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Best attractions in Verona: Top 25

The passions of Romeo and Juliet blazed in this small cozy town, and to a large extent they owe their world fame to the sights of Verona. The fourth most visited city in Italy, it is still not as full of tourists as Rome, Milan or Florence. For those who do not know what to see in Verona, we offer a list of its main notable places.

What to see in Verona first

It is difficult to list in brief the main attractions of Verona. There are many legends and interesting stories associated with each of them, which guides in Verona will skillfully tell you, taking you through the most famous places.

1. Juliet’s House

The famous courtyard of the house with the balcony where Romeo confessed his love to Juliet

This is the house with the balcony from which Juliet looked at Romeo, who was dear to her heart. It’s true that it’s forbidden to go out onto it, but you can perform a number of superstitious rituals (kissing under the balcony, touching the right breast of the statue of Juliet), which will help the lovers to always be together. Skeptical tourists leave incredulous reviews about the authenticity of this house, but the family coat of arms on the facade confirms its belonging to the famous Veronese family.

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2. Juliet’s Tomb

Juliet's Tomb is an empty red marble lidless sarcophagus in the crypt of a Franciscan monastery

Wondering what to see in Verona in 1 day, a visit here is a must. The stone tomb is located on the grounds of the monastery of San Francesco. Whether it is a newly built tomb, as some claim, or indeed a historical site, one can only guess. The tomb stands in the crypt of the temple and looks scratched in many places: girls, believing in omens, try to chip off and take pieces of marble with them as mementos.

3. Romeo’s House

The house of the 14th-century Nogarola family, the hero of Shakespeare's play Romeo Dimitris Kamaras

Bring back a medieval love story from your trip! In a beautiful building of medieval architecture with crenellated brick walls, according to legend, lived an ardent lover. Despite all requests of the local municipality, the owners of the house refused to sell it to the city, so it didn’t turn into a museum. And, if it were not for the inconspicuous plaque, it is quite possible to pass by without guessing about the historical value of the structure.

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4. Piazza Bra

Flower tents during the Saturday market in Piazza Bra

The main square of the city, notable for the different architecture on each side of it, has 4 entrances. In the center is a fountain, sitting near which you can admire the surrounding beauty. Around the area are Verona’s best attractions, statues, plaques and monuments. For those wishing to eat or shop around, there are many restaurants and stores.

5. Arena di Verona

Arena di Verona in Piazza Bra at night

In spite of the wars and natural disasters, the amphitheater is remarkably decently preserved. It was the place that Goethe mentioned in his tragedy Faust. Any trip to Verona should not be without a visit to this grandiose building of pink marble. Today, opera and theater productions draw people from all over to hear world-class performers.

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Check out Verona's beautiful places in this great video!

6. Piazza della Signoria

The monument to Dante Alighieri in front of the palaces of the medieval Piazza della Signoria in Verona

If you don’t know where to go in Verona, come to the Piazza della Signoria. Here you’ll find a collection of brilliant Renaissance works. Here you lose your head in delight at Cellini’s Perseus, Michelangelo’s David Michelangelo’s “David” and Donatello’s “Judith”, realizing that it was in this square that the Holy Inquisition burned ardent opponents of the church. However, all the sculptures in the square are only copies, except for Cellini’s work. The place is also extremely interesting from an architectural point of view.

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7. Piazza delle Erbe or “grass square”

View of the Verona Madonna Fountain and the Lamberti Tower in Piazza delle Erbe

Next door to the previous one is the Grass Square, where the Verona market is located. Contrary to its name, it sells everything from food to souvenirs. Prices here are quite high, designed for frivolous tourists. Standing in the center, you can admire the architecture of the buildings standing on the perimeter.

8. Gavi Arch

The Arch of Gavi is an ancient Roman triumphal arch in the city of Verona

The Arch has changed its historical location and after reconstruction is located on the banks of the Adige River. The purpose of the original was to honor members of the noble family of the Gavi, in the Middle Ages the arch was part of the fortress wall and served as a gateway. The bases for the columns are stone blocks, and the facade and interior walls are decorated with floral ornaments.

