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Best attractions in Copenhagen: Top 35

After reading this review to the end, you’ll learn about Copenhagen’s attractions that will make your trip to the hospitable Danish city bright and memorable. We will tell you what to see in Copenhagen every inquisitive tourist must see.

What to see in Copenhagen first?

To list all the interesting places of Copenhagen will not allow any rating. Because there are really a lot of them. Therefore, in our list we have included only the most popular and recommended excursions in Copenhagen:

1. The Little Mermaid

The Little Mermaid Statue in Copenhagen Wilson Hui

A sculpture that showcases the famous heroine from Anderson’s fairy tale. The figure is located in the city harbor on a rock. It appeared here back in the early 20th century at the request of one of the members of the family that owns the Carlsberg brand. Such sights of Copenhagen are its calling cards.

2. Kastellet

Kastellet Citadel in Copenhagen

A powerful and imposing structure from the 17th century, made in the shape of a pentagonal star. The site has not only historical but also practical importance - it is still part of the country’s defence system. All that remains of its former grandeur are ancient cannons, towering on the mounds. There are no more towers or stone walls.

3. Tivoli Park

Main entrance to Tivoli Park in Copenhagen

What to visit in Copenhagen with the whole family? This famous amusement park complex dates back to 1843. There are cafes, flowering gardens, and numerous rides on the vast territory. Disneyland was invented by Walt Disney just after his visit here. Tivoli is popular with both visitors and residents, as all year round there is a fairy tale atmosphere: music, working Ferris wheel and old merry-go-round horses. At nightfall, modern illumination is turned on.

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4. Copenhagen city hall

Copenhagen City Hall on the main square in Copenhagen - Rådhuspladsen

Where to go in Copenhagen for architecture lovers? To the majestic town hall, which still serves as the seat of the city municipality. The original thermometer on its façade is of particular interest: on sunny days you’ll see a girl riding a bicycle, on rainy days you’ll see her with an umbrella in her hand. No less interesting is a tour of the interiors with sculptures of famous people of Denmark and an unusual astronomical clock. The town hall has its own observation deck, also available to tourists.

5. National Gallery of Denmark

National Gallery of Denmark in Copenhagen

Guides in Copenhagen advise that you should definitely visit this attraction and admire its unique exhibits from the Renaissance and Viking and Middle Ages - church utensils, household items, weapons, jewels, ancient coins, etc. Collections are temporary and permanent, some of the specimens come from other parts of the world.

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6. Frederick’s Church

Frederik Church, Marble Church in Copenhagen

The green dome of the church, supported by 12 columns, is more than 30 meters in diameter. The church is in the Baroque style and is visible from literally any part of Copenhagen. The foundation stone of the structure was laid in the middle of the 18th century by King Frederick the Fifth. Construction work lasted for 150 years (due to lack of finances).

7. Church of the Redeemer

Church of Our Savior in Copenhagen

The bell tower with its 86-meter spire, around which a staircase winds, and the beautiful temple are also true symbols of the Danish capital. The church was built at the end of the 17th century and the bell tower at the middle of the 18th century. Staircase design allows you to climb to the top of the bell tower - on the observation deck, and look at the figure of Christ established there. Despite the fact that some observation decks of the city are located at a higher height than this one, the emotions of the guests are inexpressible, and the reviews are always rapturous. As the spire sways in the gusts of wind.

8. Rosenborg

Rosenborg Castle in downtown Copenhagen

A great option for what to see in Copenhagen in 1 day. Rosenborg, with its beautiful orchards, magnificent baroque park, medieval statues and manicured lawns, is also known for its ancient early 17th-century palace. The palace was built for the monarch Christian the Fourth. Now it is a museum with 24 exhibition halls, whose exhibits show more than 500 years of history of Denmark and its rulers. Among other exhibits, there are 18th century furniture made of silver and tapestries from the late 17th century. Even the best hotels in Copenhagen can’t boast such luxurious furnishings.

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9. Karlsberg’s new glyptotheque

The New Carlsberg Glyptotheque in Copenhagen

A large collection of art exhibits once owned by businessman C. Jacobsen. Visitors are invited to look at sarcophagi from ancient Egypt, ancient sculptures and paintings. The specimens are from both modern and ancient times.

