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Best attractions in Germany: Top 25

Germany is not just one of the most highly developed European countries, it is also an amazing country with a thousand years of history, where great artists lived and created. It is a country of majestic nature and healing climate, which makes it so popular health tourism. Every year, Germany attracts millions of tourists from all over the world with its magnificent scenery, historical sites and delicious national cuisine. Do not know what to see in Germany? Especially for you, we have compiled a rating, which includes the most interesting sights of Germany. Every traveler will find in this country something interesting for themselves. Whether it is a chamber concert halls or the trendiest nightclubs, national art galleries or car museums, noisy beer bars or old wine cellars.

What to see first in Germany

Only when you go on excursions in Germany will you realize how diverse and unique this country is, where each city has its own traditions, but with an atmosphere of universal unity. All of the attractions on the list are worth seeing - make your choice and your trip will be great!

1. Cologne Cathedral (Cologne)

The masterpiece of world architecture Cologne Cathedral
The Herault Crucifix in Cologne Cathedral Elya

On the highest point of Cologne’s Cathedral Hill sits a true masterpiece of Gothic architecture, the Cologne Cathedral. Its official name is the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Mary.

The outer appearance of the cathedral alone is a source of genuine admiration. The architecture of the majestic building as if woven out of a lace of stone towers, columns and pilasters, united in a single architectural composition. And the general form of the building, if you look from above, is made in the form of a Latin cross.

Cologne Cathedral has become an important landmark in Germany, not only because of its appearance, but also because of its rich history.

Already in the first century AD on the site of the cathedral was built a temple dedicated to the Roman gods. From the 4th century onwards, Christian churches began to be built on the site, but they were inevitably destroyed by fires. And in the middle of the 13th century, after the relics of the three Magi were given to the Archbishop of Cologne, it was decided to build a temple. And in 1248, the first stone was laid in the foundation of the Cologne Cathedral. Construction of the cathedral dragged on for centuries - by 1560, only its foundation was laid. Construction was not resumed until 1824, when according to plans found in archives the tall towers and facades were completed. The completion of the construction was celebrated in 1880.

Today the Cologne Cathedral fascinates not only with its facades but also with its interior. The main hall is decorated with a variety of figures of saints, carved columns, the walls and floor are decorated with mosaics and gilding. Sacred awe is aroused by an oak cross, faithfully reproducing the crucifixion of Christ. In short, every corner here is saturated with its history, one can feel the atmosphere of the Middle Ages, especially during organ music concerts.

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2. Neuschwanstein Castle (Bavarian Alps)

The Castle of Neuschwanstein by King Ludwig II of Bavaria

When you first look at the facade of Neuschwanstein Castle from afar, there is a persistent association of this amazingly beautiful structure with a toy. So unbelievable is the beauty of the neat ivory towers topped with pointed emerald domes. Even more fabulous gives an incredibly beautiful natural background in the form of alpine slopes, buried in the green forests. Neuschwanstein castle can be safely included in the rating of the most beautiful places in the world!

This breathtaking landmark of Germany appeared on the initiative of the Bavarian King Ludwig II, who embodied in the castle his fantastic visions and romantic plans. The first stone was laid in the foundation of the future castle in 1869. Initially set three years construction term was postponed more than once: labor input of the project, location of the site in the mountains, as well as constant adjustments, which were made in the project by the monarch himself.

Just like the facade of the castle, the interior furnishings reflected the monarch’s fantasy dreams:

  • the decoration of the castle halls embodied various plots of Germanic mythology, the walls and ceiling of the rooms are crowned by numerous elements of painting;
  • the king’s bedroom in neo-Gothic style, with its beautifully carved decorations and high reliefs;
  • the prayer room, created in the memory of St. Louis, King of France, hosts a casement altar decorated with a refined carving;
  • The living room is based on Lohengrin, the swan knight, so the swan theme can be readily seen in the carved woodwork and the gold embroidery on the curtains.

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3. The Brandenburger Gate (Berlin)

The Brandenburg Gate in Berlin

If you’re wondering what Germany’s true symbol of the country is, and what you should see in Germany first, then you should definitely see the Brandenburg Gate. It is truly a legendary structure, impressive in its size, architecture and symbolizing the most important milestones in the country’s history.

