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Best attractions in Colombia: Top 30

South America is the only country in the world that simultaneously has access to the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. If you understand what we are talking about, then the information on the subject of “sights of Colombia” will be useful to you. There are many interesting places on the territory of the republic, which means that with what to see in Colombia, you won’t have any problems.

What to see in Colombia first?

When planning a trip to Colombia, keep in mind that Spanish is the official language there. Almost all the locals speak it, except for some Indian tribes. It’s a good idea to get advice from people who have been to South America before.

1. City of Medellín

The City of Medellín or "City of Perpetual Spring"

It is the second largest city in Colombia. Now the former mining town is the capital of the department of Antioquia, with a population of 2.5 million people. It has very well developed areas such as iron and steel and textile industry. Why is the city of Medellín considered a tourist attraction in Colombia? Probably because it is very beautiful, colorful and has many interesting places. You can walk through the cobblestone streets of the old neighborhoods, admire the Spanish churches and rich villas. In between all this splendor you can also see the red-brick barracks.

2. City of Cartagena

The skyscraper district of Cartagena

Its history, as well as that of most colonial settlements, is incredibly interesting, in some ways even confusing. It is also rich in both tragic and happy events. There are guides in Colombia who can give you all of this and it makes sense to take advantage of their services. What can be interesting to see in the city of Cartagena? Tourists are offered to get acquainted with the fortress-museum La Concepcion, the sea museum, visit the Roman theater or visit the fortress of San Julian. The Punic Wall and the National Museum of Underwater Archaeology also attract visitors’ attention. This is not the whole list of attractions of Colombia, concentrated in the described city.

3. Bogotá

View of the city of Bogotá

It is the capital and at the same time the largest settlement on the territory of the country. It was founded by the Spanish conquistadors on the site of a former Chibcha Indian settlement. What sets Bogota apart from other cities in Latin America is the lack of monuments from the 16th-17th centuries. All because the settlement has experienced many wars, revolutions, and armed uprisings. In this mode it “lived” until the second half of the 20th century, not surprisingly, most of the historical buildings were destroyed. From the reviews of tourists you can learn, something did remain. This is a neoclassical theater and a church from the 17th century. There are also unique museums that feature Impressionist paintings, Cubist painters, and even pre-Columbian gold.

4. San Felipe de Barajas Fortress

Huge stone fort on the hill of St. Lazarus

It is one of the Seven Wonders of Colombia, located in the city of Cartagena, protected by UNESCO. One of the best sights has the appearance of a huge stone fort built on top of the hill of St. Lazarus. Since its “birth” (16th century) the fort has been repeatedly expanded and strengthened. Perhaps that is why it managed to withstand a large number of sieges and military actions, which lasted until the beginning of the 19th century. Today it is not just a tourist attraction, but also a place of various cultural events.

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5. Tyrone National Park

The Tyrone National Park's unspoiled coast of civilization

It is located in a very beautiful place, namely on the coast of the Caribbean Sea, which is 30 km from Santa Marta. It was granted protected heritage status in 1969. The park area includes about 12 thousand hectares of jungle, sandy beaches with bays, coral reefs. The description of this place says that everything in it has been preserved almost intact. If you belong to the number of people who prefer to rest in the wild, then Tyrone Park is a great option. The fauna of this place is very diverse, which is nothing short of spectacular.

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6. Las Lajas Church

Church of Las Lajas on a bridge in the mountains of Colombia

The cathedral is in neo-Gothic style, it is built on a bridge in the mountains, and is therefore remarkably beautiful. It is deservedly considered one of the 7 wonders of the country described. It was once believed that evil spirits dwelt in the location of the church, but opinion of it changed when miracles began to occur. A special feature of one of the main attractions is the presence of a rock icon, which measures 3 by 2 meters. First, a chapel was built near it, then two temples, but even they could not accommodate all those who wanted to pray. It was decided to connect the edge of the gorge arched bridge and build a church on it, which is now known as Las Lajas.

Feel the atmosphere of Colombia in this beautiful video!

7. The Rock of El Peñón de Guatape

The road to the unusual rock-stone with stairs

It is located between two small towns, each of which considers it its own landmark. The Tahamis Indians once lived there and considered the rock sacred. Many reviews tell us that the fish Batolito once jumped out of the sea in order to protect the people from the wrath of the gods who live in the sky. In battle its body petrified and became a rock. Among the low hills it stands alone, so it looks very imposing. The height is 220 m, and 2/3 of the rock is underground.

8. Caño Cristales River

The Caño Cristales River or "five colors river" Mario Carvajal

It is a right tributary of the Losado River that flows through the Serranía de la Macarena National Park to the east. Literally, the name of the described attraction in Colombia translates as “crystal river”. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that the stream of water is colored, and the spots do not mix with each other. The secret lies in the algae, the color of which depends on the temperature and time of year. They do not grow in a continuous layer, but in the form of islands, and not exactly the usual shape. In spring they are green, and in summer they turn red, retaining this color until the end of the year.