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9. Cathedral of Verona

White marble facade of the Cathedral of Verona in the small square of Piazza Duomo

The first basilica of one of Verona’s oldest cathedrals was built in the 4th century. Today, fragments of the original masonry have been preserved in the interior, and the size of the cathedral is almost identical to the original. Inside, the building is richly decorated with carvings, stucco and red marble. Works of art from the Renaissance and Baroque periods can be seen in the chapels.

10. San Zeno Maggiore Basilica

Basilica of San Zeno Maggiore with a 72-meter bell tower and, the 13th century tower located nearby

The Basilica is of historical as well as religious interest. Here rest the relics of the city’s first bishop, St Zeno of Verona. The building was built in Romanesque style and looks quite modest. The imagination of the author of the project is fully embodied in the Gothic portal and interior decoration. Near the basilica there are nice hotels in Verona.

11. Basilica of Santa Anastasia

Altare_di_san_Vincenzo_Ferreri Didier Descouens

Designed by two Dominican monks, the basilica has a sumptuous Gothic portal. The entrance doors are decorated with bas-reliefs with biblical subjects. Due to unfinished construction work, the upper part of the façade remains unlined. The interior, on the other hand, is an example of cultural and historical heritage. The altar decorated with frescos, the mosaic stone floor, the beautiful chapels can amaze even the most sophisticated tourists.

12. San Lorenzo church

The central nave of the Church of San Lorenzo in Verona Hermann Hammer

The fact that the original appearance of the church has been altered more than once does not diminish its historical and cultural significance. Many tours in Verona consider this site a valuable point in tourist itineraries. Most of the members of the Medici family are buried here, and the basilica was once their family church. The exterior of the building does not look too attractive, but the luxury of the interior decoration is impossible to convey by words, it needs to be seen for yourself.

13. Scaligers Arches

The Arches of the Scaligers are the tombs of three rulers of Verona of the Scaligero family in the 13th and 14th centuries

Monumental complex of Gothic tombstones in the center of Verona with the tombs of members of the Scaliger dynasty. The complex of arches is enclosed by an openwork trellis resembling lace, which makes it possible to view the tombs from the street. You can go inside if you wish. In spite of the fact that several masters had a hand in the creation of the tombstones, the complex looks like a single architectural ensemble, in which each arch is magnificent in its own way.

14. Maffei Palace

Maffei Palace in Piazza delle Erbe at night

Built on ancient Roman ruins, the palace gets top tourist recommendations for the beauty of the structure. The first floor is formed by 5 arcades, the windows, balconies and bas-reliefs on the cornices of the building are impressive. The main eye-catching detail of the interior is the spiral staircase rising from the basement to the roof, remarkable for its lack of supports.

15. Castelvecchio

View of Castelvecchio Castle from the side of the Adige River in Verona

There are interesting places in Verona, once you get into which you feel like you are in the ancient Middle Ages. The castle looks like a defensive structure, originally it fulfilled this function. Museum on the territory has an extensive collection of sculpture and paintings of Verona masters. In addition to visiting the museum, the tour includes a visit to the towers and courtyards, fragments of the city walls. Interesting architectural design of the bridge, leading into town directly from the castle.

16. Porta Borsari

Porta Borsari is a partially preserved ancient gate of the Roman Empire period

What to see in Verona for lovers of ancient architecture? The Porta Borsari gate is another evidence of Verona’s need for protection. They were built in the 1st century and were part of the defensive wall. Since it was used as a main entrance, the gate was richly decorated, and the whole construction with it looked rather impressive. Only the facade, arranged in three tiers, with two entrances covered by arches, has survived.

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17. Porta Leoni

Part of the facade and the base of the towers of Porta Leoni Lo Scaligero

Another ancient city gate, of which only half of the inner facade and tower bases remain. Today it is a small fragment of ancient ruins, suddenly appearing in the pedestrian zone. Alas, time has swallowed up the beautiful decorations that once adorned them, but from this they have not lost their architectural value.

