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Best attractions in Batumi

Georgia is a colorful country that attracts tourists from different countries. It allows organizing a quality and diverse vacation for everyone who comes here, regardless of the existing wishes and preferences. The real highlight is considered to be the city of Batumi and the sights it offers to see its guests. Don’t know what to see in Batumi? Especially for you, we have compiled a list of popular places of this city, which included the most interesting sights of Batumi.

Recreation in Batumi

Planning a vacation in the Georgian town, which is often compared to the sun because of its brightness and reigning around the mood, you initially need to assess the breadth of available opportunities. These are:

  • The cleanest beaches, fully landscaped for a comfortable pastime. Here you can not only sunbathe, but also engage in diving, windsurfing and other water sports. On the beaches created all the conditions that may be required by holidaymakers. In most cases, the entrance to the water is gentle, which is suitable for families with children.
Beach in Batumi -Born Londoner
  • cozy restaurants and cafes, where they will gladly offer a wide variety of local and other variants of cuisine. Each institution has its own unique interior, decorated in a certain style. There are exclusively Georgian restaurants decorated according to the local coloring.
Batumi Port Cafes EXOTOUR
  • Numerous entertainment for all tastes in the form of entertainment centers, parks, attractions and other exciting activities.
Batumi Dolphinarium Yanina Bondarenko
  • discos, nightclubs and bars, where young people happily spend their free time;
  • Batumi has a lot to see and the sights, so it will be interesting for the lovers of history, culture and religion.
See the beautiful places of Batumi in this great video!

Main attractions of Batumi

Having characterized the breadth of opportunities open to tourists, you can move on to a more detailed consideration. Let’s start with the nature, it is the nature that glorifies the city, first of all attracts the attention of its guests. And on the map of Batumi there are such attractions:

City Botanical Garden

All guides in Batumi recommend visitors to the city not to leave without attention this garden. It is considered one of the largest in the world. Unique representatives of flora - trees, bushes and flowers of rare species are collected here. The botanical garden was founded in 1880. It was founded by the Russian scientist Andrei Krasnov. The first visitors were able to enjoy the beauty of the area in 1912. The area of the garden is 110 hectares. It is a huge expanse, on which more than 5 thousand different species of plants are collected. There are sakura, palms, bamboos and ficuses. Also planted are magnolias, eucalyptus, cypresses and other flora. The botanical garden is lined up in tiers, each responsible for a different type of plant. It stretches from the top of the mountains to the Black Sea itself, forming a unique natural composition.

Botanical Garden in Batumi Botanical Garden in Batumi Andrzej Wójtowicz

Official website:

Seaside Park

There are photos of this tourist attraction in any tourist guidebook in Batumi. It is located in the northwestern part of the city. Earlier on this place was a dump, so you could not even think about taking a walk here. But, thanks to the efforts of local residents and authorities, the area has been improved beyond recognition. Now it is a very beautiful place, perfect for recreation. Its history dates back to the first years of the 20th century. The park was designed by a famous German horticulturist. The idea has been implemented by other people, but no less qualified specialists. It is easy to see this by walking through the colorful alleys, enjoying the planted shrubs and flowers and the set decoration;

A top view of the Batumi Seaside Park Gorod - SKY

Mountain river Chorokh

It flows in Georgia and Turkey, with the former having only 26 km of the river out of a total of 438 km. The river has become the site of sporting events and also serves to irrigate the surrounding land. Going here you can enjoy unique scenery, the likes of which can be found nowhere else;

Lake Ardagani

One of the largest in the city, an important landmark on the map of Batumi. It is located near the waterfront. From the shore you can see several small islands where grow willows, breeding water birds. Watching the beauty of the lake is a pleasure, because not many places can see such a landscape.

Panorama of Lake Ardagani in Batumi jagermesh

Looking through the photos and descriptions of Batumi attractions, you can note that there are many more interesting places to go during your vacation.

What else to see in Batumi

After admiring the natural beauty of nature, having visited the local beaches, you can move on to acquaintance with the creations of man. And if we talk about what of the attractions of Batumi to see in the first place, it is worth noting such an object as the Park of Wonders. It is located near the seafront, so you do not have to look for it for a long time. Here you can just walk, as well as ride rollerblades, bicycles, skateboards. On the territory are located:

  • comfortable modern hotel, which offers accommodation of the highest class;
  • city business center;
  • Georgian alphabet tower;
  • Batumi Lighthouse;
Batumi Lighthouse and Tower "Alphabet" Colin Hepburn
  • The moving sculpture of Ali and Nino (Love);
  • the sculptural composition “Me, You and Batumi”;
  • Ferris wheel;
  • the fountain “Tower of Chacha”.
"Chacha Tower" in Batumi Andrzej Wójtowicz

You will have to spend at least several hours to see the surroundings, but it promises to be fascinating and to give you a lot of vivid emotions and impressions.

Batumi City Port

In close proximity to the park is the city port. It has a huge area, includes piers, warehouses, transshipment mechanisms, repair shops and many other objects. Looking at the port from the outside, visitors never cease to be amazed by its scale and grandeur. In addition, you can look at the numerous ferries, yachts and other variants of water transport.

View of Batumi City Port from the sea jagermesh

Official website:


Our next stop is the dolphinarium. It is considered the largest in Georgia, appeared on the territory of the Soviet Union first. Describing the best sights of Georgia, it is impossible to pass by this place. This attraction of Batumi and Georgia is interesting for both adults and children to look at. There are unusual performances for guests, filled with many tricks and tricks, bringing a lot of positive and wonderful mood.

Open-air Dolphinarium performance [hovo hanragitakan] (

Looking through the photos of Batumi sights in Georgia, it is necessary to note and such objects:

  • dancing fountain;
Dancing fountains in Batumi Andrzej Wójtowicz
  • Argonaut Square;
  • astronomical clock;
  • Europe Square;
  • fountain with Neptune;
Fountain with Neptune in front of University and Radisson HotelHalaston
  • ropeway.

Religious buildings in Batumi

Those arriving from Tbilisi to Batumi who want to see religious sights should pay attention to:

  • The Church of St. Christ the Almighty;
  • Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary;
Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Batumi Ephraim Stillberg
  • Church of St. Nicholas.

Each of the shrines has its own history filled with unique facts and legends. You can visit each church or choose a particular temple that attracts the most attention.

And even this is far from a complete list of sites that visitors to Georgia should see.

Batumi St. Nicholas Church Jaba1977

of the town. It is important to understand that to get acquainted with all its richness on their own is very difficult, even if you vacation here for several weeks. Therefore, it makes sense to book an excursion with a Russian-speaking guide. This decision will be justified for several reasons:

  • being able to choose the theme of the sightseeing program or an overview tour that includes the main points;
  • getting full information about each of the monuments under consideration;
  • The opportunity to save time on the road in view of a clearly and professionally planned itinerary;
  • opportunity to see the sights of Batumi and its surroundings in a larger number and in less time.

If you want to get to know the city better and more closely, it is better to order individual excursion to Batumi. Here you have the opportunity to adjust the program according to personal preferences, discussing all these nuances with the guide. Looking through the proposals, you will note that this includes not only the city sites, but also the attractions near Batumi. There are excursions that involve going outside the settlement, as well as comprehensive programs. The choice depends on the guide or the company you apply. Once you have been to Batumi, be sure to visit Tbilisi! We have prepared for you an overview of “Tbilisi’s best sights“ to inspire you for your future travels in Georgia.

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