing roof and a lot of other functional elements were built here. It also hosted and still hosts concerts of world stars such as Celine Dion, AC/DC, The Rolling Stones, Madonna, Rihanna and other celebrities. Beginning in 2015, a 5-year program to renovate the arena by 2021 went into effect, and today there are already thousands of solar panels on the roof storing solar energy.

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29. Kekenhof

The flower season at the Royal Park Koekenhof near Amsterdam Luu

When you travel to Amsterdam in winter, you can see how the city is transformed and changed in winter. At this time it is worth taking advantage of the “low season” and choosing what to see in Amsterdam in December. One great option is to visit the fair at Köckenhof, one of the country’s grandest Christmas markets, which takes place in the first decade of December. During this time, the park lights up with festive illumination, creating an indescribable spirit of the coming winter holiday. Here as nowhere else you can get charged with the holiday atmosphere, taste warming mulled wine and local delicacies, buy unique souvenirs, gifts and even see live musical performances of local performers. At the same time, do not forget that in the warm season park Köckenhof is a fabulous blooming space with thousands of tulips, freesias, orchids, hyacinths, sakura and other beautiful plants.

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30. Blaubrug

Blaubruig or Blue Bridge over the Amstel River among the old mansions in Amsterdam

When choosing what to see in Holland, you should definitely pay attention to the magnificent bridges of Amsterdam. After all, this city is one of the few European cities that can boast such a variety of canals and bridges. When viewed from above, the canals surround Amsterdam in concentric rings, and there are over 1,500 bridges spanning them! One of the most beautiful bridge constructions is the old Blaubruig, connecting the two city squares, Rembrandtplein and Waterlooplein. Its name Blaubrug, which means blue bridge, got its name at the beginning of the 17th century, when its predecessor - a wooden bridge painted blue - was located here. Not a trace is left of the former creation, except for the name itself. The modern bridge appeared at the end of the 19th century. Its style of decoration was copied almost entirely from that of Paris, and its architecture has a marine theme. It has three swinging parts and is richly decorated with floral ornaments.

31. Saanse-Schans

Scape with tulips, traditional Dutch windmills and houses in Zanse-Schans

Not far from Amsterdam there is a colorful and distinctive village that is a veritable open-air museum. It is Zaanse Schans, an old village nestled on the picturesque banks of the river Saan. Already passing the bridge over the river, you can see the first attraction - more than a dozen windmills, and all of them are still in working order. Of course, today they are mostly priceless monuments, but in each of the mills you can buy one or another product. In short, Saanse-Schans is a real authentic Dutch village, which has come down to this day as it has since the 17th century. Green lawns, graceful bridges, elegant houses - everything seems to have escaped from a fairy tale picture. The village is located just 16 kilometers from Amsterdam - the tourist map will tell you how and how to get to this place.

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32. Waterlooplein Flea Market

The Waterlooplein Flea Market is the most popular place for tourists in Amsterdam David Stanley

When you travel, the most interesting purchases are often made not in shopping malls, but at flea markets, of which there are many in Amsterdam. So fans of shopping will find interesting places for themselves - one of them is a flea market Waterlooplein, located in the center of the city. Plunged into the motley abundance of counters and showcases with unusual clothes, fancy souvenirs, quirky handmade creations, you can even forget about time. By the way, many beginning clothing designers offer their works for a review here, so for a small price you can find an exclusive fashionable closet at the market. There is no mess, typical for many markets - the streets are clean, the sellers are friendly, and nearby there are several cafes with fragrant coffee and delicious local food. Perhaps most of all, a visit to Waterlooplein will appeal to collectors and fans of vintage items.

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33. Amsterdam’s Coffee Shops

One of Amsterdam's many coffee shops Bachrach44

While in summer the capital of the Netherlands delights with the beauty of parks and an extravaganza of festivals, in the cold season the question invariably arises - what to see in Amsterdam in winter? Although the winter season is not frighteningly cold, but it is the right time to get away from the damp overcast streets and visit “forbidden” attractions - numerous coffeeshops, which have become the hallmark of the Dutch capital. What is a coffeeshop? This is a specialized cafe, where you can not only order tea or coffee, but also to buy “forbidden” plants - in fact, soft drugs, which are officially allowed in Holland. Such establishments are mostly small rooms with only a sales counter and a couple of tables inside. It is possible to meet such establishments almost at every step in the center and very few people can refuse a temptation to try something new and unusual there.

34. Red Light District

The world's most famous Red Light Quarter in Amsterdam Bjarki Sigursveinsson

It’s hard to find a more liberal city than Amsterdam, and even harder to find someone who hasn’t heard of the Red Light District at least once. Its appearance is historical - in the Middle Ages Amsterdam was a major trading port, and as in any port, here flourished revelries and brothels. In the 14th century, the sidewalk was barely lit at night, so passers-by lit their way with special candles designed in the form of lanterns. The townspeople, in order to protect the honor of their daughters and wives, obliged “priestesses of love” to illuminate their lanterns in red for distinction - since then, and went so that this color has become a symbol of venal love. In the 16th century, an entire block was allocated to the “night butterflies,” and to this day in the quarter, drenched in reddish neon light, prostitution flourishes. The main and characteristic feature of the Amsterdam Quarter is the transparent shop windows with semi-nude female workers of the bed business.

35. Canals of Amsterdam

A riverboat ride through the canals of Amsterdam

October in Amsterdam is a great time for walking: the sun is still warming up with its gentle rays, but it no longer brings the debilitating heat. Choosing what to see in Amsterdam in October, you can take a trip along the canals of the Dutch capital. In early autumn the canals take on a special charm, lit up with the colors of the leaves, motley leaves gently whirl and, falling, cover the water surface, so it becomes a pleasure to wander by boat between the quarters. Today there is a wide variety of canal cruises offering different types of itineraries, boats, points of departure and arrival ashore. Thanks to Amsterdam’s fairly compact size, in just an hour or two you can cover most of the city’s sights, see how beautiful and unique the views of this atmospheric city are, in all its

Read also about The sights of The Hague and be inspired for further travel in the Netherlands.

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