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Best attractions in Malaysia: Top 30

Exotic multi-faith state of Malaysia captivates its numerous guests with original culture and centuries-old traditions, amazingly beautiful nature and ancient historical monuments. At the same time, this country is characterized by the highest level of development - here pristine beaches alternate with modern cities, ancient temples and traditional markets - with bustling city streets, where life goes at a very modern pace. From a tourist point of view, even seasoned travelers have a lot to see in Malaysia. The country is ideal for a holiday, because here you’ll find a huge array of fabulous evergreen forests, an amazing variety of flora and fauna. And on its beaches is ideal to bask in the warm sun, away from the daily grind of everyday life. Let’s take a look at Malaysia’s most interesting sights!

What to see first in Malaysia

In our list you will see the places and sites that have made the country a world center of tourism, and immediately want to book tours in Malaysia to see everything with your own eyes. Naturally, you will not be able to see all the sights at once, but you can decide for yourself what to visit at the beginning.

1. Petronas Towers (Kuala Lumpur)

The Petronas Twin Towers

A symbol of the pride and progress that Malaysia has achieved in a relatively short period of time, the Petronas Twin Towers, towering 452 meters above the city, have become a symbol of pride and progress. Therefore, for visitors planning what to visit in Malaysia, it is recommended to start the journey with this notable landmark of the city and country.

It is worth noting that until the 1990s, there were no tall structures in Malaysia at all. The construction of the towers as if symbolized the intensive development of this country and the success to which its authorities aspired. The process of erecting the towers began in 1992, lasted six years and in 1998 two majestic towers appeared in all their glory, cardinally changing the look of the city.

Each of the towers has 88 floors, and this figure is not accidental, because the eight is considered by Malaysians lucky. Numerous tourists come to the towers to see this grand structure and to be impressed by the views from the suspension bridge, which is set at the level of 42 floors.

On the lower levels of the towers is a presentable shopping mall, with a popular science and entertainment complex on the third floor. Directly in front of the towers are fountains, and on the reverse side of the buildings is a small park with an artificial lake, fountains, a bridge, an artificial waterfall, and a children’s pool.

For 8 years, the “sky twins” were considered the tallest buildings in the world, but in 2004 the record was broken by another structure - the Taipei 101 skyscraper in Taiwan.

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2. Sultan Abdul-Samad Palace (Kuala Lumpur)

Sultan Abdul-Samad Palace in Independence Square

In 1894-1897, a beautiful structure was erected in Kuala Lumpur, which later became one of Malaysia’s most famous landmarks. It was the palace of Sultan Abdul Samad and was designed by the architect Norman.

Once the palace housed the British administration, but today it is home to the Supreme Court of Malaysia in one wing and the Folk Art Center in the other. Unusually beautiful, as if carved facade of the building combines Victorian and Moorish architectural styles, and conveys all the subtle flavor of the East: rounded arches in the form of horseshoes, the abundance of decorative elements, minarets, copper domes - all this harmoniously merges into a single whole. The roof of the building is crowned with a 40-meter high tower with a golden dome and a huge clock.

What does this palace have to do with the name of Abdul Samad? The Selangor provincial ruler was famous as the ruler who laid the foundations of the Malaysian state. And despite the fact that many residents rebuked him for depriving independence, as he gave Malaysia to the British protectorate in the late 19th century, the ruler did much to make the state flourish. For it was with the coming to power of the British that backward Malaysia became a developed and prosperous state.

3. Masjid Jame Mosque, Kuala Lumpur

Masjid Jame Mosque in Kuala Lumpur

Visitors who like the grandeur and beauty of oriental architecture have something to see in Malaysia - in Kuala Lumpur, at the confluence of the Klang and Gombak rivers, rises the amazingly beautiful Masjid Jame Mosque. This beauty was built in 1909, and the place of its location was not chosen by chance - it was here, at the confluence of the rivers, once camped first tin prospectors, and this is where the history of the city of Kuala Lumpur was founded.