9. The Lost City of Ciudad Perdida

Ruins of the Lost City in the Colombian Jungle Andrew Hyde

Considered to be very ancient, it was once owned by Indians, and is located in northern Colombia. At one time it was the center of social and religious life of the Tyrons, but when the Spanish came, everything was abandoned. The entrance to the city is hidden in the jungle, for this reason, no one knew about it for a long time. A trip to Ciudad Perdida you will enjoy because it is a mysterious, abandoned. It consists of squares, paved roads, and hollowed out terraces in the mountain slopes that look like broad layers. There are even stones with images carved on them.

10. Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta

The green hills of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta National Park

It is a mountain range located in the north of Colombia, namely on the coast of the Pre-Caribbean Lowlands. Its height is 5,780 meters and it consists mainly of crystalline and metamorphic rocks, the slopes are represented by sedimentary rocks. The tops are covered with eternal snows and glaciers. The slopes on the north side are covered with green forests, and on the south side you can see xerophytic sparse forests and shrubs. Not sure what to see in Colombia? Head to the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta mountain range and you won’t regret it.

11. Museo del Oro Gold Museum

Exhibit Museo del Oro Gold Museum

This Colombian landmark is among the richest museums in the world. Just think, within its walls there are about 300,000 pieces of jewelry from the pre-Columbian era. In spite of the fact that it was opened in 1968, it was only in 2004 that it gained world fame. The building itself has three floors, on them all expositions are divided by subject into groups. Many tours in Colombia are directed to the Museo del Oro Gold Museum.

12. City of Leticia

Boats on the River in Leticia in the Amazon Eli Duke

represents the main tourist center in the eastern parts of the republic. It is located on the left bank of the Amazon, which is near the border of Peru and Brazil. The ratings of the described locality is decent, probably because it has an Island of Monkeys, there live more than 1,000 of these fidgety animals. It is important to know that 10 days before visiting Leticia it is necessary to get vaccinated against yellow fever.

13. San Agustin Stone Sculpture Park

The San Agustin Archaeological Stone Sculpture Park

Where to go in Colombia? An interesting place is the archaeological park located on the banks of the Magdalena River. It attracts attention with its huge size stone figures. Each one depicts some kind of god, animal, or person. Some of them date back to the 6th century BC. Today about 500 statues have been found, varying in design style and time of manufacture. They are very similar in form to the idols of Easter Island in Chile.

14. Tekendama Falls

The elegant Tequendama Falls on the Bogotá River

The uniqueness of this Colombian landmark lies in the height of the direct fall of the water. The gorge in which it flows narrows to the place of the precipice, due to which there is the strongest pressure. It is noteworthy that in December the channel dries up completely, if you visit Colombia at the end of the year, you may not catch the waterfall.

15. San Andrés and Providencia Islands

The clear waters of San Andrés and Providencia

These land areas are inhabited by Raisalis, who are descendants of English Puritans. The locals speak Raisal Creole, but it is gradually being supplanted by Spanish and English. Where to go in Colombia on the islands of San Andrés and Providencia? The main local attraction is the oldest Baptist church in all of Latin America in La Loma.

16. Rosario Archipelago

Panorama of the Archipelago del Rosario National Park

Located 40 km from the city of Cartagena, it covers about 120 thousand acres. In all of Colombia it is the only underwater park and it consists of 38 islands of different size and shape. Many of them are privately owned. The islets of land are covered in mangroves, and sandy beaches are scattered along the shores. This is a great place for sunbathing, swimming, the water temperature is usually at 24-29 degrees Celsius.

17. Los Nevados National Natural Park

Natural scenery of Los Nevados National Park

There are 55 national parks on the territory of the described state, so the third most visited is Los Nevados. The area of this attraction in Colombia is 583 km, and the altitude varies from 2600-5321 m above sea level. The photos in this area are incredible. On the territory of the park is the highest active volcano, the largest lake with an area of 1.5 km², whose depth reaches 70 meters.

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18. Mount Monserrat

View of Mount Monserrat

Not sure what to see in Colombia in 1 day? And climb to 2.8 thousand meters above sea level and 500 meters above the city, an incredible experience is guaranteed. You can do it by cable car or monorail. If you are not afraid of difficulties, then you can go up on foot and look at the expressive sculpture groups on the way. They depict the last hours of Christ’s life on earth, including his crucifixion and resurrection.

19. Simon Bolivar House Museum (Quinta de Bolivar)

House Museum of the famous liberator of Colombia Msorel

This place is considered one of the main attractions of Colombia because it allows you to learn about how Bolivar influenced the history of the state. It is not difficult to guess that the museum is located in the house where the leader of the struggle for independence of the Spanish colonies used to live. The exhibits are represented by items of clothing, weapons, documents and other personal belongings of the politician.

