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Best attractions in Stockholm: Top 30

The pearl of Scandinavia, the crown jewel of Northern Europe, is the fabled Stockholm. The city is situated on fourteen green islands, washed by the waters of the Baltic Sea, so you can hear a joking statement from the locals that Stockholm consists of half water and half - of greenery. Stockholm sights - this is a special theme, because the history of the city has almost 8 centuries, and during this time the city has become a real treasure house, where ancient museums and galleries, churches and palaces alternate with flowering parks and paved squares. The picturesque city of Scandinavia, home to great scientists and fairytale characters by Astrid Lindgren finds its visitor, and everyone knows in advance the purpose for which he goes to the city and what to see in Stockholm.

What to see in Stockholm first

It seems impossible to go around all the monuments of the past and the present in Stockholm even for a few trips - so many countless treasures of the Swedish capital. In fact, most sites are located relatively close to each other, and even choosing what to visit in Stockholm in 1 day, you can make quite a busy sightseeing plan. It remains only to choose the best in the city - to this end, the top 30 most interesting places in Stockholm is compiled.

1. Globen Arena

Globen Arena - Stockholm sports stadium kallerna

Sports stadium of the city, which is designed in an original spherical shape, is one of the structures of the project “Swedish Solar System”. The essence of this idea is that throughout the country are built spherical structures depicting the planets of our solar system. Globen Arena symbolizes the sun. In addition to sporting events, various concerts and other major events are held in this building. The size of the building is impressive - its diameter is 110 meters, and you can even climb to its 85-meter height on a special funicular.

2. Skansen Ethnographic Museum

The Skansen Ethnographic Open-Air Museum on the island of Djurgarden in Stockholm Albertyanks

It’s hard to imagine that visiting just one exhibit in Stockholm is enough to form an idea of the whole of Sweden at once, of its history and the customs of the people. For this purpose, it is worth to walk through the territories of Skansen Ethnographic Museum, which is a large-scale open-air exhibition, reflecting the whole essence of Sweden in miniature. On the spacious area of the museum from different parts of the country are brought constructions and buildings from different eras - a total of fifteen hundred houses, farms and farmsteads from different parts of Sweden are represented in the exhibition.

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3. Grona Lund Amusement Park

Tivoli Grona Lund Amusement Park on the coast of the island of Djurgarden in Stockholm trolvag

One of the oldest amusement parks still enjoys high popularity among citizens and visitors alike. It is located right on the coast of the Dyurgarden Peninsula, and its age is already more than 130 years. In those years, a German entrepreneur rented a plot for the park, on which he installed the first rides. Today, in addition to traditional rides such as merry-go-rounds, laughing rooms and roller coasters, there are modern Scandinavian-themed attractions such as the “Ghost House” with trolls and other other otherworldly creatures, a tower simulating free-fall, or the “Viking Ship” simulating the rocking on the sea waves.

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4. Old Town - Gamla Stan

The Old Town - Gamla Stan is the historic center of Stockholm on Stadsholmen

The historic heart of the city, Gamla Stan is a veritable treasure trove of Stockholm’s best attractions. It’s a favorite neighborhood of visitors to the city, which beckons with centuries-old historical mysteries, cobblestone medieval streets and colorful old houses. It was here in the 13th century was founded the first fortress, which began the glorious history of the Swedish capital. With the 14th century for about 3 centuries Stockholm was an important center of trade, and here was built a lot of buildings, surviving to this day. Most of them date from the 15th-18th centuries, including the most famous Royal Palace, the central Storget square and the Great Church.

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5. Vasa Ship Museum

View of Gustav Vasa Museum Ship on the island of Djurgarden Jll
Ship Vasa is the world's only surviving sailing ship of the early 17th century Vadim Tolbatov

Vasa is not only one of the most visited museums of the country, it is a real ship of the 17th century, which, having been launched for the first time, sank almost immediately, without maintaining stability. The shipwreck was an example of unwise management - King Gustav ordered his brainchild to be equipped with large-scale armament, the impressive weight of which fatally affected the fate of the ship and her crew. As the Vasa made her way out into the open, the first gust of wind tilted her in such a way that she tipped and sank. The ship sank and lay sunk until 1961, when it was decided to make it into a museum.