The mosque’s extraordinarily ornate facade is a harmonious blend of the two architectural styles of Moorish and Islamic (Mughal) architecture. The beauty of the facade is emphasized by the contrasting and organic combination of red and white masonry and snow-white domes. Along the perimeter of the mosque building there is a gallery of lancet arches topped with tracery carvings, and this complex is supplemented with equally charming small towers. At night, the beauty of Masjid Jame Mosque becomes even more attractive and mysterious: the whole perimeter of the building is intensely illuminated, starting to play with new colors.

This extraordinary landmark in Malaysia owes its beauty and charm to its architect, A.B. Habbok, whose credits also include the construction of Kuala Lumpur City Railway Station.

4. Niah National Park (Borneo Island, Sarawak State)

The cave exit in Niah National Park

Borneo is home to Malaysia’s most important natural attraction, the Niah National Park, known for its unique caves. This area acquired the status of a national park in 1971. The park is based on dipterocarp forests, limestone, and peat bogs. Among the local fauna are flying dragons, long-tailed macaques, rhinoceros birds, and salangana birds. By the way, the nests of salanganes are considered edible and even a special soup is prepared from them, which is an expensive delicacy here.

The natural world of Niah Park is very rich. However, the main purpose of its creation was to preserve the most important local attractions - the ancient caves, where in the 50s of last century, archaeologists found the traces of man - skulls, tools made of clay and bone, as well as the remains of ancient plants and animals. By the way, some of these fossil specimens are presented in a small museum, located near the ferry.

The total area of the national park’s caves is huge and amounts to more than 3 thousand hectares. The cave system includes the largest one and several smaller ones surrounding its perimeter. Countless numbers of bats live in the caves whose droppings, called guano, are used as a valuable fertilizer because they are rich in nitrogen and phosphorus. This fertilizer is called “black gold” and is harvested by the Ibanean tribe.

See the beautiful places of Malaysia in this great video!

5. Batu Caves (13 km from Kuala Lumpur)

The statue of the god Murugan next to the stairs leading to the "light" cave

Fans of underground travel will find something to see in Malaysia, because literally 13 kilometers from the capital is located a real underground kingdom - the Batu Caves. This is a complex of caves and Hindu shrines near the Batu River, from which they took their name. The age of the limestone hills, which are the caves, is about 400 million years old. There are about two dozen caves in total, but only some of them have been turned into religious shrines.

For example, the Temple Cave is the most famous and most visited - it houses the most important Hindu temple, decorated in the Tamil style, as well as a number of other Hindu shrines.

Just below the Temple Cave is the Dark Cave, about 2 kilometers long, where you can find bizarre stalactites, stalagmites, columns, partitions, and many other features formed over thousands of years.

Ramayana Cave allows you to learn about a lot of life of the ancient Indian king Rama - on the uneven walls of the cave are carved whole chronicles, telling about the main milestones of his life. Rama’s life and high moral deeds served as an example to many of his admirers.

Vallurvar Kottam is a cave whose walls are entirely covered with frescoes and couplets from the collection of poetic aphorisms, Tirukkural, by the Tamil philosopher Tiruvalluvar.

Since 1892, the Batu Caves have been not only an important attraction in Malaysia, but also the center of the celebration of the Hindu festival of Thaipusam, in which Hindus honor the main deity of the Tamils, Murugan.

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6. Sri Mahamariamman Temple (Kuala Lumpur)

The main gate of Sri Mahamariamman Temple, decorated with convex ornamentation

There’s something for everyone to see in Malaysia if you pass through the capital, because among other things there is one of the most important Hindu shrines - the ancient Sri Mahamariamman Temple. It is also one of the most beautiful temples, especially if you appreciate its facade, lavishly decorated with convex ornaments.

The temple was built in honor of the mother goddess Mariamman, the patroness of diseases, epidemics and various disasters. Like other Indian deities, she also has the ability to reincarnate, so she is also known as Devi, Kali and Shakti. The cult of worship of this goddess dates back some 4,000 years.

