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Best attractions in Morocco: Top 23

Morocco - the land of picturesque authentic nature, ancient traditions, covered with the spirit of ancient legends. You do not have to look for what to see in Morocco - African and Arab exotic lures on a fascinating journey, and guides in Morocco will lead the most intricate route through the endless deserts, wild mountains, beautiful beaches and other interesting places. Morocco’s sights await you at every turn, whether you’re traveling through the desert or taking city excursions in Morocco. Despite the fact that the country is in Africa, hotels in Morocco belong to the European system of hotels and provide a full range of services, the reviews of which are only positive. Rating, which presents an overview of the best sights in the country, will help you make the right choice and make a fascinating itinerary of the trip.

What to see first of all in Morocco

The sights of Morocco are so numerous that it can be difficult to choose from the variety presented. Recommendations on what to visit in Morocco will help to simplify the task.

1. City of Fez

Panorama of the old city of Fez

When choosing what to see in Morocco in 1 day, the city of Fez, once the capital of the state, is worth stopping by. City of craftsmen, potters and tanners is the center of the Moroccan world, where the most famous attractions of Morocco are concentrated. For example, the oldest university in the world Al-Qarawin, founded in the 9th century and graduated a pleiad of talented theologians and philosophers, or the tomb of Idris II, the Sultan who founded the city. Fez is also known for two medinas, as it arose from the merger of two older cities.

2. Hassan II Mosque

Majestic structure on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean

The monumental Hassan II Mosque was erected in Casablanca in 1993 and has become the country’s main landmark. The Sanctuary rises above the ocean waters on a small artificial peninsula and its decoration combines ancient and modern architectural techniques. A distinctive feature is that even non-Muslims are allowed in the mosque. The vast halls and courtyard of the complex can simultaneously accommodate up to 100 thousand worshippers.

3. Meknes City

The former stables of the Sultan are huge and majestic

“The City of a Hundred Minarets” is one of the imperial cities of Morocco, with an unprecedented number of historical monuments - such as Bab Mansour, the largest gate in North Africa, the Royal Granary, the large Dar Jama’i Museum, the Mausoleum of Moulay Ismail, the Prison of Christian Slaves and other important Moroccan sites. The city offers an atmosphere of tranquility and serenity, with beautiful gardens everywhere and jugglers, fortune tellers, snake charmers and fakirs demonstrating their talents in the main square.

4. Volubilis Archaeological Monuments

Triumphal Arch of the Edict of Caracalla

There are many archaeological sites to see in Morocco as well. For example, Volubilis, one of the ancient cities of the Roman Empire. Archaeological excavations have revealed that the settlement on the site of the city existed since the Neolithic era, and later a major earthquake destroyed the ancient city. In 788, this was the residence of Idris ibn Abdallah, one of Mohammed’s descendants. As a result of the excavations today we can see the clear outlines of the layout of the Roman city, the remains of the fortress wall, the Arch of Caracalla, the multiple pedestals, the porticoes and the arches.

5. The Gardens of Menard

Pavilion with a pyramidal roof by an artificial lake in the Menard Gardens

Where to go in Morocco for a relaxing vacation in nature? The first place worth recommending is the Menard Gardens, a famous park in Marrakech. The gardens, spread out at the foot of the Atlas Mountains, are an olive grove of 30,000 olive trees framing an artificial lake. The intimate gardens were laid out back in the 13th century in such a way that all their corners offer a dizzying view of the mountains, and it’s no wonder that the Menard Gardens are often a favorite subject for tourist photos.

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6. Erg-Shebbi

Great sand dunes of Erg-Shebbi

The huge sand massif of Erg Chebbi, 40 kilometers from Erfoud, is one of Morocco’s recognizable landmarks. The sand dunes, with a total area of more than 100 square kilometers, are in constant motion and create a unique and changing landscape. The height of some dunes exceeds 150 meters. The most popular type of tourist trip in Erg Shebbi is traveling on camels, during which tourists have a unique opportunity to spend a few nights in real Berber tents and taste their national dishes.

7. Hercules Grottoes

The exit from the grotto to the sea looks like a mirror image of the map of Africa

Not far from the city of Tangier, nature by means of sea water has carved interesting recesses in the rocks. The outline of the exit to the sea in one of the grottoes of Hercules resembles the outline of the African continent. For many years, stone was mined in these parts. The grottoes got their name thanks to an ancient legend, according to which Hercules slept in one of them before his next of his 12 feats - stealing the golden apples from the garden of the Hesperides.

