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Best attractions in Israel: Top 25

Israel is a sunny country to which one wants to return again and again. This place is shrouded in a pleasant and mysterious atmosphere. Tourists who come here for the first time, should sign up for interesting excursions that will allow them to see the memorable sights of Israel. Do not know what to see in Israel? Especially for you we have compiled a list of popular attractions of the country. Read about them and be sure to include these places in your tour program to Israel.

What to see in Israel first

Despite the small size of the country, there are more than enough places to see, and guides in Israel will help you focus on them. Their help will be invaluable both in planning the route, and when dealing with organizational nuances. Travelling without a guide is worth finding out in advance if it will be possible to see the sights you liked the description on the dates of arrival.

1. The Church of the Holy Sepulchre (Jerusalem)

The Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem

The Church of the Holy Sepulchre holds a history that spans several centuries. The church itself is built on the site where, according to tradition, the body of Jesus Christ was buried. This is also where he was resurrected. The temple over a long period of time has changed its design. Now it is in its present form. The church was constantly being destroyed. But people continued to rebuild it over and over again.

The Temple is considered to be the main holy place in Israel, so it should see it every traveler who got to Jerusalem. This place is shared between the six denominations of the church professing Christianity. On the territory of the temple there are active monasteries, supplemented by auxiliary premises. Tourists are also given the opportunity to explore in detail the local galleries and other buildings that reflect the history of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.

Travelers who want to see the best sights in Israel should visit the church if only to see with their own eyes the stone of the Anointing. It was on this stone that Jesus lay. Near this place is the tomb of the son of God and the chapels erected in honor of Queen Helen, who found the cross to crucify Christ.

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2. The Wailing Wall (Jerusalem)

The Wailing Wall on the slope of the Temple Mount

The Jews consider the Wailing Wall to be the most important holy site in Jerusalem. Therefore, it is among the places that are the answer to the question of what to visit in Israel. It is believed to have been erected in 37 B.C. For a long time, the Wall was a defensive structure. But gradually it became a place where the Jewish people came to grieve. By then, the shrine was partially destroyed.

The interesting thing is that the Wailing Wall became a shrine at a time when only ruins remained of it. It became the embodiment of the past, present and future of the nation. For many Jews, this memorial represents the hope that one day all troubles and hardships will come to an end.

There are many traditions associated with the Wailing Wall, where tour guides take tourists on excursions to Jerusalem. People come to the ruins of the shrine not only to pray. Many leave small notes in the crevices, in which they write their most cherished dream. So people try to convey their requests to the higher powers.

The feature of this attraction of Israel is its accessibility for absolutely anyone, regardless of creed and race. The main thing is that during the visit to the Wailing Wall his body and head should be covered with clothes.

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3. The Dome of the Rock (Jerusalem)

The Dome of the Rock Mosque on the Temple Mount

The Jewish people attach great importance to the Temple Mount, where the Dome of the Rock is located. This is where, if old legends and tales are to be believed, Abraham was to give up his own son Isaac. A sanctuary in the form of a temple with an Ark was also built here. The Temple Mount was the point from which the great Way of the Cross began.

After the destruction of the temple, which occurred 40 years after its creation, two mosques were erected on this site. One of them turned out to be the Dome of the Rock. This mosque is considered by many to be a calling card of the tourist country. Guides in Jerusalem often invite travelers to visit the area. And those willingly agree, even considering the fact that the mosque has not functioned for a long time. The attraction strikes the imagination with its grandiose golden domes. Each of them is about 20 meters in diameter. Due to this fact, they can be seen from almost anywhere in the city. There is an interesting legend among the people since ancient times. It said that the Dome of the Rock is the true center of the universe. No one has been able to confirm this theory, but its denial has not been found to this day.

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4. The caves of Beit Gouvrin (Maresha)

The Cave World at Beit Gouvrin

If tourists don’t know what to visit in Israel, they should definitely go see the Beit Gouvrin caves. They are part of the reserve. In the past, Beit Gouvrin was considered the largest settlement of the country, which controlled the path leading from Jerusalem to the sea. Today the reserve contains a great number of caves and tombs.