The temple was founded in 1873 by the leader of the Tamil diaspora in Kuala Lumpur. The founder built the temple as a personal shrine to his family, but seeing the need of his countrymen for a place to worship the gods, he opened the temple doors to all visitors.

Twelve years after its founding, the temple was dismantled in stone, moved to the outskirts of Chinatown and carefully restored to its original appearance. Another 80 years later, a modern temple was built nearby, preserving the original style, and over its main entrance was erected the most remarkable part - a five-tiered 23-meter tower, richly decorated with ornaments and sculptures. There are a total of 228 sculptures, each representing a particular Hindu deity. Inside the temple walls are decorated with frescoes depicting various guises of the goddess Maryamman.

7. Gunung Mulu Reserve (Borneo, Sarawak Province)

A forest of pointed limestone Pinnacles on the Gunung Api Plateau

The real treasure of the island of Borneo and a unique attraction in Malaysia is Gunung Mulu National Park. Thousands of tourists are eager to see this place, once a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The park was founded in 1985 by order of the Malaysian government.

The area of the huge park is about 50 thousand hectares, which includes tropical forests, rivers and mountain ranges. In the center of this area rises the “mountain crown”, which includes three peaks - Mulu, Benarat and Api. The highest point of the range, Mulu Peak, rises 2,376 meters above sea level.

But the most interesting secrets of Gunung Mulu Park are hidden in the underground depths. After all, the largest cave systems on the planet are located here. The karst caves stretch for many kilometers, on the way you can see a lot of interesting things - these are huge grottos, crevices, underground reservoirs, bizarre limestone figures formed by nature itself.

The main underground attraction of the park - underground passage Lubang Nasib Bagus, which has the world’s largest grotto - its width is about 0.3 km, length of about 0.7 km, and in height it reaches 70 meters. The longest underground passage, called Deer Cave, reaches 2 kilometers in length.

The vaults and ceilings of the caves are beloved by countless bats. At sunset their huge flocks leave the grottoes for their evening meal.

Each cave is unique and usually consists of several underground cavities connected by passages. Especially fascinating is the underground hall Sarawak, the size of which reaches the area of 20 soccer fields, and the height is about the height of a 25-story skyscraper.

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8. Dutch Town Hall - Stathaus (Malacca City)

View of the Municipal Town Hall in Malacca

In the heart of the Old Town in Malacca, in Red Dutch Square, Malaysia’s colonial-style architectural landmark, the Stathouse, also known as the Dutch Town Hall, attracts attention. The building was erected in 1650 and served as the official residence of the Dutch governor and officials. The Municipal Hall served first the Dutch, then the English and finally the Malay city administration for almost 350 years, experiencing changes of power. To this day, the town hall building is perfectly preserved, recreating the atmosphere of the old days. The entire complex consists of several buildings with facades of a pleasant terracotta color. The Stadthaus, or Stadthuys (Dutch for “Town Hall”) was a striking example of the Dutch architecture of the past centuries and today is considered to be the oldest Dutch building in the East.

Today, the Dutch Town Hall houses a history and ethnography museum. The exhibits include cultural and everyday objects of the multicultural population of Malacca, samples of traditional wedding clothes, and relics that testify to the centuries-old history of Malacca, while a detailed explanation of the role of each of these exhibits in the history of the ancient city is provided.

Attractions in Malaysia: what else to visit while in Malaysia

Numerous guides in Malaysia offer many places they say are worth visiting, but is this true? We suggest you read the photos and descriptions of popular attractions, so that you do not make a mistake and visit the places that will really interest you after arriving at the resort.

9. Istana Negara Royal Palace (Kuala Lumpur)

The official residence of the King of Malaysia

Numerous visitors to Kuala Lumpur certainly have a lot to see in Malaysia - in the heart of the capital, right on the high ground, is the Sultan Istan Negara Palace, which is now the official residence of the King of Malaysia. Today various important high-level events and traditional ceremonies are held here.