8. Todra Ravine

The Amazing Rocks of Todra Gorge

In the eastern massif of the Atlas Mountains, the Dades and Todra rivers have washed out with their waters a narrow canyon. The Todra Gorge extends over the last 40 kilometers of the river bed. In one section of the gorge offers a spectacular spectacle - the gap between the walls of the canyon narrows to 10 meters, and the smooth walls of the gorge rises to 160 meters. At the base of the gorge flows an ice river, which was once a full-flowing river, but later turned into a small stream.

9. The Garden of Majorelles

Pond and the lush vegetation of the Majorelle Garden Viault

Against the background of the southern color of Marrakech, in the realm of heat, noise and motley colors, an oasis of coolness and tranquility stands out in a special way: the Majorelle Garden. This landmark of Morocco was once created by the French artist Jacques Majorelle who, impressed by the brightness and originality of Marrakech, built a villa in the Moorish style and a magnificent garden next to it. He enlivened the garden with all kinds of rare plants such as Asian bamboo, palms, cacti and other plants from India, Mesopotamia, California and the Mediterranean.

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10. Essaouira

The fortress of Essaouira with its powerful fortress wall on the Atlantic coast

What to see in Morocco among the seaside resorts? Essaouira, a famous resort city on the Atlantic coast, is a good place to start. This place is characterized by a mild climate and light warm winds. The port of Essaouira was once a fishing center, especially the sardines that were caught here. Although the port is not so important today, you can still see fishing boats in the coastal waters and taste the grilled sardines in the city.

11. Bahia Palace

The interior of Bahia Palace

The Bahia, built in 1900, is a true masterpiece of Moroccan architecture, created by order of the Vizier of Marrakech Si Ahmed bin Moussa for one of his consorts. The palace was built over a period of 20 years and during the construction process new plots of land were acquired, rooms were added and the plan of the palace was constantly supplemented. As a result, the building inside reminded of a huge labyrinth. The Bahia, in the Arab-Andalusian architectural style, is surrounded by a beautiful garden of cypress, orange and banana trees.

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12. Ait-Ben-Haddou

Ksars (fortified dwellings) in Ait-Ben-Haddou on the left bank of the Warzat River

This is a fortified town in the south of Morocco, on the slope of the left bank of the Varzarat River. The appearance of this qasar is a typical example of Moroccan earthen architecture: all constructions in the town are built of brown clay, with a straight roof and the streets on the slope are horizontal, i.e. parallel to the base of the slope. The city, which was built around the 11th century to protect the caravan route, has been restored in recent years and has been used many times as a filming location for Oriental movies.

13. Draa River Valley

The lush vegetation of the Draa River Valley

The Draa is Morocco’s longest river, which begins in the Atlas Mountains and, after traveling about 1,000 kilometers, flows into the Atlantic Ocean. But this happens only during the melting of glaciers, and the rest of the time the river flows only about 200 kilometers without reaching the ocean. But the Draa valley is the most fertile land, so there are villages, orchards and palm groves. And in the Azlag Gorge, the valley narrows a lot, and from here starts a tourist route, which is recognized as the most beautiful road in Morocco.

14. Jemaa al-Fna Square

Jemaa al-Fna Square at night

Marrakech’s largest square, Jemaa al-Fna, is one of Morocco’s most important landmarks. Here as nowhere else can the mystical air of the ancient East be heard: various street artists perform here and there all day long, traveling snack bars and the sounds of the oriental bazaar and national music mingle with one another. There are various versions of the square’s origins, but they all boil down to the fact that it was once the site of a slave trade and an execution.

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15. El-Badi Palace

A cozy courtyard with an orange garden at El Badi Palace

The majestic El Badi Palace in Marrakech was built by the Saadites for 25 years at the turn of the 16th and 17th centuries. Valuable materials such as Italian marble and Sudanese gold were used in its construction. Especially surprising is the fact that a centralized heating system was organized here already at that time, which can be considered a real miracle for that era. To this day, the palace has retained its grandeur, it has 360 rooms, and its courtyard is of unprecedented size. Since the middle of the last century, the palace became the site of the Moroccan National Festival.

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16. Kasbah of Agadir

View from the fortress to all of Agadir and the surrounding ports

The Kasbah of Agadir is one of those sights that one wants to see in Morocco, even though little has been preserved of the original structure. The kasbah is a fortress built in 1540, on a hilltop, to protect it from enemy raids. About 300 armed men once lived there, but a massive earthquake in 1960 did irreparable damage to the structure, and all that remains is a battlemented wall.

