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Best attractions in Taiwan: Top 25

There are amazingly cozy and extremely beautiful places with pristine nature, pristine beaches and good conditions for tourism. One of these places is a small piece of land called Taiwan, a land of amazing contrasts, where luxurious seashores and historical sites of Taiwan, densely populated megacities and modern resorts coexist. There is something to see in Taiwan among the many shrines - in this land there are many ancient Buddhist temples, which have original architecture and keep their unique history.

What to see in Taiwan first

The most significant places, main symbols and key attractions of Taiwan photos with names and descriptions are included in the main overview - this is a list that is recommended to add to the itinerary to make the trip as interesting, informative and impressive as possible.

1. Taipei City

Panorama of Taipei City

Of course, the first place of review should go to the capital of Taiwan, Taipei City, which represents the economic center of the country. Numerous enterprises are concentrated here, specializing in the production of various kinds of electronics, which are produced not only for local counters, but also for exports abroad. In addition, the city is rich with all kinds of museums, beautiful gardens, entertainment centers, temples, so every tourist arriving here will find something to see in Taiwan in 1 day.

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2. Taipei Skyscraper 101

The Taipei 101 Skyscraper is the calling card of the island of Taiwan

The Taipei 101 Skyscraper is the main attraction and symbol of the capital, a structure with a height of 101 floors. There is a huge concentration of stores, restaurants and entertainment venues. On the top floors of the building is breathtaking - the height of the skyscraper is almost 510 meters, and the ascent to the top floor is less than a minute, thanks to the fastest elevators.

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3. Jinmen Archipelago

Jinmen Archipelago Attractions

There is a complex of 12 islands in the Taiwan Strait, over 150 square kilometers in area. Once upon a time, the Jinmen Islands were the site of a military struggle between Taiwan and China. Today, the main island of the archipelago, the eponymous Jinmen Island, is famous for its historical past and houses a number of sites of historical and architectural significance: traditional settlements, ancestor temples, monuments, forts, farmlands and other sites of interest, all of which are of particular touristic interest.

4. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall

Facade of Sun Yat-sen's Father of the Nation Memorial Hall

In Taiwan, Sun Yat-sen, known as the founder of the PRC, is a highly revered personage. That’s why a memorial hall was erected in his honor in the 1970s near the capital’s main skyscraper. Inside there are a memorial hall, a lecture hall, an exhibition hall, and a large library. Surrounding the memorial complex is a very beautiful park with a clear lake.

Official website:

5. Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall

The square in front of the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial

It is said to be the second most important landmark in the country. The monument, erected in memory of former president Chiang Kai-shek, is located at the eastern end of Memorial Square. Particularly noteworthy is the changing of the guard ceremony at the memorial, which takes place here every hour. The complex is surrounded by a beautiful park and flanked by picturesque ponds.

Official website:

Check out the gorgeous views of Taiwan in this beautiful video!

6. Lunshan Temple

Lunshan Temple in the middle of urban developments

One of the most beautiful man-made sights, according to reviews, is the country’s oldest temple, the Lunshan Temple, located in the historic part of Taipei. It was built in the mid-18th century by the first Chinese settlers and has survived numerous

ordeals by wars and the elements. Today, Lunshan is one of the main centers of Buddhism in the country. The temple includes 3 ornate halls, and the entrance is adorned with an exquisite artificial waterfall.

Official website:

7. Maokong mountain aerial tramway

Scenery from Maokong mountain aerial tramway

Trips to Taiwan often include a trip to the top of Maokong Mountain, and the means of transporting tourists there is an aerial ropeway, built not so long ago - in 2007. The stations through which the cable car passes are famous for their attractions, such as the Zoah Temple and the observation deck close to the very top of the mountain. The total length of the cable car is 4 kilometers and the ascent time to the top is half an hour.

Official website:

8. Taipei Zoo

Panda at Taipei Zoo

The Taipei Zoo is exactly where the aforementioned cable car originates. It is the oldest and largest zoo in Taiwan, founded at the beginning of the last century. First of all, the park is impressive in size - its area is 160 hectares. These areas are now inhabited by animals native to Africa, Australia, Asia and Taiwan itself. They include Himalayan bears, antelopes, camels, rhinoceroses and over a hundred species of various birds.