The caves hide all the most interesting things that can be found in the protected area. The first of the caves were carved directly into the chalk cliffs. In the past, each cave had its own purpose. Most of them were at different times inhabited by different peoples, who considered themselves the rightful inhabitants of this region.

During a walk through the reserve you can see residential complexes with additional facilities for cattle, consisting entirely of caves. Some even managed to make secure superstructures over them to increase their living space.

A tour of the Beit Gouverine caves leaves no one indifferent. For a long time the tourists remember visiting the unique dwellings, skillfully arranged among the real stones. If desired, travelers who are interested in the sights of Israel, can walk up the stairs that lead deep into the land to fully immerse themselves in the atmosphere of life of ancient times.

5. The Tomb of the Virgin Mary (Jehoshaphat Valley)

Christian shrine Tomb of the Virgin Mary

Empress Helena (mother of Emperor Constantine the First) built a church as early as 326, which was able to exist in unchanged form until the eleventh century. It was of great importance because it was erected directly above the tomb of the Virgin Mary. After a time, the temple of Baldwin II’s daughter Melisande was erected on the site of the ruins left by the church. There she was also buried. The Sixth Ecumenical Council decided to conduct an autopsy of the tomb. As a result of this work it was possible to find the burial shrouds and the belt.

The temple itself is located underground. From the entrance there is a wide stone staircase with 48 steps. The church is built in the form of a cross. Inside the premises there is a small chapel and the tomb of the Virgin.

The chapel of the tomb has two entrances. As a rule, pilgrims enter through one of them and leave through the other. To the south is the chapel, which is reserved for people of Islam. Those who venerate the Virgin Mary come here freely.

Whether the traveler has decided what to visit in Israel or not, he should definitely come to Jehoshaphat Valley to visit the site of the burial of the Virgin Mary. It leaves a strong impression especially on those who are sincerely imbued with the sanctity of the underground church.

Feel the atmosphere of Israel in this beautiful video!

6. Temple of the Ascension on the Mount of Olives (Jerusalem)

The Chapel of the Ascension on the Mount of Olives

Imvomon, aka the Temple of the Ascension, was built on the site where Jesus’ ascension took place. Three hundred years later the Persians destroyed the temple. Some time later, Patriarch Modestos rebuilt the shrine, which survives to this day.

The Chapel of the Ascension was built during the Crusader period and it has not changed its appearance for hundreds of years. The chapel has a form of a small octagonal building, covered with a dome.

In the floor of the chapel is an unusual stone, framed by a rectangular marble frame. It is cut into a real rock. This landmark in Israel has a notch in the form of the imprint of the left foot of a man. The scriptures say that there were two more feet here before. However, only one of them was carved in the rock. It was later moved to the El Aksa mosque.

Russian pilgrims never missed a chance to see with their own eyes the stone, which they called the Foot of the Savior. They cherished the relic and spoke of it with special reverence.

7. The Upper Room of the Last Supper (Mount Zion, Jerusalem)

The Upper Room of the Last Supper

The upper room of the Last Supper can be found in the Gothic building on Mount Zion. It is open to the public, so that everyone in Israel can see the site. The upper room is on the second floor. On the first floor is placed the tomb of King David. The building itself was built in the XII century. According to the idea, it was supposed to serve as a church.

In XV century the church was taken by the Turks and converted to a mosque. At the same time were preserved Gothic motifs that were used during the construction of the building.

The Upper Room of the Last Supper is mentioned more than once in the holy writings. From them it follows that it was in this room that the Supper was arranged for Jesus by his disciples. Many artists fell in love with the scene and used it later in their works of authorship.

This sight will be of particular interest to travelers who are attracted to biblical stories.

8. The Bahai Gardens (Haifa)

Luxurious Bahai Gardens

The city of Haifa is home to the luxurious Bahai Gardens. Increased attention to this Israeli landmark has been given by the UNESCO office. It was also the first monument of religious significance in modern history. The Bahai Gardens need no advertising. To admire their beauty, you need to visit these places in person.