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6. Statue of a Boy Staring at the Moon

Statue of the Boy Looking at the Moon or Iron Boy in Stockholm Old Town Raphael Saulus

This tiny Stockholm landmark is considered to be the smallest monument in the country. The model for this sculpture was the sculptor Liss Eriksson, who embodied in his creation his own memories from his childhood. As a little boy, on sleepless nights, he liked to sit for a long time, looking at the moon. So a 15-centimeter statue of a boy made of iron and sandstone appeared. Townspeople and tourists even invented a cute custom - to make little clothes for the boy, hats and scarves, and “wrap” him in cold winter times. Some, on the other hand, when they bring a new outfit, take the former garment as a keepsake.

7. Royal Palace

Panorama of the Royal Palace from the Great Church Tower Grishasergei

This ancient 18th-century building is still the residence of the Swedish royal family. In this apartment, the King of Sweden solves state tasks and holds important official receptions at a high level. At the same time, the doors of the palace are open to many visitors - in fact, in addition to the royal chambers, there are a lot of other rooms - halls, skillfully decorated in the Rococo style, in which the power and luxury of the Swedish state is reflected. The Three Crowns Museum, located in the palace, displays relics of the great Swedish monarchs and historical details of the palace’s construction.

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8. Stockholm Town Hall

Monumental dark brick town hall building on the arrow of Kungsholm Island Mispahn

When choosing where to go in Stockholm, you should pay attention to one of the symbolic buildings of the city - Stockholm City Hall. The age of the city hall has already passed the century mark - it appeared at the beginning of the last century, and the future architect of the building was determined as a result of a competition for the best project. The construction lasted more than 10 years, for the erection of a large-scale architectural project took several million red bricks. From the opening and to this day the town hall has been a place for receptions, official meetings, political negotiations, Nobel Prize banquets and other high-level events.

9. Drottningholm

Fountain and sculptures in the park in front of Drottningholm Palace on Luvon Island
Luxurious interior of Drottningholm Palace Richard Mortel

The seat of the royal family is Drottningholm Castle, located on the island of Louvain, surrounded by the waters of Lake Mälaren. Despite its role as a residence, the castle is today open to the public. The palace was built in the 17th century on the site of a burnt-out castle, in which the Swedish queen lived, hence the name of the new palace, which means ‘Queen’s Island’. Drottningholm does not correspond to the ideas of medieval castles with thick walls and observation towers, because there was no such need - the waters of the lake have always been a natural barrier to the enemy. The palace is surrounded by a beautiful park with a Chinese garden and theater.

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10. Swedish Parliament Building

Facade of the Riksdag building on Helgeandsholmen Island in the Gamla Stan district of Stockholm

When touring the central part of the city, guides in Stockholm do not ignore the important political building that houses the Swedish parliament. The neoclassical parliament building was erected at the beginning of the last century. Its stately facade has two wings decorated with Corinthian columns, and an imposing stucco composition depicting the country’s coat of arms stands above the main entrance. The parliament itself sits in one of its many rooms, which are open to all comers. Another part of the building houses a gallery with paintings, sculptures and other artistic creations.

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11. Sturthoriet Square

Historical buildings at Sturtoriet Square in the Gamla Stan district Mstyslav Chernov

In the heart of the Old Town is the oldest square - Sturtoriet, which in the Middle Ages was the main meeting place. One part of the square - the western part - has preserved its original architectural appearance and its special, sometimes frightening, history. For example, few people know that the white stones, embedded in the facade of the red house of Councillor Schanz, symbolize the memory of the 92 Swedes executed on the square as a result of the events of the “blood bath. The 18th century Exchange building now houses the Nobel Museum, dedicated to the labors of hundreds of famous people. A visit to the central square is a must on almost any tour in Stockholm.

