Best 5 star hotels in Tunisia: choose a hotel


The number of fans of Tunisia is increasing every year. Excellent weather conditions, loyal pricing policy and developed tourist...


Best attractions in Algeria: Top 20


Algeria is an endless expanse of desert Sahara, warm waters of the Mediterranean Sea, impressive mountain ranges, oriental color and bright...


Best attractions in Madagascar: Top 14


Madagascar is an island state, like a large nature reserve. Every new visitor to the country finds something to see in Madagascar: active...


Best attractions in Morocco: Top 23


Morocco - the land of picturesque authentic nature, ancient traditions, covered with the spirit of ancient legends. You do not have to look...


Best attractions in South Africa: Top 25


South Africa is one of the richest countries of the African continent, a country of contrasts, combining primitive and modern. [Guides to...


Best attractions in Tunisia: Top 25


Mysterious country of warm sun, desert heat and cool oases, date palms and spicy jasmine is a magical Tunisia. For many vacationers this is...