It took a long time to develop the gardens. They were to occupy an area along the slope of Mount Carmel. The realization of this creative idea was entrusted to an Iranian architect. As a result of the work done, there was erected a unique garden, which has 19 separate terraces. Of these, nine terraces run from the top to the mausoleum, and nine more terraces are located on the path from the mausoleum to the foot of the magnificent mountain. The last terrace, which is the central terrace, is next to the mausoleum.

The Bahai Gardens can be accessed in three different ways. At the upper entrance are the most beautiful viewing terraces. Free tours introducing tourists to the Israeli attraction usually start from here. The middle entrance was made at the location of the temple, and the lower entrance is found right at the foot. Travelers are free to decide where to start their tour of the gardens.

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9. The Mount of Olives (Jerusalem)

The elongated Mount of Olives with three peaks

The Mount of Olives, often called the Mount of Olives, separates the Judean Desert from the Old City. This unusual name was given to the mountain because of the many olive trees that once grew on its slopes. Travelers who have not decided what to see in Israel, be sure to come here to visit the most famous place in Jerusalem.

The Mount of Olives is the resting place of many famous people, among them public figures, politicians and media tycoons.

Christians do not treat the site with such reverence, because it is often mentioned in the New Testament. It is here that Christ taught people, cried about the future of the city, and prayed before he was taken into custody.

Not every tourist has the strength to make a full walk on the mountain. That’s because the height of its three peaks is within 800 meters. Some travelers prefer to admire the views of nature while on the observation deck.

If you look from the slope of the mountain you can see the Church of the Tears of the Lord and the domes of the Church of Mary Magdalene. Complementing the picture is the Jewish cemetery in front of which is the old town.

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10. Masada Fortress (Arad)

The Ancient Fortress of Masada

In the heart of the Holy Land is the mountain fortress of Masada. This place is famous for its terrible history, which has to do with the bloody wars that took place here several centuries ago. The site has not managed to retain its original appearance. Its remains have been unsuccessfully sought over the centuries. They were found only in 1842. The official studies of the area were only carried out several decades later. The restorers have done a laborious job which has allowed them to restore the fortress as it was during the reign of King Herod.

The fortress of Masada is now an important historical monument that is the embodiment of courage and indestructibility of the people. Every year hundreds of tourists from other countries come here to admire its grandeur. In recent years, locals have been able to turn the landmark into a real town with small streets and its own infrastructure. From here you have a great view. Visitors to the fortress especially like to admire the magnificent sunrises from the heights. At the foot of Masada are often organized entertainment events and international festivals.

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Sightseeing in Israel: what else to visit while in Israel

In terms of fascination tours in Israel can rightly be called the best, as tourists are fully immersed in the atmosphere of antiquity. On the other hand, there are in the country unusual attractions that have nothing to do with history. What to choose, you decide, and we will tell you about the options that you might like.

11. The Jordan River (starts at Mount Hermon)

The Jordan River - the place where Christians were baptized

The Jordan River is no less important to the people of Israel. A great many important events in the history of the nation are associated with it.

Over the past few years there has been a major transformation of the site. Local organizations have ennobled the area near where the river flows. Have also been built safe slopes, allowing residents and visitors to the city without much difficulty to approach the water.

Tourists visit the Jordan River with great pleasure. Pilgrims can often be found on its banks. There is a huge stir on the Feast of the Epiphany, which falls on January 19. Representatives of various churches come to the river for the sacred rite of baptism.

The place is truly unique and incredibly beautiful. Different species of fish live freely in the waters of the river. The Jordan is especially full of catfish, which the locals never catch because it is not considered kosher by the Israelis.

When traveling near the river travelers often spot nutria, which swim up to the people without fear to ask for a treat.

12. Underwater Observatory (Eilat)

TheUnderwater Observatory Park

In the city of Eilat the first ever underwater observatory complex was established. For the sake of this attraction in Israel, hundreds of travelers come here. Underwater observatory is a kind of a window through which people can observe the life of the inhabitants of the Red Sea. The complex itself was created in a coral reef, which is located a few meters from the shoreline.