Official website:

9. Presidential Palace

The Presidential Palace is the former home of the Japanese Governor General

A trip to Taipei is not without a visit to the Presidential Palace, which has become a symbol of the colonial subjugation of the island of Taiwan to Japan. The building originally served as the residence of Japanese governor-generals. Since its opening in 1919, 11 of its 19 governors have lived here. And these days, the palace has become the official residence of yet another president of China. Despite such an important status of the building, today anyone can come for a tour to the palace.

Official website:

10. Museum of the Imperial Palace

National Palace Museum against a backdrop of green mountains in Taipei

When choosing where to go in Taiwan when in its capital city, it’s worth setting aside time to visit the Imperial Palace Museum. This enormous historical museum is one of the largest in the world and contains a myriad of valuable exhibits symbolizing Chinese traditions and culture - about 7,000 of them in all, and the oldest exhibit is about 8,000 years old.

Official website:

11. Kaohsiung National Stadium

The Kaohsiung National Stadium, which uses solar energy

Any vacationer or tourist in Kaohsiung Resort will confirm that the most popular place in the resort is the National Stadium, which was built not long ago - in 2009, in time for the opening of the Olympic Games. The huge solar panels placed in the front part of the stadium ensure the proper functioning of this modern stadium. Today the stadium is used mainly for rugby and track and field competitions, and less frequently for local soccer matches.

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12. U-Lin Farm

Spring in Wu-Lin - Cherry Blossoms

The sights of Taiwan, in addition to the monuments of culture, history and architecture, include a lot of interesting natural monuments, about which we will talk. Wu-Lin Farm is a true paradise surrounded by forests of blossoming fruit trees and fertile land. It’s the perfect place for a quiet and relaxing vacation, especially since it has well-equipped cottages and a hotel to accommodate visitors.

13. Lin Antai Farm

Lin Antai Farm is an old building in Pingtian Park

Lin Antai Old Farm very accurately recreates the atmosphere of the island in the 18th century - the simple and uncomplicated, traditional architecture of the buildings, a light ascetic design with a lack of bright and modern decorations contribute to this. It should be noted that the farm has survived a lot of political upheavals and miraculously survived, and for this reason it is even more appreciated by visitors and attracts thousands of tourists.

14. Fort Santo Domingo

The old artillery pieces at Fort Santo Domingo

Another important historical site not overlooked by guides in Taiwan is Fort Santo Domingo, erected back in the early 17th century by the Spaniards in order to consolidate power over the island’s indigenous inhabitants. Later the fort passed into the possession of the Netherlands, in the 19th century - Britain. In the 80s of last century, the fort was officially recognized as a national landmark. Arriving here, you can not only see the ancient structure, but also admire the delightful scenery of the mouth of the river Tamsui flowing here.

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15. Yanmingshan National Park

Walk the narrow trails of Yangmingshan National Park

In the north of Taipei is one of the country’s 8 national parks, Yanmingshan Park. It is a nature lover’s paradise where everyone can stroll along narrow paths at an altitude of 200 meters to 1.1 kilometers, admire cherry blossoms, see the tops of extinct and active volcanoes, visit medicinal hot springs, enjoy the splendor of local scenery and taste the local cuisine. Thanks to the park’s humid climate, there are many lakes and rivers, large and small, which are fed by abundant rain for about 190 days a year.

Official website:

16. Pescador Islands

The seascape of the Pescadores

In the south of the Taiwan Strait, more than 40 km from the shores of Taiwan, lies one of the most beautiful archipelagos in the world, the Pescadores Islands. This archipelago is of volcanic origin, formed over many thousands of years. The largest islands of the archipelago are united by dams, forming a kind of inland sea, where the ideal conditions for water sports. It is worth visiting to appreciate the beauty of the mesmerizing tides, the abundance of fish, to walk along the basalt shores and to see the many local attractions.

17. Kendin National Park

Pacific Coast in Kaendin National Park

The next place in the ranking is rightfully occupied by Kaengding National Park, located in the very south of Taiwan, on the country’s only tropical coastline, washed on three sides by sea waters. It’s famous for its many coral reefs, waterfalls, and pristine white-sand beaches. In the northern part of the park grows dense

rainforests in the northern part of the park are perfect for hiking. In addition, the park regularly hosts a variety of music festivals and entertainment events.