This structure became a palace recently - the place on which it is located preserves its history. It used to be the mansion of a Chinese millionaire, but over time it was occupied by the Japanese and became an officers’ mess. Earlier it was also the residence of the Sultan, and years later the building was returned to Malaysia. Today’s palace daily meets many tourists, and despite the fact that it is closed to the public, here you can watch the change of the guard, walk through the picturesque areas of the palace, take a photo against the background of the main entrance.

The area of the present palace is 28 acres. There is a picturesque park, on the territory of which there are golf courses, swimming pool, tennis courts, and a lake. Its gardens are adorned with beautiful flowerbeds, groves and lawns. The gate is guarded by a foot and horse guard, the guards are dressed in a beautiful traditional uniform.

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10. Maritime Museum (Malacca City)

Malacca Maritime Museum Cccefalon

Along with other cultural and historical monuments, in Malacca is another interesting attraction in Malaysia - the Maritime Museum, which is an exact reconstructed copy of the Portuguese long-distance ship Flor de la Mar. The length of the ship is 36 meters, width - 8 meters. The ship had participated in important historical events for 9 years, but in 1511 it sank in an attempt to take looted treasures out of Malacca.

It was later decided to recreate a replica of the ship in order to open a museum dedicated to the glorious history of navigation. The exhibition is divided into different historical periods through which Malacca passed, from the Sultanate period to the Portuguese, British and Dutch colonization. Here you can see important historical documents, collections of porcelain, expensive fabrics, spices, and on the walls hangs many paintings reflecting the historical role of Malacca.

Next to the replica of the ship is a new museum building, which houses the continuation of the collection - an exhibition with models of ships and fishing boats of local residents, photographs, military uniforms and insignia.

In the garden outside the museum you can see another exhibit - a patrol boat Sri Trenganu from the 1960s. Visitors can climb aboard the ship and explore its interior.

11. Langkawi Resort (Malacca Straits)

Langkawi Resort Paradise

A stunningly beautiful archipelago of 99 islands in the Andaman Sea is worth a visit in Malaysia for those who wish to take a break from the hustle and bustle of the world and see the extraordinarily beautiful nature. It is the resort of Langkawi off the northwest coast of the Straits of Malacca. The vast majority of the islands here are uninhabited, with untouched wildlife. Only four of the 99 islands are teeming with life, the largest and most important of which is Langkawi Island. The very name “Langkawi” means “Red Eagle Island” and the island is indeed home to a rare breed of eagle with red-brick plumage. The island is home to Langkawi, Malaysia’s most popular resort featuring well-developed infrastructure and a number of four- and five-star hotels.

The air on the island is unspoiled - there’s no public transport, only cabs, bicycles and scooter rentals. The snow-white beaches are famous for their healing sand, which contains a lot of minerals and magnesium, which helps in the fight against rheumatism, osteochondrosis and in the treatment of bronchitis. The natural attractions of Malaysia here include numerous waterfalls, caves, beaches with unusual black sand and monkeys. Due to the island’s location in the equatorial zone, it is hot and sunny all year round.

12. Perhentian Islands (Gulf of Thailand, South China Sea)

Diving lovers in the Perhentian Islands

Twenty kilometers from the mainland is another natural attraction in Malaysia, particularly favored by divers. This is the Perhentian, an archipelago of volcanic origin in Malaysian territorial waters. It consists of 6 islands, the main and most popular of which is Perhentian-Besar Island. Here are equipped with bungalows, campsites, a special area for tents. Another popular island is Perhentian Kechil with a number of guesthouses and inexpensive eateries. This island is notable for economical services, so it attracts many tourists in search of inexpensive accommodation.

All islands of Perhentian Archipelago belong to Redong National Park. Here the rocky landscapes, clear sea, rich underwater world, the coastal zone is full of coral gardens, which is why the islands are so popular among fans of underwater hunting. Also on the Perhentian is a family of rare leatherback turtles.

Despite the relatively modest services on the islands, it is made up for by the extraordinary beauty of the surrounding nature, unusually beautiful beaches, amazingly relaxing atmosphere of serenity.