12. Drottninggatan Street

Drottninggatan Street is the main pedestrian and shopping street in Stockholm I99pema

It is the city’s main pedestrian street, twinkling with strings of lights from shiny shop windows. The endless line of stores stretches along the entire street, and most people who come here have the ultimate goal not to buy, but simply to familiarize themselves with the variety of goods on display or to relax in one of the many cafes. In the shops you can buy souvenirs, branded items, antiques, vinyl disks and many more exclusive things. End your walk with a rest in the cozy Observatorioelanden Park, which is located nearby.

13. St. Nicholas Church

The east façade of St. Nicholas Church overlooking Royal Square Jürgen Howaldt

Another Old Town landmark is the oldest church of St. Nicholas, dating back to the 13th century. The cathedral is the main sanctuary of the city, where from the 15th century coronation of Swedish monarchs was held, as well as other ceremonial events - baptisms, weddings and funerals of Swedish kings and their families. The interior of the cathedral in the style of neo-Gothic architecture is rich, its walls are decorated with the world’s masterpieces of art, including the sculpture of St. George fighting the dragon, a silver altar with sculptures of Jesus Christ and various saints, as well as two paintings by Swedish painters.

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14. St. Clara’s Church

St. Clara's Lutheran Church in the Norrmalm district

We recommend including another historical monument in a trip to Stockholm’s shrines - St. Clara’s Church, Stockholm’s tallest building, whose Gothic spire visibly rises above other buildings, as if piercing the sky. The 116-meter-high building began to be built in the 16th century on the site of a former convent, and was consecrated in honor of Clara of Assisi, the founder of the Clarisse order. The interior decoration of the church is particularly solemn, dominated by white paint and gilding, stained glass windows, a carved pulpit and a marble floor. Another important attraction of the church is the ancient organ.

15. German church

Inside the German Church in the former building of the German Merchant Guild

The need for a German church dates back to the 14th century, when craftsmen, merchants and other natives from various German cities settled in Stockholm. In time, a parish was formed, and later the Church of St. Gertrude of Nivelle, or simply the German Church, was founded in the building of the German Merchant Guild. Since then, the church has undergone several reconstructions, but to this day the building retains the excellent wine cellars that once belonged to the guild. A whole galaxy of famous artists and architects took part in the external and internal decoration of the church, being an example of the close interlacing of the cultural heritage of different nations.

16. Riddarholmen Church

The Royal Church on Riddarholmen Island in Stockholm Albabos

The island of Riddarholmen was the birthplace of Stockholm during the Middle Ages, so this island is full of historic buildings, including the Riddarholmen Church. It is one of the oldest buildings in the city and the only monastic church surviving in Stockholm. The church buildings once housed a cloister of Protestants. For many centuries, Swedish monarchs were buried here, the first of whom was buried in 1290 and the last in 1950. The church was built in the Gothic style, crowned by long Gothic spires reaching up into the sky. The main openwork spire of the church was erected in the 19th century to replace the old one, which was burned by a lightning strike.

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17. Wadsten Abbey

Vadsten Abbey is a major pilgrimage center to the relics of Saint Brigitta of Sweden User:Artifex

Even nondenominational tourists visit this religious building, which was founded in the 14th century and for years served as a monastery. The medieval spirit still lingers in the monastery complex, and many pilgrims come here to rest and escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life, because the abbey is in a very picturesque place surrounded by Lake Wettern. Some stay here forever - so strong is the impression people get from visiting this wonderful place. On the territory of the abbey there is a good guest house, a restaurant, and a shop of unique things made by the hands of the nuns themselves.

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18. Museum of Vodka

Liquor Museum on the island of Djurgarden in Stockholm Holger.Ellgaard

In Stockholm, amid a myriad of historical sites, there is room for new objects that are rapidly gaining popularity. So, in the heart of the city, a few minutes from the Royal Palace, there is an old wine warehouse building with the Alcohol Museum. The unusual museum has more than five hundred vodka bottles from producers in different countries, as well as a variety of literature and photographs that tell the history of the liquor. The store of the museum offers a wide range of vodka of different sorts, including the most exclusive ones, and many thematic souvenirs.