Thus, the Peace Gate, as it was originally called, was laid in 1789, and the works of ancient builders were taken as the ideological basis of the project.

In 1871, the year of the formation of the German Empire around the kingdom of Prussia, the victorious soldiers marched through the Brandenburg Gate;

in 1918 and 1920, troops of counter-revolutionary soldiers had already passed through the arch;

in 1945, the red banner of the Russian victors flew on the quadriga of the gate, and Stalin’s portrait was hoisted beneath it;

in 1961, the gate was closed and built into the Berlin Wall, dividing Germany into two states - capitalist and socialist;

in 1989, when the Berlin Wall collapsed, the gate reopened, since then having become a symbol of peace and national unity.

The gate is an almost complete replica of the arch of the Propylaeum on the Parthenon. The total height of the gate is 26 meters, it has 6 pillars and 5 corridors, the main of which is designed for the passage of solemn corteges.

4. Black Forest (Black Forest region)

Trail in the Black Forest
The Triberg Waterfall on the Gutach River in the Black Forest

In the south of the country, in the Black Forest region of the Black Forest, there is a truly fabulous sight in Germany - the Black Forest, which brings back memories of characters from famous fairy tales the Brothers Grimm The forest is mostly made up of thick and tall spruces, which is where the name Black Forest comes from.

In the shade of the dense forest, streams are ringing, rivers are flowing and whole waterfalls are roaring. The Danube River, which flows through a number of European countries, has its source in this forest. Deep lakes, huge old spruces, boulders overgrown with moss - everything here seems to keep its special fairy tale secrets.

For example, the waterfalls of the black forest are considered the highest in the country, and some of them attract streams of tourists.

Today the black forest is not as dense as it used to be: there are equipped ski resorts, recreation areas and even an amusement park. The water in the lakes of the Black Forest is crystal clear and many divers come here for diving - the deep lakes Schluchsee and Titisee are especially popular. Equally popular are motorboat rides on the mirror-like lake surface.

Locals as well as visitors often take mountain hikes here - such hikes are well worth the effort. Climbing up the numerous well-trodden trails, you can fully enjoy the local scenery, and at a certain height, the view opens up an unusually picturesque view of the surroundings.

5. Museum Island Berlin

Museum Island Berlin

To choose what to see in Germany, you do not have to go far - right in the middle of the European capital, on a small island of Spreeinsel, is one of the most striking and impressive cultural heritage sites in the country - the so-called Museum Island, which is a whole museum complex, including five museums founded at different times.

The history of this complex dates back to 1797, when the idea of creating a museum on the island of Spreeinsel was born to exhibit antique collections and art objects from the Middle Ages.

The Old Museum - The Old Museum was the first to establish a museum complex on the island in 1830. Here the rarest collections of ancient Roman and ancient Greek art have found their place.

Bode Museum - erected between 1897-1904, the museum includes collections of Byzantine art and numismatic collections of coins from the 7th century B.C. to the present.

The Pergamon Museum, first opened in 1930, includes the Near Eastern Museum, the Museum of Islamic Art, and the Ancient Collection, with the Pergamon Altar, the Babylonian Gate, and the Mshatta Frieze among its most valuable exhibits.

The Old National Gallery - opened in 1876, it has an extensive collection of 19th-century paintings and presents works in the styles of Classicism, Impressionism, Romanticism, Modernism, and Biedermeier.

The new museum was founded in 1855 and is essentially a continuation of the collection of the Old Museum, which was so large that it was necessary to open several more exhibition halls.

Check out the beautiful places in Germany in this great video!

6. Berlin Wall (Berlin)

Remains of the Berlin Wall Ansgar Koreng

Every October, Germany celebrates German Unity Day, consisting of the reunification of the western and eastern parts of the state. In the minds of residents, the symbol of reunification was the end of the so-called Berlin Wall, which once divided not only the city, but also the state and the entire nation, and became a symbol of the Cold War.

How was the Berlin Wall formed? After the defeat of the Third Reich, the USSR and the Western Allies divided Berlin into zones of occupation, and the Allied sectors combined to form West Berlin. There was a conditional line between West and East Berlin, dividing the city in half. Its length was about 45 kilometers. Over time, this situation led to the fact that to the “west” city laborers and cheap food flowed away. And with the adoption of the Halstein doctrine by the West German government, according to which the FRG could not have any relations with the countries that recognized East Germany (East Germany), the situation became extremely acute. In August 1961, 25,000 East German volunteers, under police protection, began to build the wall. The work was not completed until 1975.