13. Menara TV Tower (Kuala Lumpur)

The Menara TV Tower in Kuala Lumpur

Among all sorts of high-rise structures in Kuala Lumpur, the ranks of which include the previously mentioned Petronas Towers. There is another no less interesting attraction in Malaysia - the Menara TV Tower. Its height is 421 meters and it is the highest man-made structure in Malaysia, which you can climb and see the surrounding panorama. It takes no more than a minute to reach such an impressive height.

Today the tower has become one of the main attractions of the Malaysian capital, its spire can be seen from different points of the city, and in the darkness the impression of contemplation is intensified by the spectacular lighting. It is thanks to the fantasy lighting that the tower eventually acquired a second name - the “garden of light”.

The construction of Menara Tower began in 1991, lasted 5 years and was completed in 1996. Both in the external design and in the internal finishing of the rooms, Muslim motifs were used. For example, the main hall received a classic Arabic vault. A richly decorated chandelier hangs from the ceiling of the hall, and the central doors feature a mosaic of traditional Muslim ornaments.

The Bukit Nanas National Park stretches around the structure, which can be admired from the observation deck of the tower or through the panoramic windows of the restaurant, located at a height of 282 meters.

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14. Bukit Bintang (Kuala Lumpur)

Bukit Bintang Street is a shopping and entertainment district in the capital Kuala Lumpur

In one of the fast-growing megacities of Southeast Asia, the Malaysian capital Kuala Lumpur, there is an outstanding area - Bukit Bintang, which has long earned a place of honor among the popular tourist spots of the city. It is always crowded, and there are many locals and visitors who appreciate the historical charm of this place and the modern polish. From shopping malls to trendy nightclubs, bars, colorful gift shops, and colorful markets, this lively neighborhood has it all. And in the area has its own indoor amusement park with an area of over 12 thousand square meters, where you can ride the largest roller coaster in Asia. It’s also worth noting that Bukit Bitang has a wide variety of hotels and has easy transport accessibility, making it a versatile destination for those arriving in Kuala Lumpur.

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15. National Museum of Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur)

Huge mosaics with episodes of Malaysian history at the entrance to the National Museum of Malaysia Daniel Berthold

Cultural attractions in Malaysia play an important role in planning an educational trip. Kuala Lumpur is at the forefront of the country in terms of the number of such monuments. One of them is the National Museum of Malaysia - the country’s largest repository of cultural, historical and natural science exhibits. The imposing 1953 building in traditional Malay style sits on Traverse Street. Inside are collections of folk crafts, art and culture. The entire interior area is divided into four parts. The first of the galleries showcases archaeological finds from the Paleolithic era, the second exhibits evidence of the birth and development of early Malaysian settlements, the third area highlights the colonial historical period, and the fourth highlights the achievements of modern times.

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16. Negara Mosque (Kuala Lumpur)

View of Kuala Lumpur's national Malaysian mosque on Jalan Sultan Himshamuddin Street

The colorful Masjid Mosque is the spiritual center of Kuala Lumpur and a symbol of the independence from Britain that the country gained in 1957. Eight years after this event, a mosque symbolizing freedom from heavy oppression was built. The city’s large Muslim population periodically gathers to participate in services here. The entrance for those of other religions is not forbidden, but it is time-limited and open for tourists only during certain hours. The building has a dome which resembles a half-opened umbrella and this is not unheard of because an umbrella is one of the royal regalia of the sultans. The minaret of the mosque, which is 73 meters high, can be seen from almost anywhere in the city. Inside the walls of the mosque are painted with national motifs and the huge main hall can accommodate 8 thousand worshipers.