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10. Christiansborg

Christiansborg Palace in Copenhagen

Your trip to the Danish capital should definitely include a visit to this castle. Our recommendations are no coincidence: the landmark was built over eight hundred years ago at the behest of Bishop Absalon. Now part of the building is set aside to house the Supreme Court and the Parliament of the state. And the other part belongs to the royal family, and is open for tourists to see (on days when there are no ceremonial events in the chambers).

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Copenhagen sights: what else to visit in Copenhagen?

We’ve told you about the best sights in Copenhagen. However, our list would be incomplete without the following sites:

11. Royal Palace Amalienborg

Amalienborg Palace in Copenhagen

When listing the main attractions in Copenhagen briefly, Amalienborg should also be mentioned. A chic castle, where the royal family of Denmark “winters”. The complex includes: a statue of the monarch Frederin the fifth on a horse, octagonal yard and four identical palace buildings, the facade of which is executed in the Rococo style. If you buy a guided tour ticket, you can explore the lush interiors of the 18th and 20th centuries with silver and crystal furnishings, unique paintings, and antique furnishings. Every day, at 11:30 a.m. sharp, the royal guardsmen guarding the set take turns. The soldiers are dressed in the national uniform: black fur hats and white and blue pants.

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12. Round Tower

The Round Tower in Copenhagen

The structure is located in the central part of the Danish capital within walking distance of the city hall. If you want to see all those sights of Copenhagen, photos with names and descriptions of which we have now given at one time, come to the Round Tower. At a height of 35 meters it has a panoramic observation deck. The tower itself was supposed to be an astronomical observatory (designed by Christian the Fourth). These and many other facts will be explained to you during a guided tour of the building and of the current library with its rich collection of books on various topics.

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13. Newhaven

Newhavn - canal in Copenhagen

Newhaven is a kilometer-long metropolitan canal arranged in the 17th century. Around the canal, the area gradually grew and began to be inhabited by travelers and sailors. Until 1980, Newhavn was considered a troubled and even unsafe place in Copenhagen. However, thanks to renovations, it has become a famous historical attraction for tourists. If you want to experience the inexpressible atmosphere of Denmark in its entirety, a visit to Newhaven is the first thing you should do. You will be able to buy souvenirs and taste the local cuisine, look at the traditional buildings of the country.

14. Museum of Military History and Arms

Mini Tank at Copenhagen's Museum of Military History and Arms Thomas Quine

The date of opening of the large-scale museum complex is 1928. The museum was set up in an arsenal building from the beginning of the 17th century. All sorts of cannons (several hundred pieces at the moment) and various hand weapons are exhibited as samples. Guests can look at an extensive display of transport vehicles: planes, motorcycles, trucks and tanks.

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15. Dyrehavsbakken Park

Direhavsbakken amusement park in Copenhagen Erkan

The date of creation of the amusement park with numerous carousels and rides is the 16th century. Guests can stroll among the green lawns, have picnics outdoors, watch theatrical performances of characters from fairy tales and cartoons. If you are interested in those attractions in Denmark that are worth visiting with the whole family, come here by all means. There will be entertainment for both children and adults.

16. Stroget Street

Stroget in Copenhagen is the oldest and longest pedestrian zone in Europe missbossy

The best way to explore Copenhagen on foot is to walk along the Stroget, which is considered the longest pedestrian street in all of Europe. Surprisingly, Stroget is not found on the city map, only in travel guides you can find its colorful description. The fact that this is not a street in the classical sense, but the whole tourist area, which stretches from west to east and joined the five flowing into each other streets. The pedestrian zone is 2 kilometers long and was established here in the 1960s and has become the most popular place for city walks. People not only walk here, but also come for exciting shopping in local stores, chic boutiques and souvenir shops. There is also a concentration of attractions - museums, towers, fountains, temples and much more. The restaurants, aimed mainly at visitors to Copenhagen, have also found their place.