The Perestroika period in the Soviet Union put an end to the “cold war,” when the governments of the socialist countries quickly began to establish relations with their neighbors by opening their borders to East German citizens, who, in turn, rushed there in droves. Mass protests began in East Germany, leading to the resignation of the government. Within days, the fence was forgotten - it was torn down, painted and dismantled.

Today, as a reference to the Cold War, all that remains is the memorial complex, a 1,300 meter long section of the Berlin Wall, which has become Germany’s most important landmark and perpetuates the memory of past events in our minds.

7. Zugspitze (German Alps, German-Austrian border)

Zugspitze Peak in the German Alps
Tourists and a gilded cross at the highest point of the Zugspitze (2962 meters)

In the Bavarian Alps, at the junction of the German and Austrian borders, there is an interesting sight in Germany and a unique place. The interesting thing about this place is that it overlooks the territories of the four neighboring countries - Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Italy. This is the peak Zugspitze, whose height is 2.962 kilometers. The conquest of this peak for tourists today does not present a problem, because there are railroad tracks from the town of Garmisch-Partenkirchen, and for fans of extreme sports there is a ropeway - though, it starts from Austria.

The nearest to the peak settlements are engaged in servicing tourist groups who come here from all over the world. Especially here come enthusiasts of snowboarding and skiing, because the conditions are ideal for this - more than 300 days a year on the slopes for skiing without melting snow.

But not only for active entertainment people come here. The surrounding area of the peak just amaze with its spectacular beauty - the surrounding forests, valleys, mountain lakes, all this creates an extraordinary beauty of the surrounding landscape. Forests here are mostly pine, a little less common are fir, larch, fir and honeysuckle. And the local fauna is under the vigilant protection of the state - the local national reserves are the habitat of Caucasian hare, marten, marmot and chamois. Among the birds are golden eagles, alpine eiders and partridges.

8. The island of Rugen (north coast of Germany)

Rugen Island on the North Coast of Germany
One of the resorts on the island of Rugen Haloorange

Probably everyone is familiar with the fairy tale of Tsar Saltan, when the imagination drew the story of the Swan Princess, the ships sailing past the island of Bujan. But did you know that this fairy-tale island actually exists, and that you can visit this place in Germany by going to the very north of the country? The real name of this island is Rugen, and it is located in the Baltic Sea, off the northern coast of Germany. The Slavs believed that this place - a magical place, because it is on the island of Buyan, according to legend, in an old oak tree in the trunk was hidden death of Koshchei, here, according to folk tale, kept the sacred stone Alatyr - it was thought that the finder of the stone will come true all the most cherished dreams.

For centuries, the island of Rugen has enjoyed special popularity. Famous personalities and the powerful have visited the island at different times: Albert Einstein, Otto von Bismarck, the painter Caspar David, who immortalized the coastline of the island in his works.

The climate of the island is mild, although quite cool, but despite this it is easily tolerated. In addition, the weather on the island is characterized by a large number of sunny days a year. That’s why doctors recommend to come here for recovery, especially allergic people and people suffering from diseases of the joints and respiratory tract.

Besides health improving, everybody can find here something to their liking. Lovers of outdoor activities will love hiking and biking on marked routes. You can play golf, go horseriding and engage in beach sports. Water lovers can go windsurfing and sailing along the coast, which stretches for more than 600 kilometers. And fishermen are waiting here for a great catch.

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9. Reichstag (Berlin)

The majestic building of the German parliament, the Reichstag

What associations does the mention of the Reichstag evoke? The bloodiest events, World War II, Adolf Hitler, and the red banner flying over this building in 1945 as a sign of the Soviet Union’s victory over Nazi Germany. However, time moves on, and some associations are gradually replacing others: today the Reichstag is increasingly presented as a symbol of modern and united Germany, a structure with a rich and complicated history.

This German landmark is located in the heart of the German capital, on Paris Square. In 1884, the first stone was laid in the foundations of the building and construction continued for the next 10 years.