17. Snake Temple (Penang Island)

Snake Temple or Azure Cloud Temple in traditional Chinese style in Penang Island

Interesting places in Malaysia can be found not only in the peninsula of Malacca, but also in the waters of the Andaman Sea, where there is a small island - Penang. One of the attractions of the island - the temple of snakes, the most unusual among the religious sites on the island. And it is not the architecture that makes it attractive, but its inhabitants - dozens of snakes that crawl into the walls of the temple. According to history, the Snake Temple was built on the site of the house where the Buddhist priest Chor Su Konge lived. This very devout man gave shelter in his house to all critters, among which were poisonous snakes. The temple was built in 1850 in memory of this “hospitable” man and since then, snakes have been living there, and on certain days, an unknown number of reptiles crawl there. Near the temple is a snake farm, where you can see not only snakes but also monkeys and turtles.

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18. Kek Lok Si Temple (Penang Island)

The temple buildings of various architectural styles at Kek Lok Si Temple in Penang Island
The Kek Lok Si Temple Complex in Ayr Itam District on Penang Island, Malaysia

Another notable site on the island of Penang is the Kek Lok Si Temple. It is the largest religious site not only on the island, but in the whole of Malaysia. In a huge area, spread out on a hill, there is a whole complex of temple buildings, erected at different times in different architectural styles. The temple itself was opened in 1905, and the construction of the complex lasted 4 decades, and such a long period has caused a mixture of Chinese, Burmese, Thai and other techniques of architecture. The main treasure of the complex is the 7-level pagoda, which contains - it is difficult to imagine - about ten thousand statues of Buddha! Another notable object is the 36-meter statue of the Goddess of Mercy, which stands at the very top of the mountain. You can climb to the top by a special staircase through the endless rows of shops, or by using a special elevator.

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19. Kelly Castle (Batu Gadjah)

The early 20th century Kelly Castle on a high hill on the Kinta Kellas Rubber Plantation

Batu Gadge is the abandoned residence of a Scottish planter, shrouded in a mystical veneer - it is believed that the castle is haunted and has a series of secret passages leading to secret rooms. The residence was conceived as a second home for the planter William Kelly, who longed for a castle far from Scotland to remind him of his homeland. William was respected among his workers, so he erected a Hindu temple right within the castle walls. In turn, the workers erected a statue of Kelly in gratitude. It is worth noting that the construction of the castle was never completed - the process was interrupted after the planter’s sudden death. This lonely castle, towering in the middle of the wild plantations, looks almost fantastic today. Many locals claim that William’s spirit roams the castle’s corridors, and a strange uneasiness grips many when they visit the castle.

20. Perdan Botanical Gardens (Kuala Lumpur)

Lovely corner of the Perdana Botanical Garden on the outskirts of Kuala Lumpur RivieraBarnes
A view of the city of Kuala Lumpur from Laman Perdana Square in the botanical garden RivieraBarnes

The Kuala Lumpur Botanical Garden is an island of greenery, water and clean air surrounded by the skyscrapers of the metropolis. On a spacious area of 92 hectares there are tropical plants, along the alleys there are whimsical twisted benches, carved pavilions, the original bridges over the ponds. The number of local attractions and interesting corners is so great that their study will take more than one or two days. For example, you can visit the National Planetarium, Bird Park, Deer Park, Police Museum, Museum of Islamic Art, Lake Gardens, Orchid and Hibiscus Gardens, and much more. It is amazing that all this beauty is concentrated in the heart of Kuala Lumpur. By the way, a trip to Kuala Lumpur, many travel agencies include in the tour Malaysia-Singapore. The sights of these neighboring states can make up a rich and fascinating itinerary.

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21. Old Train Station (Kuala Lumpur)

The old British Colonial-style train station in the center of Kuala Lumpur

Among the top ten most beautiful train stations in the world is the old railway station in Kuala Lumpur. When you look at this elegant colonial-style building, decorated with lovely turrets, slender spires, and lancet arches, it’s hard to imagine there are train platforms and trains running inside. The author of this creation in the very beginning of the 20th century was the British architect Arthur Hubbeck, who was a lover of Moorish style and Indo-Saracenic motifs - these are the preferences he embodied in the design of the building. In 1986, a new transport hub was built, after which most long-distance trains were moved there, and the old station began to receive only commuter trains. By the way, on one of these commuter trains you can quickly get to another attraction on the northern outskirts of the city - Batu Cave.