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18. Porta Nuova

Facade of the monumental city gate Porta Nuova on the city side

The gate, built in the 16th century, is another Verona landmark. In the 18th century two arches were added to it for passage, and artillery pieces were placed on the flat roof. The lion of St. Mark, which adorned the gate, was replaced by a sculptural ensemble of two griffins with a two-headed eagle between them, which, however, was later scraped from the stone. It is here that historic Verona begins, and it is recommended to start exploring the city from here.

19. Tower of Lamberti

View of the city's tallest building, the Lamberti Tower, from Piazza Erbe in Verona

Advice on what to visit in Verona to enjoy a panoramic bird’s-eye view. The Lamberti Tower, Verona’s tallest, wasn’t always like this. Over the centuries it has been completed, with different materials, as can be seen now: the bell tower is made of marble, the medieval part is made of brick, and the base is made of a mixture of tufa and brick. From the observation deck at a height of 84 m, the historic part of the city is clearly visible.

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20. Roman theater

Modern view of the Roman Theatre on the hillside of Castel San Pietro in Verona

The structure of the theater dates back to the first century. Today its well-preserved ruins are visible to tourists. The theater was destroyed many times by floods. It was covered with earth in the early Middle Ages and revived in the first half of the 19th century, as a result of archaeological excavations. The arcades, the amphitheater and the stairs are preserved practically in their original form. On the big stage the performances of the summer opera season take place.

Verona sights: what else to visit in Verona?

Looking at the sights of Verona photo with names and descriptions, you realize that a couple of days is enough to fall in love with this fabulous city.

21. The Archaeological Museum

The Archaeological Museum on a hill in the building of the former monastery of St. Gerolamo next to the Roman theater

The medieval collections of the museum, founded in 1023, are on display in the former monastery of St Gerolamo. It contains a large number of valuable exhibits found during the excavations of the archaeological museum. Tourist reviews mention a mosaic depicting the battle of gladiators, amazing ancient sculptures and interesting artifacts.

22. Ponte Pietra Bridge

The Roman arch bridge of Ponte Pietra over the Adige River in Verona

This arched stone bridge, the only one in the city, is a famous landmark in Italy and has survived to this day in almost its original form. Changes have been made to the covering of the bridge: the marble that was originally used has been replaced over time by red brick and other materials. This is where the great photos come in.

23. Scaliger Bridge

The 16th century Scaliger Bridge in Verona across the Adige River at sunset

Built in the fourteenth century, the bridge unites the banks of the Adige with Castelvecchio. It is made up of three spans and has an original appearance. The surface of the central part is covered with red brick, like the main landmarks of Verona in Scaliger times, the lower part is made of white marble.

24. Giusti’s Garden

Antique statues in the landscaped park of Giusti Castle on the hilly slopes of Verona

The tourist rating of this site is low, as it is located away from Verona’s popular sites. But if you’re tired of the hustle and bustle and the flow of greedy garden visitors, you should come here. In the lower part of the garden there are ancient sculptures of white marble, a cave of stalactites, an alley of cypresses, a boxwood labyrinth, baths of stone and a fountain of red marble. From the observation deck of the upper garden, you can admire a wonderful panorama of Verona.

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25. Lake Garda

Panorama of the surroundings of Lake Garda, lying at the foot of the Alps

A freshwater lake with emerald-colored water stretches between the cliffs, in the territory of three provinces: Verona, Trentino and Brescia. Thanks to the well-thought-out infrastructure the shores of the lake are always full of tourists. Here you can enjoy the beautiful scenery, arriving for a day, or stay in a hotel, making a good beach holiday.

Tourist verdict is unambiguous: if you are longing for a romantic experience, then it’s definitely time for you to go to Verona! Read also about sights of Milan and be inspired for your further travels in Italy.

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