In 1933, the structure was badly damaged by a fire that occurred there. The former independent communist Marinus van der Lubbe was found guilty at the time, but the Nazis blamed it all on the communists, which prompted a communist coup. The governing body of the Reichstag was dissolved and all meetings from then on were held in the Krol Opera House. For 12 years after that the Reichstag building was not used for its intended purpose, and in 1939 it became a military building.

In 1945 the building was badly damaged by the Soviet forces and in April of the same year the scarlet victory banner was hoisted over it.

After a partial reconstruction in 1973, the building was used as a historical museum, and only in 1995 was a complete reconstruction carried out, over which a glass dome and a viewing platform were built.

Today the Reichstag is one of the most visited places in Germany - annually more than 13 million tourists from all over the world come here.

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10. Oktoberfest (Munich)

Panorama of the most popular Oktoberfest beer festival
The inside view of the beer tent at the Oktoberfest

Every year in the second half of September, millions of people from Germany and around the world flock to Munich to take part in the grand celebration that is Oktoberfest. The large-scale festivities start at 10 a.m. on Theresienwiese, in the heart of Munich, with the traditional costume parade. At noon, the mayor uncorks the first keg of beer, 12 cannon salvos are fired and the key event starts - the beer is poured all over the city for the festival guests in special tents. This is where the most colorful celebrations, drinking different kinds of beer, international fraternization and other charms of Oktoberfest unfold.

To understand what Oktoberfest is, it is not enough to read about it or see photos of this German attraction, you need to see and experience it yourself - to walk along improvised streets, feel the holiday atmosphere, hear the cosmopolitan speech of visitors.

The festival also includes an entire amusement park with a variety of rides - swings, roller coasters, bungee wagons and a Ferris wheel. For visitors with children there are even special days when the cafe introduce a special menu for children, and all rides are discounted.

The popularity of Oktoberfest has long crossed national boundaries. Every year the festivities on the occasion of this holiday gather about 6 million visitors. So it is worth to come and visit this festival at least once to understand that this popularity is justified.

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German sights: what else to see while in Germany

It is impossible to perceive this country without visiting different corners, so we bring to your attention the places that will fit perfectly into your sightseeing program. By the way, guides in Germany always follow the wishes of travelers and make an itinerary that includes the sights they most want to see.

11. Royal Lake Konigssee

Royal Lake Konigssee

If the question arises as to what to see in Germany of natural attractions, perhaps the first thing worth seeing is the extraordinarily beautiful Lake Konigsse, located in the southeastern part of the country. It is not without reason that the lake is one of the most beautiful natural sites in Germany. The lake was formed from the melting waters of the glaciers that covered our planet during the last ice age, making it the cleanest lake in Europe. The area on which the lake lies is part of the Berchtesgaden National Park.

The breathtaking beauty of the surrounding nature, the splendor of the mountain peaks framing the lake, the crystal clear water, the rare plants and wildlife - the views of this lake is really fascinating. The lake itself has an elongated shape, covers an area of about 5 square kilometers, its depth is 190 meters and the total length of the shoreline is about 20 kilometers.

In addition to the main name, the lake has a second name - Bartolomeuze, received because of the church of St. Bartholomew located on its west shore, which has become the hallmark of the lake. Nearby you can also see the royal hunting castle and roe deer walking around nearby.

In the northern part of the lake there is an island with a picturesque grotto and an organized toboggan and bobsleigh track. In addition, there is a sculpture of St. John of Nepomuk, called to protect this area from the dangers of the elements.

12. Stritzelmarkt (Dresden)

View of the famous traditional Christmas fair in the central city square of Dresden
View of the Stritzelmarkt and the world's largest wooden Christmas pyramid

Germany’s oldest Christmas market, the Stritzelmarkt is one of Europe’s most famous fairs, held annually during the Christmas season, from late November to December 24. Every year the Altmarkt square in the center of Dresden attracts millions of visitors to the fair, which has been held here since 1434, preserving all the traditions of the holiday.

What happens at the Stritzelmarkt during these days of pre-holiday buzz? German craftsmen and craftsmen from all over the world sell all kinds of unusual handicrafts, proving the highest level of craftsmanship. Crowning all this magnificence is a Christmas tree, as well as characters that have become national symbols of Christmas - a huge snowman, a miner, a prune man and a snapper.