17. Talassemtane National Park

The Talambo River in Thalassemtane National Park Jodal rachid

Thalassemtane was originally created to preserve the spruce forest that grows in the area. The park is located in the Rifa Mountains, on the outskirts of the town of Chefchaouen. Today it is a great place for hiking and horseback riding, from many points you can see the magnificent views of nature, travelers are provided with accommodation in hostels. Walking through the park, you can see the majestic outlines of mountain peaks, cliffs, gorges, dense forests of pine and cedar. The park is home to macaws, leopards, otters, lynxes and cheetahs.

18. The palace of Mahcama du Pacha

Inside Mahkam du Pasha Palace Fidex2020

As if it were in an Oriental fairytale, the Palais de Mahkama du Pasha in Casablanca is one of the most beautiful palaces in Morocco. Its 64 rooms are decorated with a number of wood and stone carvings, forges and mosaics, and trace elements of the Moroccan and Moorish styles. Lavish gardens and fountains have been created within the palace. However, this building is not an ancient palace - it was built in 1952. Today it houses the city council.

Morocco sights: what else to see in Morocco

In addition to the main significant sights, what to visit in Morocco in the first place, there are others that are no less interesting and inspiring. The following ranking is a description of other sights in Morocco worthy of attention.

19. Arab League Park

The Arab League Park Ulayiti

This 1918 park is the largest park in Casablanca. You can stroll around its vast space all day long admiring all kinds of bizarre plants, relaxing in the gazebo and enjoying the coolness of the fountain. Planted here are all kinds of Oriental and European plants, rare varieties of flowers. The main attraction is the picturesque pond with blooming water lilies and the palm alley, stretching from one end of the park to the other. On the territory there are also several restaurants of the national cuisine of Morocco.

20. Chavin (Chefchaouen)

The sky-colored street in the Moroccan town of Chavin-Chefchaouen

At the foot of the Rif Mountains is a town that seems to be drowned in sky-blue colors. The fact is that all buildings here are painted in piercing shades of blue, azure and blue. This color reflects the residents’ compliance with the biblical covenants, according to which the blue and blue shades symbolize the blue prayer shroud of thales, a reminder of God. The fact is that Shaven was once a refuge for Jewish Jews exiled from Spain. Today, the percentage of the Jewish population in Chavin is much reduced, but the tradition of painting houses remains.

21. Ouzoud Falls

The powerful cascade of the Ouzoud Falls amid green cliffs

The Ouzoud Falls are one of the most beautiful waterfalls in Africa: they cascade down from a height of 1800 meters and split up into three main streams. Near the waterfall there is a recreation center, where you can admire the surrounding nature or watch the habits of yellow macaques, which in this area are attracted to the fruits of the carob and figs. A natural pond, formed by the waters of the waterfall, is a great place for swimming. And you can take a boat to the base of the rushing waterfall.

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22. Qutubiyah Mosque

The Qutubia Mosque is one of the symbols of Marrakech

The Koutoubia Mosque is Morocco’s most recognizable landmark in the city of Marrakech. The mosque’s tall 77-meter minaret with its 8-meter spire can be seen from many corners of the city, and the night illumination makes this tall structure even more aesthetically pleasing and observable. The shrine was erected in the distant 12th century. Today, it is the Qutubia that houses the main prayer hall in Morocco; it is 90 metres long and 60 metres wide, with a capacity for up to 20,000 worshippers at a time. Around the mosque there is a beautiful garden with orange trees.

23. Kasbah of Udaya

Kasbah Oudaya is an ancient city fortress of Rabat

It was built in the early 12th century to protect the capital of Morocco, Rabat, from nomadic raids. According to the traditions of the time, the fortress was a city within a city, when in a large city, inside the ring of external walls other buildings - houses, public institutions, gardens, mosques and much more - were isolated. All the buildings are surrounded by numerous trees and flowers, and it seems that the whole kasbah is buried in greenery. The kasbah also has the oldest mosque in the country and an observation deck overlooking the sea.

Magical Moroccan land will leave its guests with vivid memories and a beautiful Mediterranean tan. And the above review will help you decide what to see in Morocco to rest in this colorful country, in addition to a serene vacation on the coast, remembered by the amazing, ancient, unique, impressive sights.