The underwater observatory knows how to surprise its visitors. Guests can admire the giant aquarium, which is an exact copy of the real seabed. The aquarium is home to a variety of fish. At noon, tourists watch as an experienced scuba diver descends into the aquarium to feed its inhabitants.

The observatory has a pool with stingrays and turtles. There is a special sandbank near the pool, where the amphibians can lay their eggs. Incredibly striking is the pool with sharks. A scuba diver descends into it, just like into the aquarium with the fish, to feed the predators with prepared food.

The observatory is worth visiting for its oceanarium, which is a high-quality simulation of diving in a bathyscaphe. A full 20-minute guided tour along the bottom of the sea is offered to guests.

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13. Oasis of Ein Gedi (Judean Desert)

Nature of Ein Gedi Oasis

An amazing place that should definitely be on the list of things to see in Israel while traveling. The oasis was formed in the desert, thanks to a natural phenomenon. Water began to seep through the limestone soils, coming down in the form of rains from the Judean mountains. The result was a spring, around which green plants began to grow. Those who have tasted its water say it tastes good and is crystal clear. The trees that became part of the oasis of Ein Gedi constantly gave a good harvest. The locals are still growing a variety of fruit and vegetable crops, which are in high demand among the guests of Israel.

Over time, Ein Gedi became an official nature reserve, where they breed different kinds of animals. Never ceases to amaze the flora of the oasis, which delights with its diversity. In some places tourists can see the remains of ancient settlements and synagogues from the Talmudic period.

Ein Gedi Oasis is a great vacation spot for people who like to spend time among nature.

14. Tower of David (Jerusalem)

Tower of David

The Tower of David is now the Museum of the History of Jerusalem. It displays unique ancient artifacts that were found during archaeological excavations. Most of them are more than 3 thousand years old.

For a long time the fortress served as an important defensive fortification. It constantly passed from one invader of these lands to another. At present, travelers can contemplate two surviving towers of the fortress. One of them is the tower of David. The towers are connected by a common wall.

The Museum of History, built on the site of the old fortress is very important and valuable to the history of the people of Israel. Its guests are given the opportunity to see unique exhibits that tell about the periods of development and formation of the ancient city. Travelers have access to the tower itself. From it opens up a beautiful view of the surroundings, which are located near the city.

15. The old city of Jaffa (Tel Aviv)

The Old City of Jaffa in Tel Aviv

A list of Israel’s landmarks would not be complete without the Old City Jaffa. Many historians are of the opinion that it is the most beautiful architectural monument of the famous Tel Aviv. Every year here come hundreds of thousands of tourists who have chosen the place of their holiday Israel.

Impressions of visiting Jaffa remain for a lifetime. In the past, the city served as a port of Israel. Now he is a popular resort area, as well as the artistic center of Tel Aviv.

The old town impresses its guests stone streets, walking through which people forget about time. Every part of it keeps a secret for a long time. Often Israelis choose Jaffa for meetings with friends and family. A lot of cozy cafes in the city is located right on the waterfront. Here, sitting at a table, you can admire the sunset.

Few people know the meaning of the name of the old city. It is believed that it is translated from Hebrew as “beautiful”. This place completely justifies its name. After all, more beautiful and peaceful city than Jaffa, not to be found in all Israel!

16. Via Dolorosa (Jerusalem)

Via Dolorosa in the Old City of Jerusalem Vladislav Bezrukov
Via Dolorosa Street - the way of Jesus Christ to the place of crucifixion in the Old City of Jerusalem Lyn Gateley

An ancient Israeli city at the crossroads of cultures and civilizations, the most important center of three religions, this is the holy city of Jerusalem. The sights of the Israeli capital that have preserved its unique history for thousands of years are attractive for tourists and pilgrims from all over the world. Of particular importance and deep meaning for believers lies the “Way of Grief” - so often called the Via Dolorosa due to the fact that it is believed that the Savior passed his last journey from the place of his sentence to Mount Calvary, where he was crucified. Although the street is only about 500 meters long, there are 14 so-called “stations” along the way, representing churches and chapels. At each of these stations Jesus stopped for the last and hardest steps before his execution. So it takes at least an hour to walk this way, with stops at the stations, today.