Numerous refreshments are waiting for the guests here: traditional Dresden stollen, donuts, Saxon cheesecake, fried chestnuts, chocolate figures, sausages and shish kebabs, punch and mulled wine, and much more.

And, of course, there is a huge variety of souvenirs and Christmas decorations: Christmas pyramids, censers, candelabrums, made for the holiday by the most skilled craftsmen.

Have you ever visited the Stritzelmarkt? If so, then there is plenty to see and do in Germany around Christmas time: be sure to go there and meet the friendly Germans, take part in competitions and entertainment and enjoy the pure magic of winter.

13. Mainau Flower Island (southern Germany, Lake Baden)

The Italian staircase in the Mainau Island Park Harke
View of the baroque palace of the former German Order on the island of Mainau bohringer friedrich

In the south of Germany, near the town of Constance, there is a place of astonishing beauty, as if it had descended from fairy tale illustrations. It is one of the most beautiful and romantic places in Germany, the island of flowers Mainau, which is a botanical garden with an area of 0.44 kilometers.

The history of this garden began in 1853, when King Frederick I made the island his residence. And it was thanks to the work of his court gardeners, who over a period of 42 years tended these areas, the foundation of the future botanical gardens, with its gardens, alleys and magnificent collections of plants was laid.

After the death of the king, the island became the property of Friedrich I, Duke of Baden, who saw to it that he transformed it into a botanical garden. Thanks to his efforts, an arboretum and a rose garden were created. Later, with the settlement of Lennard Bernadotte, heir to the Swedish throne, Mainau became a real attraction. After all, Bernadotte was personally involved in the selection of different varieties of plants and the design of the garden itself.

Today, during the warm season the garden area resembles a huge colorful carpet of floral variations characteristic of each particular month. So, with the onset of warmth, the blooms take turns:

  • orchids, tulips, daffodils, hyacinths crocuses, snowdrops and other primroses;
  • rhododendrons, peonies, and camellias take over;
  • a vast number of different varieties of flowers bloom in summer, totaling about 350,000;
  • toward the close of the warm season, October delights in the beauty of dahlias.

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14. Pergamon Museum (Berlin)

The Pergamon Museum in Berlin
Frieze from Mshatta in the Pergamon Museum Berlin Raimond Spekking

You’re unlikely to have the question of what to see in Germany if you find yourself at the world-famous Museum Island while traveling around the country. The most visited museum, the Pergamon Museum, is located right here. Among the famous exhibits are the Pergamon Altar, for which the museum was founded, the Babylonian Ishtar Gate, the frieze from the palace of Mstattu and the Processional Road.

The appearance of the Pergamon Museum was due to the need to house a most valuable relic that arrived in Germany in the 1880s - a marble altar from the city of Pergamum. The huge altar was built in the kingdom of Pergamum in the 3rd century B.C. and symbolized victory over enemies. Because of earthquakes, not uncommon at the time, the altar was destroyed and covered with earth. Only in 1878, a German engineer Carl Huhmann during the construction of roads discovered the remains of the Pergamon altar in the ground, depicting the struggle of the gods and mythological heroes.

The Pergamon Museum, which housed this relic, opened in 1901. Later there were the collections that we can see there now. These are three vast collections, spanning a colossal period from the 6th century B.C. to the 19th century A.D:

  • A collection of ancient art;
  • a collection of the art of the Near East;
  • A collection of Islamic art.

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15. Schloss Hohenzollern (50 km from Stuttgart)

Imperial Hohenzollern Castle

The astonishingly beautiful Hohenzollern Castle, located in the Baden-Wurttemberg region, 50 km south of Stuttgart, is often called a “castle in the clouds”. This extraordinarily beautiful construction stands on top of a mountain, surrounded by mists and low clouds. And that is why it looks more like a vision from a fairy tale than a real structure. It is not for nothing that the Hohenzollern is considered one of the most beautiful sights in Germany.

Since the 11th century the castle was the residence of the Hohenzollern royal dynasty, who ruled Prussia in the Middle Ages. The building of the castle was repeatedly restored and refurbished, and the castle had its final appearance in the middle of the 19th century. At the base of the castle are two chapels, beer garden framed by a beautiful garden.