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19. The Royal Palace Museums

The Royal Palace with numerous museums in Stockholm Jorge Láscar

The residence of Swedish kings has a rich cultural heritage in the form of museums located in the spacious halls of the palace. More than 600 rooms are on display - imagine how extensive their collections are. The Treasure Gallery contains the regalia of royalty, the Armory contains the monarchs’ robes, armor and weapons, the Museum of Antiquity presents an overview of Roman antique sculptures, and the Three Crowns Museum documents the history of the old castle on whose ruins the palace was erected.

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20. Royal Opera House

The main Swedish opera and ballet theater on the east side of Gustav-Adolf Torg in Stockholm

Sweden’s main opera scene is the Royal Opera House, located in the center of the capital. Originally on this site by the Swedish king in 1782 was founded the court theater, which lasted only a hundred years. On the site of the demolished building in 7 years was erected a new one, in the style of neoclassicism, which was originally called the Royal Theater, and later - just the opera. The interior decoration of the Opera House is very rich; the baroque hall can seat 1200 people. Today the repertoire includes ballets and operas performed by Swedish and foreign companies. The Opera also has its own symphony orchestra.

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21. The National Museum of Sweden

The National Museum of Sweden on Blasiholmen Island in Stockholm Peter Haas

In terms of national art, one of Sweden’s top attractions is the National Museum of Sweden, the country’s largest art gallery. The museum’s enormous display includes about 16,000 art compositions and about 30,000 pieces of arts and crafts. And some special works have made the museum famous, making it world famous, among them a fragment of Rembrandt’s largest painting, which tells the story of the Batavians, who became the ancestor of the Dutch nation. In addition to its exposition, the National Museum is also interesting from an architectural point of view, as it looks quite similar to a castle.

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22. Stockholm City Museum

Stockholm City Museum at the Russian Yard Square Holger.Ellgaard

On the Stockholm square with the interesting name “Russian Yard” is the City Museum, whose exhibitions will help in learning the history of the capital, from the first documentary mention. The wide coverage of each historical event allows you to go deep into the history of the city, starting from the 13th century. There are also expositions devoted to the modern development of the city - for example, here you can see examples of scientific achievements, samples of wallpaper, examples of furniture design in modern interiors and much more. The museum building itself has a remarkable history - at different times it housed a church, laundry, school, tavern, and even a prison and courthouse.

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23. Museum of Modern Art

Museum of Modern Art on the island of Scheppsholmen in downtown Stockholm Holger.Ellgaard

According to reviews, some exhibits relating to contemporary art have unusual themes that can be quite original and even incomprehensible to fans of the old school. It is precisely such creations that can be found in the Museum of Modern Art. Nowadays, the museum has one of the largest collections of sculpture and painting of the 20th century - a total of about a hundred thousand exhibits. The collection of works by Russian Constructivists is well-revealed, and the temporary exhibitions also attract attention. After the reconstruction of the museum building there is also a Museum of Architecture. For more convenience, since some time, visitors have access to a cozy restaurant at the museum, a workshop and a souvenir shop.

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24. Nobel Museum

The entrance to the Nobel Museum in the Stock Exchange building in the Old Town Benreis

This museum is dedicated to the life and work of the outstanding Swedish scientist. A trip to the Nobel Museum will be remembered for the interactive rooms with a number of interesting experiments and the portraits of Nobel Laureates, which do not hang on the walls, but move on special hangers like clothes in a costume shop. In all, more than eight hundred laureates are on display here, and films continuously broadcast in the museum allow you to literally look into the thoughts of each of the laureates and go with them into a world of amazing discoveries. One of the museum’s halls is designed for young visitors, where many important scientific discoveries are presented in playful form.

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25. Tom Titus Museum of Experiments

The Tom Titus Museum is a large complex with many experiments Holger.Ellgaard
The Tom Titus Museum of Experiments is a large park of experiments Holger.Ellgaard

Stockholm, with its centuries-old history, is at the same time a city of the latest scientific advances. The versatility of the Swedish capital is particularly reflected in the Tom Titus Museum of Experiments, which is a striking example of the combination of modern technology and timeless traditions. The unique museum, which originally focused on young audiences, has over time attracted the attention of adult visitors due to the fact that the educational tour here can be combined with active recreation, participation in laboratory experiments and interesting competitions. In total, the museum has about six hundred

model exhibits designed to quench the thirst for new knowledge in adults and children from 2 years old.