17. Azrieli Center (Tel Aviv)

A complex of three skyscrapers and a large shopping center at their base in central Tel Aviv Tomáś Selecký

When studying the sights of Israel briefly, it is still worth paying attention to modern facilities - one of the most interesting is in the city of Tel Aviv. To visit the Israeli megalopolis and not to see its beauty from a skyscraper is to deprive yourself of stunning views and vivid impressions. The most “visible” structure of the city is the center of Azrieli, three huge skyscrapers ranging in height from 169 to 187 meters - such was the idea of the architect. The tallest is the round tower, the middle “sister” is the triangular one and the lowest is the square tower. The observation deck is undoubtedly located at the highest of the structures, at a height of 182 meters. Visitors are taken there by a high-speed elevator, which starts on the third floor - that’s where you can buy a ticket. And at the base of the towers you can visit one of the largest shopping malls in Israel.

18. Pagoda House (Tel Aviv)

Pagoda House on King Albert Square in Tel Aviv

Planning your travel itinerary, it is worth studying Israel, the sights, travel reviews, and then this country can open with a fundamentally new side, surprising with very unusual for the Israeli architecture objects. For example, in the heart of Tel Aviv is located unusual house-Pagoda, built at the beginning of the last century. Despite its name, referring to the concepts of Buddhism, the building combines an incredible number of architectural styles, from elements of the Middle Ages to the architecture of Greek temples and Spanish motifs. The building is crowned with a pyramid, resembling the roof of a Japanese pagoda, and it is this part of the structure that gave it its unusual name. The mansion is also interesting because it was the first residential structure in the city that was equipped with an elevator. Today, the house has been skillfully restored and turned into a villa, inside of which there is a cinema hall, a swimming pool, a wine cellar, and the rooms are controlled by a special computerized system.

19. Al Aqsa Mosque (Jerusalem)

The Al-Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount in the Old City of Jerusalem

Summer in Israel is sweltering heat, while early spring, on the other hand, lacks the heat and sweltering heat. March is an excellent time for active tours and pilgrimage: roads in the country are free and there is still time before Easter, so the many shrines are still quiet and not crowded. In search of what to see in Israel in March, it is not difficult to make a choice - for example, to go to the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, which is one of the most important symbols of Islam, the revered Muslim shrine. This mosque is huge, it has vast inner halls that can accommodate up to 5,000 worshippers at a time. Unlike most Muslim temples, there are no restrictions on religion for visitors here - anyone can enter, as long as their attire is modest and closed. The only exceptions are Fridays and holidays when only Muslims are allowed in al-Aqsa.

20. Basilica of the Annunciation (Nazareth)

The snow-white statue of the Virgin Mary (Our Lady) in the courtyard of the Basilica of the Annunciation in Nazareth

The question of why one should visit Israel is answered without hesitation by any true Christian. Where else but in Nazareth would it be possible to touch the sacred history of the life of God’s son? Nazareth is also the city of the Good News, where an angel appeared to the Virgin Mary, announcing the future birth of her flesh as the Savior of all mankind. The Church of the Annunciation, the largest Catholic cathedral in the city, is dedicated to this event and was erected on the very spot where the Gospel event took place. The basilica building is a modern structure from 1969, but originally there was an early Byzantine church in its place. The basilica consists of 2 levels, the lower of which contains the Grotto of Annunciation - presumably, this was the dwelling of the Blessed Virgin. All the walls both outside and inside the temple are entirely painted with subjects connected with the life of the Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ.

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21. Basilica of the Nativity (Bethlehem)

"Gates of Humility" is the main (western) entrance to the Basilica of the Nativity in Bethlehem Neil Ward
View of the Greek Orthodox altar of the Basilica of the Nativity in Bethlehem Bashar Nayfeh

In the city of Bethlehem, on two oblong hills rises one of the most precious Christian shrines, the Basilica of the Nativity. It was erected nearly a thousand and a half years ago over the cave where, according to tradition, Jesus Christ was born. The founder of the church was the holy empress Helen, who laid the first stone here in the 330s while making a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. In 529 the basilica was destroyed by fire, and then, during the reign of Emperor Justinian, it was rebuilt. Today, inside the basilica there are several objects of great value in terms of faith. For example, in the cave of the Nativity the place where the Savior was born is marked with a 14-pointed silver star; to the right of the descent into the cave is a miraculous icon of the Mother of God; and next to the marble throne is a descent to the manger in which Mary put the baby Savior after his birth.