Today, tourists can stroll around the surroundings, as well as take a tour inside the castle. Inside, visitors are introduced to the history of the state in general and the history of the Hohenzollerns in particular. You will become acquainted with the castle’s rich past as you walk through the rooms furnished with antique furniture and decorated with tapestries and artwork.

As you approach the castle, you will see it long before you arrive. Numerous visitors, who number up to 300 thousand a year, appreciate the beauty and the rich historical past of the castle.

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16. Old Masters Gallery (Dresden)

One of the rooms of the Dresden Art Gallery Hajotthu

The German city of Dresden is one of the most popular tourist destinations, especially among art people and fans of painting. Connoisseurs of art should not miss the city’s beautiful institutions that house collections of the world’s masterpieces. Among them - the Old Masters Gallery, otherwise known as the Dresden picture gallery with the creations, combining several centuries of world art. The beginning of its art collection was established in the 16th century by the rulers of the Weten family, and the heyday of the gallery reached the end of the 19th century, when the exhibition collected 2.5 thousand paintings. Among the most famous works in the Dresden gallery are Raphael’s “Sistine Madonna”, Rubens’ “Boar Hunt”, Durer’s “Portrait of a Young Man” and a number of other famous works.

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17. Europa-Park (Rust)

Panorama of the largest amusement park "Europa Park" in Germany Thomas Maier

The status of Germany’s best attraction for children should probably be given to the country’s largest amusement park, the second most visited after Disneyland in Paris, which is Europa-Park in the town of Rust. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it represents the national features and colors of thirteen European countries. There are about a hundred of the most amazing attractions in the 62-hectare territory: for example, in the Russian zone the main trump card is the Russian slides and idyllic picture of the Russian village, in the Italian zone - Venetian carnival and baroque palaces, in the French - Eurosat attraction, which takes away into the night world of Paris, in the Spanish - heroic battles of knights and flamenco dances. In addition to the 13 “states”, there are 3 themed zones - the Land of the Vikings, the Kingdom of the Miniputs and the Enchanted Forest.

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18. Miniature Wonderland (Hamburg)

Museum building Miniature Wonderland in Hamburg Gulp
Visitors to the Hamburg section of the Miniature Wonderland Museum Tobias Grosch

Once in Hamburg, it’s impossible to miss the extraordinary museum with the world’s largest railway layout. The miniature wonderland takes you into a mini world of railroads stretching over cities and countries. The layout itself is a realistic copy of the terrain of such countries as Germany, America, Austria, and the Scandinavian countries. All elements are worked out in detail - people, traffic lights, lanterns, elements of metal structures, vegetation, time of day, reliefs of the landscape and much more. Throughout the entire area of the model there are miniature railroads with just as small trains, which shuttle back and forth between cities and countries. The layout is planned to be expanded further, new countries will be added in the future.

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19. Monument to the Bremen Musicians (Bremen)

A bronze statue of the Bremen Musicians on Market Square in downtown Bremen
Monument to the Bremen Musicians at the Bremen Town Hall

The most recognizable monument in Bremen among citizens and tourists is the monument to the Musicians of Bremen, dedicated to the characters of the famous Grimm brothers’ fairy tale. Funny tale once inspired to create a sculpture of one of the famous European sculptors - Gerhard Marx. And now the “company” of fairy tale animals - a donkey, a dog, a cat and a rooster - stands in the heart of Bremen, on its Market Square. Locals assure you just make a wish and rub the donkey’s nose or hooves, and it will come true for sure. For more effect of realism not far from the monument there are special sewer manholes, which can “talk” by voices of fairy tale characters, it is enough just to throw a coin in the right place.

20. Kurhaus (Baden-Baden)

The Kurhaus or spa house of Baden-Baden in the Baden-Baden city park
The Kurhaus Casino Halls in Baden-Baden

Baden-Baden’s most recognizable landmark is the world-famous Kurhaus, with its equally famous casino, where the European nobility of the 19th century spent their time. From the outside the Kurhaus is a simple yet elegant neoclassical building, surrounded by a green park. The interior is decorated very opulently, pompously, with an abundance of gilded decorations. Regular concerts are held here, because along with the casino, the Kurhaus represents one of the most prestigious classical venues in Europe. On its stage, classical works are performed exclusively, and it is especially worth noting the stunning quality of the performance and sound. And of course, an adult visitor over the age of 21 can visit the casino, where the dress code is observed - the entrance is obligatory.