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20. Lake Guatavita

Lake Guatavita in the crater of an extinct volcano

The reservoir is almost circular in shape and is located in the crater of an extinct volcano, specifically at an altitude of 3,100 meters. Are you thinking about what to see in Colombia? Go to the lake, about which there are many legends. It’s believed that the water mass safely hides the gold of the ancient chiefs.

21. Sipakira Salt Cathedral

Inside the underground Sipaquira Salt Cathedral

This Catholic church is unusual, to say the least; it is located underground, namely in a salt mine. 75% of the building’s walls, carved into the halite rock, are made of salt. Services are held in the church on Sundays. In 2007, this Colombian landmark was recognized as the most important landmark in the state. In addition to the cathedral itself, the complex includes a museum of mineralogy, mining of fossils of natural origin. The attention of tourists is attracted by the hall with the lake, the territory even has a three-dimensional theater, souvenir stores. The entire complex has 4 levels, the salt cathedral is on the second.

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22. Bogotá Cathedral

Bolivar Square in front of the Bogotá Cathedral

It was once consecrated in honor of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary, and is located in the main square called Plaza Bolivar. What to visit in Colombia? The answer is the Cathedral, standing on the site where the first stone temple was erected in the late 16th century. Two centuries later, it was rebuilt, acquiring features characteristic of Classicism. In the chapel is the sarcophagus of the founder of the city.

23. The National Capitol Building

Facade of the National Capitol Building

It is located in Plaza Bolivar, in the capital of the republic. It is the seat of the Colombian Congress. The interior is decorated with frescoes by Santiago Martínez. They depict famous political figures.

24. José Celestino Botánico Garden

The José Celestino Mutiz Botanical Garden Alberto Castillo Aroc

This is an interesting place in Bogotá, the garden was opened in 1781 when King Carlos III ruled. The project was a joint effort between the architect Villanueva and the botanist Gómez Ortega. The site covers 8 hectares of land, on which grows about 850 varieties of plants, a huge number of trees and shrubs, and different species. On the territory of the garden there is even an artificially built waterfall.

25. Malpelo Island

The formidable and impregnable Malpelo Island

This place is also known as the “Shark Capital”. It is a small rocky cliff that sticks out in the middle of the ocean. It lacks any vegetation, but despite this, the site is a World Heritage Site. The value is not the island itself, but what surrounds it, or rather who surrounds it. We are talking about an incredible number of sea creatures. The most striking representatives are all kinds of sharks, as well as porpoises, mantas, morays and others. The island is a refuge for rare inhabitants of the high seas.

Colombia sights: what else to visit in Colombia?

As we can see, the state in the northwest of South America has a lot to show its visitors. The country is considered one of the richest in terms of the number of peoples, the languages they use. As a continuation of the topic of what to visit in Colombia, we would like to introduce you to other interesting places.

26. Tierradentro

Mountains in the National Archaeological Park "Tierradentro"

It ranks second in the republic in terms of its archaeological significance. An archaeological park in itself, it has gained popularity due to the presence of crypts located deep underground. They belong to the pre-Columbian era. The entrances to them are oriented to the west, there is also a spiral staircase, the main chamber at a depth of 5-8 m, it is surrounded by additional, smaller ones. The walls are “decorated” with geometric, zoomorphic and anthropomorphic drawings. Ancient people applied them using red, black and white dye.

27. Convento de la Popa

Inside the Convento de la Popa Women's Convent Munigarro

Located on a hill 150 meters high, it is the highest point of the city. The literal translation of the name of the shrine is “monastery of the stern,” which is due to the resemblance of the hill to the stern of a ship. The more massive structure replaces the small wooden chapel that used to stand on the hill. Now in the chapel of the monastery you can see the image of the Virgin Candelaria, who is considered to be the heavenly patroness of the city. Still thinking about what to see in Colombia? The views from the top of the hill where the convent stands are amazing.

28. El Joselito Carnival in Barranquilla

The El Joselito Carnival in Barranquilla Studios

We can say that it is unlike anything else, incredibly fun, sexy, and involves a lot of very strange characters. Everyone who has ever been to such an event, or taken part in the action, agrees that it is the most peculiar and fun holiday in all of South America.

29. Colombia’s Coffee Cultural Landscape

Lovely Colombian Coffee Plantations

This is an area of the Paisa region, which is a rural area. It is grown there, producing the bulk of Colombia’s coffee. The area is home to a national park and museum of coffee culture and a national park of agricultural culture.

30. Flower Fair in Medellín (Feria de las Flores)

Parade of "sijeteros" porters at the flower fair John Jairo Estrada

A unique event in which people move with chairs on their backs on which large ornaments made of fresh flowers are attached. It takes place in the first half of August and gathers a large audience. Hotels in Colombia, restaurants, and travel agencies also prepare for the event.

If you decide to go to Colombia with the proper organization of your trip, you will not regret it. The country happily welcomes each of its guests, opening up to him an interesting world of sights, natural monuments, celebrations, in which you can take a direct part.

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