17. Gephion Fountain

A little girl at the Gephion Fountain in Langelinie Park in Copenhagen Benson Kua

Numerous myths and legends have been spawned over the centuries by the fairytale Copenhagen. A photo by the fountain Gephion became for many an obligatory point of the walking program, because the sculpture with mythical bulls is not simply an artistic creation of the end of 19th century, but the image of the characters of one of the well-known legends, and also - a real symbol of the birth of Denmark. There is a legend that the Swedish king once promised the goddess Hephion as a gift as much land as she could plow in one night. The goddess turned her sons into bulls and plowed with them the vast territories that later became the possessions of Denmark. Returning to reality, it is worth mentioning that the magnificent fountain was once a gift to Copenhagen by the famous Carlsberg Brewing Company in honor of its half-century anniversary. The high statue of the goddess with faithful bulls-groundsmen, crowning the stepped pedestal, looks especially spectacular in the evening, when the blue illumination of the fountain lights up.

18. Grundtvig Church

Western facade of Grundtvig Expressionist Church in the Bispebjerg district Hans Andersen

Scandinavian architecture is a special page in the history of Danish and world culture. Magnificent palaces and castles of Scandinavia can not be confused with other ancient buildings, and temples immediately become symbols of the places where they are built. One typical example of Scandinavian architecture is the Church of Grundtvig, built in honor of the famous Danish theologian. The monumental temple evokes the most opposite emotions - if the facade impresses with its stern appearance, the interior halls dispel the gloomy mood with their life-affirming decorations. From afar, the sand-colored building looks like an enormous organ, and Gothic towers and lancet windows give the construction some odious loftiness and solemnity. By the way, inside the temple there is a real organ with the largest 11-meter pipes in Scandinavia.

19. State Art Museum

The building of the Italian Renaissance State Art Museum in Copenhagen Matt Kieffer

The Danish National Gallery, called the State Art Museum, is located directly across from the residence of the kings of Kristiansborg. The museum’s collection once began with a collection of paintings by King Christian IV himself. The idea for the gallery came from the keeper of the House of Art, and the king approved it and generously sponsored it, and the best works of the world’s masters quickly began to fill the museum’s collection. So at the end of the 19th century the museum building was erected, and in its galleries today one can see paintings covering a vast period in the history of painting, from the Renaissance to the present day, in a total of more than 35 thousand exhibits. Permanent exhibitions introduce visitors to the classics of painting, while temporary ones feature modern works by Danish and European artists. The main treasure of the museum is the collection “European Art”, including works from the 14th to 19th centuries.

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20. National Museum of Denmark

The National Museum of Denmark on the four floors of King Frederik V's palace in Copenhagen Richard Mortel

The Danish capital is rightly considered a city of museums, and in order to catch the most interesting exhibition sites when traveling around the city, it’s worth building an optimal itinerary in advance. Copenhagen has about 60 museums, but among the first places worth visiting is one of the most important - the National Museum of Denmark, the main cultural and historical museum of the country. Its history began in 1807 when the local authorities decided to form the Royal Commission for the Preservation of Antiquities, and only half a century later the collection was put on public display. The main focus of the museum is the cultural and historical heritage in the field of numismatics, ethnography, archaeology and some natural sciences. Exhibits from different eras, from the Ice Age to the last centuries are presented here. Especially popular are the Renaissance and Middle Ages exhibitions, and several halls are devoted to the Viking Age.

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21. The Thorvaldsen Museum

Five doors on the central facade of the Thorvaldsen Museum building on Slotsholmen in Copenhagen

The most comprehensive collection of works by the outstanding sculptor Bertel Thorvaldsen is presented in a museum entirely dedicated to his work. Thorvaldsen lived and worked in the style of classicism in the 18th and 19th centuries, and today the great master rests directly in the museum courtyard. The sculptor lived in Rome for several decades, and in his old age decided to return to his native lands, and shortly before his return he donated all his works to his country. During those years, King Frederick VI himself ordered the allocation of land for the construction of a museum near the royal residence. Today in the exposition can be found drawings, sculptures, graphic works, and personal belongings of the master - the books from his library, a collection of coins, glassware and bronze, all more than 20 thousand exhibits. The lower floor is entirely occupied by plaster and marble sculptures, the floor above - paintings, and in the basement there is an exhibition describing the process of sculpture creation.