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21. Frauenkirche (Dresden)

The Frauenkirche Church on the Elbe Embankment in the historic center of Dresden

The treasure trove of Dresden is made up of German cultural sites with a religious orientation. One of Dresden’s most recognizable landmarks is the Frauenkirche Lutheran Church in the historic district. Looking at the graceful baroque facade and rich interior with an abundance of gilt, it is hard to believe that during the Second World War the church was severely destroyed by bombing, and only in the 90s they began to restore it literally piece by piece - they excavated, found fragments of building material, and along with new building blocks, used the old ones in the reconstruction. The interior is dominated by solemnity - it seems as if the walls themselves radiate light. The central place is occupied by a carved altar, above which a huge organ is installed.

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22. Heidelberg Castle (Heidelberg)

Heidelberg Castle on the northern slope of Konigstuhl Mountain in the Neckar Valley
The ruins of Heidelberg Castle, one of Germany's oldest castles

Among the most valuable objects of medieval architecture is Heidelberg Castle, located on the slope of the Konigstuhl Mountain. It was built in the early 14th century as the residence of the rulers of Kurpfalz, and to this day it sits high above the cityscape like a mirage of the past. The unpleasant events of centuries of history have not allowed to fully preserve the original idea of the architect, but even half-ruined and ivy-covered walls of the castle today retain a special, mysterious atmosphere. Among the buildings of the castle, several are worth seeing: one of the oldest buildings of the castle, the Ruprechtsbau, the first palace of the castle Friedrichsbau, the Paradise Garden, which was supposed to be a copy of the Garden of Eden, and the basement, where the largest wine barrel in the world is kept.

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23. Holstentor (Lubeck)

Medieval city gate with two massive round towers in Lubeck Glenn Strong

If one touches on historical sites in Germany, the presentation should include another interesting monument in the city of Lubeck. This is the Holstentor, the city’s medieval gates in the northwest of its historic district. They were built in the 15th century and were part of the fortifications of the city. The purpose of the fortifications was to protect against encroaching Danes, who at that time ruled in Holstein. Today the gate is a symbol of Lubeck and belongs to the world cultural heritage list. Until the middle of the 19th century, the gate was a more extensive structure, which included a line of 4 consecutive structures. Later, most of the towers and walls were demolished, and the North Tower, the South Tower, and the central span uniting them were left of them.

24. Magdeburg Water Bridge (Magdeburg)

The Magdeburg Water Bridge connects Berlin's inner port with the ports on the Rhine

An intersection is quite a familiar phenomenon in our daily lives, but only if we are talking about a land intersection. Water crossings, aqueducts, are much rarer around the world, and one of them is in Magdeburg. It is a kind of water bridge over the Elbe River, which has the most important function of connecting the shipping channels of the region. The idea of creating such a bridge dates back to the beginning of the 20th century, when the first supports were built, but the implementation of the plan was prevented by the events of World War II. After the war, when the country was broken up into two republics, the construction plan was abandoned for decades, and only in the 90’s construction was resumed, being finally completed by 2003. Along the bridge, in addition to the water crossing, there are pedestrian walkways from where you can watch the movement of barges.

25. Berchtesgaden National Park (Berchtesgaden district)

Summer landscape of Berchtesgaden National Park in the Alps
Lake Konigsee in the mountainous Berchtesgaden National Park

Exploring the sights of Germany on the map, you can see that in the German part of the Alps stretches the territory of the Berchtesgaden National Park. This is the only protected area of the country, located in the mountains, but its beauty it makes up for dozens of other natural sites. The mirror-like turquoise lakes, alpine meadows, wooded slopes, steep cliffs with a bottomless blue sky - all the most beautiful things in the world are concentrated in this park. On the area of more than 200 sq. km you can not only take a walk and admire the views, but also visit some interesting objects - for example, the deepest mountain lake Konigsi in the Alps, the world-famous St. Bartholomew Monastery, the Jenner mountain with beautiful views of the valleys, the mysterious Berchtesgaden salt mine. Throughout the reserve there is an extensive network of hiking trails through the most beautiful places of the park. Beside Germany is a country with an imperial history, mountain villages and alpine landscape - Austria. Be sure to visit that country as well. Read about sights of Austria and get inspired for your next trip to Europe!