22. Genting Highlands (51 km from Kuala Lumpur)

Panorama of Genting Highlands unique entertainment complex Chee Hong
Open Theme Parks with various attractions in Genting Highlands jetsun

In a mountainous region of Malaysia, about 50 kilometers from Kuala Lumpur, at an altitude of about 2 kilometers is a super-popular Asian-style resort, Genting Highlands. In the 1960s this place was an ambitious project of the Chinese billionaire Lim-Goh-Tong, which seemed unfeasible - already considered insane to build a mountain road leading to the top. But the entrepreneur’s persistence allowed him to open the first casino in the mountains as early as 1971. Success was overwhelming, and today the mountains have grown large-scale entertainment complex, where people flock not only for fun, but also to rest from the heat of the Malaysian plains. The resort’s attractions include two major amusement parks, a golf club, a casino, and an observation deck. Genting Highlands is accessible by speedy cable car and offers dizzying views of the high peaks.

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23. Mount Kinabalu (Sabah State)

Mount Kinabalu on the island of Kalimantan among the tropical jungle
Climbing Mount Kinabalu in Kinabalu National Park in East Malaysia

About 140 kilometers from the state capital Sabah, in the middle of the tropical jungle, is one of Malaysia’s highest mountain peaks, Mount Kinabalu. At around 4,100 meters high, it stands out against the other mountains, which are almost half its height. A halo of snow-white clouds almost always adorns the top of the mountain, while the lush tropical greenery creates a spectacular color contrast. For the locals Kinabalu is sacred, it is also called “the abode of the dead” - it has long been believed that the spirits of ancestors live here. I must say, it is one of the most accessible peaks in the world, in terms of climbing. You can climb here, even without special equipment - the ascent will take only two days. But even if the conquest of the peak is not included in the goals, in the vicinity of the mountain you can walk through the national park, which will please you with the natural beauty and mountain coolness.

24. Tioman Island (Pahang State)

Great beach of Tioman Island off the southeast coast of Malaysia

A map of Malaysia includes not only the Malacca Peninsula, but also a number of nearby islands. If you look at the map, you can see to the right of Malacca a small island Tioman with an area of only 136 square kilometers. It is located about 50 kilometers from the mainland, in the southeastern part of the country. Tioman belongs to the Pahang National Park and impresses with its impenetrable forests, high mountains, picturesque white sand beaches, coral beds and turquoise water. On the west coast of the island there is a corner of civilization, which offers a large selection of apartments for all income, and around the port of Tekek concentrated mass of restaurants and duty-free shops. From Tekek you can hike through the lush forest, swim in the waters of the local waterfall, and on your return visit one of the small villages, which offer excellent dishes of the freshest seafood.

25. Taman Negara National Park (Malacca Peninsula)

Nature of Taman Negara National Park in Malaysia Peter Gronemann
Tourists in a cave among the rainforest of Taman Negara National Park in Malacca Peninsula
Hanging Trail in Taman Negara National Park on the Malacca Peninsula Raki_Man

If North America is known as a land of endless prairies, Malaysia is a land of dense and humid rainforests, with rampant tropical flora and fauna. A striking example of the local nature is the territory of Taman Negara National Park, which is the oldest tropical forest in the world. The rain forest has been growing here for more than 130 million years - 4500 square kilometers of these areas are under state protection. There are no roads in the park; the only way to explore the area is to hike the local trails or float the rivers. But there are plenty of options here as well. For example, arrange a breathtaking walk over suspended bridges built at an impressive height between the trees. Or organize rafting on the burbling mountain river with numerous rapids. Or go to the aboriginal tribes - visit one of the local villages, see makeshift houses and explore the life of the locals.