22. Israel’s National Science Museum or “MadaTek” (Haifa)

Israel's National Museum of Science, Technology and Space or "MadaTek" in Israel The main entrance to Israel’s National Museum of Science, Technology and Space (MadaTek) ToastieIL

Air Show at the MadaTek Building in Haifa זאב זמיר
Exhibits at the MadaTek Museum Science Park in Haifa Longmotion

The Israeli National Museum was founded in the 1980s and is located in a historic building from 1912, which previously housed the Technion - Institute of Technology. Eleven years after its construction, the institute was visited by Albert Einstein himself, who personally planted one of the palm trees in the adjoining courtyard - the tree grows there to this day. Today, these walls are home to interactive exhibits on the basic principles of physics and the natural sciences. The museum exhibition is presented in several halls, each of which is based on different physical phenomena - for example, you can visit the hall of holograms, the mirror room, the hall of illusions and other interesting exhibits. Next door to the museum’s historic building, there are also two new buildings where temporary expositions are on display.

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23. Caesarea National Park (Hay County)

The old harbor and beach of ancient Caesarea in Caesarea National Park Preserve
Arched city street passage in Caesarea National Park

Speaking of Caesarea today, some mean a seaside town with a developed tourist infrastructure, others mean a National Park with an impressive complex of archaeological sites, and it is remarkable that both sides are right. Next door to the modern settlement of Caesarea of Palestine, which has existed since 1977, lie the ruins of a tourist attraction, the Caesarea National Park. This is the old center of the city, which many centuries ago was naturally submerged under water. Therefore, a considerable part of its structures today is under water, and visitors are offered different ways to explore the surroundings, such as swimming and diving. From a historical point of view, the most interesting places of the park are the ancient amphitheater, hippodrome and port, which played a major role in Judeo-Christian history.

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24. Rosh ha-Nikra Grottoes (northern Israel)

A view from the cable car of the entrance to the Rosh Ha-Nikra Grottoes on the Mediterranean Sea in northern Israel
Inside the Rosh Ha-Nikra Sea Cave

One of the most beautiful natural corners of Israel is located in the very north of the country, right on the Mediterranean coast. Grottoes of Rosh Ha-Nikra created by nature itself - for many years in the soft chalk cliffs of the coastal elements washed the space. In due course, the effect was augmented by underground tremors that created cracks in the rock, forming picturesque caves with emerald water. A funicular descends to the entrance to the caves, and on some of the equipped corridors of the grottoes there are bridges with railings, lighting works. Here you can also take a trip on a special little steam train through the tunnels built by the British back in the 1940s, and watch a historical film about these places in the cinema, equipped directly in the cave, and when leaving the grottoes one can see a beautiful panorama of the Mediterranean coastal strip.

25. Dead Sea (Israel)

Salt deposits on the shores of the Dead Sea

Visitors to the Promised Land don’t get bored all year round, and in no season is there any question of what to see in Israel in November. This period is ideal for those who do not like the exhausting heat of summer - the temperature of the air and sea water is as comfortable as possible, so many in November, rushing to the coast of the Dead Sea. The peculiarity of this body of water is that it is almost 500 meters below sea level, and its waters contain useful for the body of microelements - the secret lies in the springs coming straight from the bottom. That is why there are numerous recovery centers along the coast where the treatment with thermo-mineral water takes place. Sea holidays can be varied by hiking - for example, the canyon Nahal Dragot, ideal for extreme tourism. The path through the canyon leads through steep cliffs, narrow passages, climbs and descents, along the river that flows into the Dead Sea. Read also about the best sights of Abkhazia and get inspired for your future travels!