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22. David’s Museum

Entrance to the David Museum on Kronprinssegade Street in Copenhagen Orf3us

The David Museum is the spirit of the East in the heart of a European city. Before the museum opened in 1945, the collection was owned by entrepreneur Christian Ludvig David, who collected art from the Middle East for many years, and after this wealth passed into state ownership, the collection began to grow rapidly. Today it has thousands of exhibits from Eastern culture as well as some from Western culture. Here one can see skillful dishes made of porcelain, products of the finest silk, luxurious carpets, objects made of silver and much more. Contemplating all this abundance is justified bewilderment - how could such a unique collection come to the businessman? The fact is that David often received Oriental guests, who, knowing about his hobby, considered it their duty to surprise the host with something unusual and original.

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23. Carlsberg Beer Museum

The Elephant Gate at the former Old Carlsberg Brewery Gabriel Hes
Collection of unopened beer bottles in the Carlsberg Beer Museum at the Old Carlsberg Brewery Allan Henderson

Copenhagen is inextricably linked to the history of the famous beer producer Carlsberg. It is an original Danish brand, under which Jacob Jacobsen’s small brewery began operations, which later grew into a major brewery. The genius chemists of the brewery discovered unique methods of yeast cultivation which resulted in a legendary beer famous all over the world under the brand name “Carlsberg”. In the old building of the brewery there is now a museum of beer, where anyone can see the traditional process of brewing the heady drink, which has been carried out since the middle of the 19th century. The rooms even recreate the environment of that time, with exhibitions showing the brewery workers involved in brewing the beer. Here you can see the entire process step by step, including equipment - steam engines, brewing barrels, boilers and even old cars, which were used to transport beer.

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24. Royal Danish Theatre

The Royal Danish Theatre is popular with fans of classics and art AndreasPraefcke

There is no doubt that the best sights in Denmark are an inexhaustible piggy bank of cultural and historical treasures, which can be comprehended endlessly. But it is impossible not to include the Royal Danish Theatre in your travel program. After all, the theater building alone is a pompous architectural masterpiece. It is a unique historical place, recreating the atmosphere of the 18th century, when it was founded. Over the years, the structure was extensively refurbished in order to expand the space and improve the acoustics, but this eventually led to its complete unsuitability. And in 1871 a new building was built, which had a capacity of 1,600 spectators - this is the appearance that has survived to this day. At the end of the 18th century the theater had three main directions - opera, ballet and drama. Later it opened a drama school, opera classes and a choreographic school.

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25. Copenhagen Opera House

The riverboat pier at the National Opera House in downtown Copenhagen James Cridland

The Copenhagen Opera House is one of the most expensive theatrical projects, not only in Denmark but worldwide. Just kidding - the state authorities spent more than half a million dollars on its construction. The building was erected in 2004 opposite the Amalienborg Castle, next to the Marble Church. The building has 14 floors, a total area of about 40 thousand square meters, and behind its modern glass facade hides luxurious halls decorated with gold leaf, calcite and Sicilian marble. Chic and elegance is seen in every detail: the furniture is made of precious wood, the floor in the main hall is lined with natural oak, and the fantastic chandeliers are striking in their beauty. The repertoire consists mainly of classical plays, but in an unusual modern processing. On the top floor of the theater is a beautiful restaurant with a panoramic view of the bay and the castle.

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26. Royal Library of Denmark

"Black Diamond" is the new building of the Royal Library of Denmark on the waterfront of Copenhagen Julian Herzog

Lovers of ancient literature and ancient manuscripts are recommended to visit the Royal Library of Denmark, a classical reading room with huge halls and an incredible number of books. Today it is one of the largest libraries not only in Denmark, but in the whole world: its holdings include almost all publications in Danish, starting from the middle of the 15th century. It is a place where real literary treasures are collected, among which are the Gutenberg Bible, which is the first book printing history, works and personal correspondence of Hans Christian Andersen, works of naturalist Carl Linnaeus. Here you can find medieval manuscripts, modern editions, diaries of famous people, collections of old photographs, music notes, maps, and much, much more. The institution was founded in the 17th century by King Frederick S. The library is so huge that it has many buildings, including the most modern Black Diamond.