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26. Seven Wells Falls (Langkawi Island)

The Seven Wells Falls in the jungle in the southwest of Langkawi Island

Langkawi is a delightful resort island, part of an archipelago of about 99 islands near the sea border with Thailand. The sights of Langkawi appeal primarily to its extraordinary nature, and you can buy ready-made tours to visit them, or you can set out to explore the region on your own. One of the island’s favorite natural attractions is the Seven Wells waterfall, located in its western part. This original name comes from the view of the waterfall - the mass of water, falling down, passes through seven small basins, lingers there for a short time, flowing from one bowl to another, and descends from a height of 30 meters. It is definitely worth a swim in at least one of these seven “lakes” - the water is invigorating and refreshing after a long climb up, and the bubbling creates a Jacuzzi effect.

27. Cameron Highlands, Pahang

Many tea plantations in the Cameron Highlands or Cameron Highlands in Pahang

Within the state of Pahang, on a mountain range lies Cameron Highlands, Malaysia’s largest resort about 1.5 kilometers above the sea. The resort area in the 1960s was declared a nature reserve. The area is ideal for active recreation - mountain hikes are comfortable, the air does not get warmer than +25 degrees. Long time ago Cameron Highlands attracted planters moderate wet climate. The lush green hills are still used to this day by local farms and households to grow tea and strawberries. Here you can take a tour of the tea production facility, visit the tea museum, and store for some of the best teas. Another interesting site in the mountains is the Valley of Roses, which is a multi-step garden where roses, hibiscuses, gladioluses, carnations and other plants are grown.

28. Pregnant Maiden Lake (Pulau Dayang Bunting Island)

Rocks and lush jungle surround Pregnant Maiden Lake on one of the islands in the Langkawi Archipelago

The Langkawi Archipelago is home to one small island, Dayang Bunting, which hides a small azure lake with the unusual name of Pregnant Maiden Lake in its center. The water is surrounded by wooded hills, which from above resemble a pregnant woman. Several millennia ago the lake was the site of a mountain of soft rock, which over time washed away by sea water. Over time, the dome of the mountain collapsed as well, and a pit was formed that was filled with rainwater. Locals consider the lake’s waters miraculous, and many childless couples rush here in the hope of curing infertility. And all this is due to the legends associated with the lake. For example, one of them tells of a couple who for 19 years could not experience the happiness of parenthood. It was only after they drank the water from the magical lake that their dreams came true, and the family was joined.

29. Penang Hill (Penang Island)

A stunning view of Penang Island's capital, Georgetown, from Penang Hill Lookout

Many Penang Island tours include a visit to Penang Hill - or rather, not a mountain, but six vegetated peaks. In these mountains is now created a great tourist infrastructure - in addition to several observation decks, where you can see the panorama of the entire island, there are many unique objects. For example, a Muslim mosque, a Hindu temple, souvenir shops, stores, cafes, a museum of owls with thousands of figurines of owls from various materials. At one of the observation deck is the first cable car, built about a century ago. For those who like solitude there is another option of rest in the mountains - for example, walk along the mountain trails among unspoiled nature, a bird’s-eye view of the surrounding area. Or you can go down to the Botanical Gardens, which offers a panorama of the eastern part of the island.

30. Langkawi Sky Bridge (Pulau Langkawi Island)

The Langkawi Sky Bridge in the Ganung Machinchang Mountains on Pulau Langkawi Island

Advanced engineering has also contributed to the list of landmarks, with structures such as the 450-meter twin towers in the south of Kuala Lumpur or the vertiginous cable-stayed bridge spanning the scenic 700-meter-deep gorge on the island of Langkawi. And if the towers are quite organically integrated into the urban panorama of the metropolis, the bridge is a truly fantastic spectacle on the background of mountain panoramas. The 125-meter high “Sky” cable-stayed bridge spans the sky, plunging into the mist of clouds, and is supported by just a single metal pole, so it is rightly considered one of the highest single-support bridges in the world. The load is distributed by eight heavy cables that are attached to the supports. The views from the Heavenly Bridge is stunningly beautiful: on one side - the azure of the Andaman Sea, on the other - the splendor of the mountains and the nearby southern islands.

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