Official website:

18. Taroko Reserve

Chanchun Waterfall and the Temple of Eternal Spring in Taroko Reserve Joe Lewis

One of the most beautiful and fascinating places in Taiwan is Taroko Nature Reserve, spread over 930 square kilometers. Deep gorges carved into the rock, fascinating waterfalls, rushing rivers, pristine forests, and other natural wonders will impress anyone who has been here. In 1937 a protected area was founded on this territory, and today thousands of tourists from all over the world come here to admire the beauty of these places, many stay for several days at a time.

Official website:

19. The Alishan Mountains

Amazing picture of dawn in the Alishan Mountains

The recommendations of this rating are sure to touch another corner in Taiwan worthy of admiration. This is the Alishan mountain range, where at an altitude of more than 2,000 meters there is a wonderful high-altitude resort. Tourists and locals flock here to take a break from the bustle of the city, breathe the purest thin air, gain new strength in the inexhaustible natural spring. In addition to admiring the nature, you can take a fascinating trip here, taste the exquisite oolong tea gathered on the local slopes, and of course watch the incomparable Alishan sunrises.

Official website:

20. Yuishan Mountain

The picturesque Yuishan mountain range

Perhaps among the places to visit in Taiwan, any avid traveler dreams of climbing the highest mountain peak, called the “roof of Taiwan” - Mount Yushan. It has been established that the height of the mountain is only 3 meters short of the mark of 4 kilometers, and the shifts of the Earth’s plates contribute to the fact that every year the mountain “grows” by 0.5-1 centimeters. This mountain peak attracts not only passionate mountain climbers, but also everyone who is interested in the local nature, which is quite diverse. As you climb up you can find representatives of flora and fauna of almost all the earth’s climatic zones.

Attractions in Taiwan: What else to see in Taiwan

The main attractions of Taiwan were briefly listed in the main part of the review. But this is not the whole list of interesting places of the island state. Below are other places that are worthy of the traveler’s attention.

21. Beitou Hot Springs

Beitou Thermal Springs Hot Steam

The northernmost area of Taipei, Beitou, is famous for its hot springs, which originated from volcanic activity. The best way to get to know the springs is to visit the local Beitou Museum where the history of the area and the bathing traditions are on display. Almost all local hotels offer visitors to take a soak in pools of hot sulfuric waters, which gush directly from the bowels of the earth. After a session of healing bathing visitors are offered a traditional massage.

Official website:

22. Lake of the Sun and the Moon

A top view of the romantic Lake of the Sun and Moon

Surrounded by majestic mountains, this lake is the largest natural lake on the island. The climate here is very mild and cool - the temperature in the summer does not rise above +22 degrees, but also does not fall below +15 degrees. Rest on the lake is an ideal option for recreation and distraction from the daily hustle and bustle. Impresses the mirror-like smoothness of the waters reflecting the tops of the mountains, magnificent scenery, and you can also see the local attractions, such as Wenwu Temple and an amazing island, dividing the reservoir into two parts.

Official website:

23. Love River

Love River in Kaohsiung Night City

In the famous resort center of Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, runs the Love River, which has special cultural significance for the locals. The beautiful name of the river comes from the Love Park on its right bank. Once the waters of the river were used to irrigate the lands of nearby farms, and later wood was transported through its waters. Today, in the evenings, the Love River becomes a place where couples in love take walks in rowboats, in which small candles are lit.

24. Shifen Falls

Shifen Falls among mountains with dense vegetation

A list of Taiwan’s best sights would not be complete without mentioning Shifen Falls. The magnificent cascading waterfall with the clearest emerald water is the largest on the island. Locals call it a little Niagara, because of its beautiful shape, consisting of many cascades and rapids. The roar of the huge cascading stream of water can be heard many kilometers away, and as you approach you will be delighted by the beautiful rainbow over the streams and abundant lush vegetation on the surrounding slopes.

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25. Shilin Night Market

The entrance to Taipei's largest night market Shilin Allon Lim

Taipei is known for its night markets, and the largest and most famous of them is the Shilin Market. At nightfall, the entire street of the market fills with bright neon colors, and the stalls and stalls along the road come alive. The market is full of souvenirs, bright clothes, and carpets of all kinds of colors. This is where you can feel the local coloring particularly clearly. And also at the market you can eat local dishes made of the freshest seafood.

Official website:

The island of Taiwan, which has been sheltered from the many historical storms that have touched the mainlanders, has preserved many traditions and customs of Chinese culture very carefully, which, combined with the beautiful nature and climate of Taiwan, provides guests of the island with excellent opportunities for recreation. Modern hotels in Taiwan and perfectly developed infrastructure of the island also contribute to this.