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27. The National Aquarium of Denmark

The Ocean Aquarium at the Danish National Aquarium "Blue Planet" in Charlottenlund Kostas Limitsios

Despite its authenticity, the Danish capital conceals many interesting places reflecting the modern facets of the ancient city. Among them is the National Aquarium of Denmark, recently opened in 2013. This is the largest aquarium in all of Northern Europe, with a total volume of about 7 million liters. The exposition includes several interesting areas. For example, the rainforest zone is home to dwarf crocodiles, freshwater stingrays, large catfish, and thousands of piranhas in a separate tank. The Great Lakes Zone features various species of fish from the largest lakes in the world. The mangrove section has a large number of fish and contact tanks with turtles. The North Sea area presents mostly native species of sea and river inhabitants. The coral reef is a giant reservoir of 4 million liters with reef sharks, stingrays, shrimp, jellyfish and seahorses.

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28. Bursen Exchange Building

Historical Copenhagen Exchange building on Slotsholmen Island in downtown Copenhagen Jebulon

Bersen is the capital’s stock exchange building, erected in Flemish Renaissance style in 1619. The first floor was compartments for the storage of goods, the second was a spacious hall for trading. Over the years, the building was repeatedly reconstructed and rebuilt, until at the end of the 19th century it acquired the appearance in which it is situated now. A distinctive feature of the building is its 56-meter spire in the form of intertwined dragon tails, symbolizing the union of Scandinavian countries. For nearly three and a half centuries the stock exchange occupied these walls, even surviving the storming of aggressive anarchists and unemployed trade unionists at the beginning of the last century. Today, the interior of the Bursen regularly hosts official receptions, gala dinners, and various cultural events.

29. Botanical Gardens

The indoor glass greenhouse at the Botanic Garden in downtown Copenhagen Thue

Going to Copenhagen on your own, you can plan a walking program at your own discretion. But to make sure that the constant flickering of ancient facades and millions of museum exhibits during the trip does not make your head spin, you should plan a measured, contemplative stroll through the Botanical Gardens. This is a veritable living museum, founded 4 centuries ago and located almost in the center of the Danish capital. The garden has the Denmark’s largest collection of plants - about 9,000 species in total and an impressive collection of dried mushrooms and herbaria, brought here from all over the world. Here you can not only walk among ever-blooming greenery, fascinating fountains, greenhouses and ponds, but also learn a lot of interesting things in the zoological museum, library with a huge collection of botanical books, observatory with an observation deck.

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30. Free City of Christiania

The entrance to the Free City of Christiania in Copenhagen's Christianshown district Neptuul
Free City of Christiania is Copenhagen's most famous and iconic place Kieran Lynam

On the whole, Copenhagen for the tourist is a measured, very atmospheric city with old houses, majestic medieval castles, cozy parks and embankments. But few people know that this city may be different: the main part of the capital of a ridge of houses and walls separated by a special district - the free city of Christiania, which lives by its own laws. Its territories are spread out on the site of the former military barracks. Christiania is a relatively young settlement, it was founded in 1971, when a group of hippies settled here illegally. Over 40 years have passed, the population of the mini-state has grown to thousands of people, and today there is a trade in soft drugs, meditation at local studios, various performances at art sites, the thematic fairs offer handmade creations, paintings, furniture and other objects, as original as Christiania itself.

31. Open-air museum in Ljungby

The ducks by the pond and the old building at the Open Air Museum in Ljungby Benno Hansen

One of the world’s largest open-air museums is situated 15 kilometers from Copenhagen, in a backdrop of picturesque forests and green meadows. Here scientists painstakingly recreated a piece of agricultural Denmark, as it was 3-4 centuries ago. On the vast 40-hectare territory there are original village buildings - rustic huts, farms, workshops and other authentic constructions, specially brought here from different parts of Denmark. All the interior items inside them are also authentic, ancient, and the streets have amazing atmosphere - the whole village seems to have got to these lands from the past: geese and ducks are running everywhere, cattle are walking imposingly, the mill rotates its wings, women wash laundry in a vat, a baker kneads dough. By the way, the museum often hosts interesting performances and workshops that teach visitors about ancient crafts.