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Stockholm sights: what else to visit in Stockholm?

There are no limits in a traveler’s aspirations to see the real Stockholm. Even after briefly exploring the main attractions of Stockholm, an interested visitor strives to return to this land again and again to discover new facets of the Swedish city. Thirsty for new discoveries will always find something else to visit - for the most curious are other attractions of Stockholm, photos with names and descriptions of which are given in the article.

26. Unibakken Museum

Museum Unibakken in downtown Stockholm on the island of Djurgarden trolvag

Junibacken, also called the Astrid Lindgren Museum, defies the standard notion of a museum, in its classical sense. The museum, which has become a real home for the characters of Swedish fairy tales, has no boring ‘no touching’ signs, restraining barriers or ribbons. Young visitors can run freely through the museum halls, where all exhibits and decorations can be touched and examined, totally immersed in the story of a favorite fairy tale. In addition to all that, Unibakken has one of the largest stages of children’s theater in the country, where daily theatrical performances are held.

27. ABBA Museum

Museum dedicated to the work of the famous Swedish pop band Abba I99pema

The following recommendations refer to one of Stockholm’s newest museums dedicated to the creative work of the famous musical foursome ABBA. The goal of the museum was to make the guest feel like a member of the band or just a pop star, and several technologies were implemented for this purpose. For example, in the studio booth you can record a song yourself or perform on stage together with full-size images of the ABBA band. There is a booth dedicated to the triumph of the Swedish foursome at Eurovision, as well as a recreated copy of the country house where many of the band’s hits originated.

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28. Kulturhyuset

Kulturhyuset Cultural Center in Stockholm Holger.Ellgaard

This largest cultural exhibition center is the national pride of Sweden. On an area of about 10 thousand square meters thousands of cultural events a year are held - these are art exhibitions, festivals, performances, discussions, conferences and other events of cultural life of the capital. There is a theater studio, a cinema, a library, an exhibition gallery, cafes, restaurants and souvenir stores. One of the important directions of the center is to open a cultural space for migrants in order to adapt them in the country. Visitors wishing to develop new skills will appreciate the workshops dedicated to various creative disciplines.

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29. TV Tower Kaknes

View of the Kaknes TV Tower from Jurgarden Island in Stockholm

It is the tallest TV tower in Northern Europe and Scandinavia - 155 meters high and the largest broadcasting center in the country. During a tour of the TV tower you can visit a number of objects located there: two viewing platforms, the highest of which is located at a height of about 130 meters, an exquisite restaurant at the 120-meter mark, a cafe-bar with beautiful panoramas of the city and a souvenir store. The location of the TV Tower on the territory of the ecological park makes its visit even more attractive - immediately after the tour you can go for a walk along the shady alleys of the green park.

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30. Kungstrodgarden Park

Japanese cherry (sakura) blossoms in Kungsträdgarden Park in central Stockholm Arild Vagen

Rounding out the rating is Kungsträdgarden, also known as the Sakura Park, one of the most beautiful and cozy places in the Swedish capital. The long history of the park begins in the 15th century, when official documents referred to it as “the big garden” from which the products were delivered to the royal table. Over the years, the kitchen garden transformed into a picturesque baroque park, and over time it was expanded and transferred to the city administration. The park and its surroundings have many places to relax and stroll, including outdoor restaurants, scenic fountains, souvenir shops, performance venues and an art gallery.

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Shining with northern beauty, Sweden’s capital city attracts exquisite architecture, centuries-old landmarks, a wide choice of upscale Stockholm hotels and beautiful nature. Home of the famous Swedish foursome ABBA and Karlsson, the city of famous Nobel Prize winners and balloonists captures the hearts of all visitors without exception. To get the most out of the trip, it is enough to plan a trip in advance and seek the help of a professional guide.

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