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32. Guinness World Records Museum

Statue of the tallest man in the world before entering the Guinness World Records Museum Albertyanks

Copenhagen’s winter skies are dotted with low, dark clouds and the windy weather is not pleasantly warm, but perhaps it is in winter that the austere northern architecture looks particularly harmonious. And when choosing what to see in Copenhagen in winter, you should take time for a simple walk through the atmospheric streets of the city, and to escape the bad weather and have a good time, on the way to visit a museum, for example, the Guinness World Records. This place is a priceless piggy bank of the most extraordinary exhibits, reflecting the various achievements of the man and not only. Here are demonstrated the “records” of the sea depths - for example, the largest or the fastest fish. There is a hall, where achievements in space exploration and sports records are shown. The hall devoted to “physical features” shows examples of the world’s tallest and smallest human being, the largest newborn baby, the longest hair, mustache, etc. on mannequins.

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33. Eresunn Tunnel Bridge

The Oresunn Tunnel Bridge over the Oresunn Strait connects Copenhagen in Denmark and Malmo in Sweden Nick-D

The list of things Copenhagen is famous for is endless - it’s a city of cultural festivals, Scandinavian castles and the birthplace of the world-famous storyteller. But in the age of high technology the focus of attention shifts from ancient monuments to the masterpieces of modern engineering, including the Oresund Bridge. This crossing connects the Danish capital with the Swedish city of Malmo, and the border between the two countries runs exactly in the middle of the bridge. The structure combines an above-water part and a tunnel, and its two levels are used by cars and trains that cross the border between continental Europe and Scandinavia in a few minutes. The above-water part of the bridge, starting in Malmo, passes through a specially created 4-kilometer island Peberholm, dives underground here and smoothly passes into a tunnel that ends on the eastern edge of Copenhagen, near the airport Kastrup.

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34. Copenhagen Zoo

The 43-meter high wooden viewing tower at the Copenhagen Zoo Daniel

In the small town of Frederiksberg near Copenhagen you’ll find one of Europe’s oldest zoos, founded in 1859. Spread out on a picturesque area of 11 hectares, it has collected a huge variety of animals and plants. For pets there are special pavilions with conditions that are as close to the natural environment as possible. The park is very proud of its large elephant’s enclosure of a hectare and a half with a modern fence, which allows the elephants to see the surrounding nature. Here you can also watch the life of polar bears not only on the ground, but also under the water, in a huge transparent tank. The tropical zone features vegetation typical of the corresponding climatic zone, as well as all kinds of birds, frogs, tropical butterflies, and there is even room for zebras, giraffes, antelopes, tigers and rhinoceroses. In a special contact area you can feed the harmless animals right out of your hands.

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35. Copenhagen Harbour Baths

Copenhagen Harbour Baths on the banks of the Oresund Strait on Amager Island webjay
Trampoline and pools for adults and children at Copenhagen Harbour Baths in Denmark milgrammer

The Danish capital is built on the three islands that make up Copenhagen. The sea washes the city in the eastern part - the Eresund Strait to be exact, so in the summertime you can reach the coast in minutes and take a dip in the sea at one of the beaches. But in addition to the beaches, you can also bathe here at the special Copenhagen Harbour Baths, located in Iceland Bruges right on the coast of the Eresund Strait. The baths can accommodate up to 600 visitors and includes several pools where you can swim, dive and jump. There are areas for both children and adults - in short, a great option for a family vacation. And the swimming pool appeared as a result of the work of city authorities, aimed at solving the problems of sea water pollution in the city limits. So the former harbor, which had previously been used for industrial purposes, was transformed into an area for bathing and recreation.

We hope that when you come to Copenhagen, you will want to see all the attractions that we have just told you about in person.

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