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Best attractions in Moldova: Top 13

Despite its small area, small population, Moldova has a fairly rich history and culture. Attractions of Moldova are unique in its kind, and each of them deserves attention. During its existence, the country has gone through several historical transformations. What to see in Moldova is described below. If possible, it is better to visit the listed places.

What to see in Moldova first of all?

Any trip should be carefully planned, then it is sure to be remembered by bright events, interesting places. In the Middle Ages in this country there were whole wars for independence, these and other events are reflected in some sights. Below is a ranking of the most significant for the state.

1. Chisinau Botanical Garden

Chisinau Botanical Garden from a bird's-eye view

For the residents of Chisinau, this plot of land planted with bushes, flowers and trees is one of the main attractions, a favorite place of rest. The year of its creation is 1950. Today, the area of more than 100 hectares is divided into sectors. Some exclusively contain arboretums, shrubs, and there is a floriculture section. The garden is not without plants of tropical and subtropical origin. A lot of space in the garden is allocated exclusively for experiments, there is also a sector of hybridization. What to see in Moldova in 1 day? You can get acquainted with the varieties of relief of the country, of which there are 24 species in one place.

Official website:

2. Kurki Monastery

Curki Orthodox Monastery Gikü

A remarkable object of spiritual creation of the XVII century is considered one of the main attractions of Moldova. It rises on beautiful hills with dense forests. On one terrace is the monastery with outbuildings, and on the other is a pool-pond made of natural stone. Since 2000 Kurki Monastery has been under the patronage of the UN. It was decided to start restoration work to restore the building using the organization’s money. To date, they have not been completed.

Official website:

3. National Museum of the History of Moldova

Exhibit National Museum of Moldovan History U.S. Embassy Moldova

Performing an overview of the institution in which the monuments of history are collected and preserved, I would like to say that the institution is housed in a former institution of general education for men. It was the first in the described state. Today, there are 10 sites where products are presented. There are permanent and temporary exhibitions. Tourists are greatly interested in numismatic and archeological collections. Unique exhibits include the tip of a war chariot, helmet of an ancient Thracian warrior, bronze candlestick.

Official site:

4. Cathedral of the Nativity in Chisinau

View of the Cathedral of the Nativity in Chisinau

This Moldavian landmark is among the main religious landmarks and is located at the intersection of two main streets in Tiraspol. It was built literally in a year. The large church is part of an architectural complex that includes several buildings. We are talking about the parish house, diocesan office, Sunday school, the temple for baptism. Here often organize excursions in Moldova, because the place is very beautiful, the building is stylized in the Russian classics.

Official website:

5. Museum of Ethnography and Natural History

Facade of the Museum of Ethnography and Natural History Luytique

In the whole territory of the described state it is the largest, the oldest. Located in the city of Chisinau, back in 1889, the Museum of Agriculture was created. It was located in another building, because there was not enough space for all the expositions. Nowadays this landmark of Moldova is considered to be an important scientific and cultural center of the historical area in Southeastern Europe. Its fame has spread far beyond the borders of the state. The room consists of two large halls, one decorated with the theme of flora and fauna, the other introduces the historically important events, culture and customs of Moldova.

Be sure to watch this beautiful video about Moldova!

6. Tzipowa Monastery

Tzipova Rock Monastery

Not sure what to see in Moldova, go to a mysterious place - a small village. Nothing has changed in it since the first mentions. There is a unique historical monument, attracting tourists with many legends and tales about itself. Reviews about this place testify that its beauty and uniqueness is simply impossible not to admire. Together with the monastery here you can see many waterfalls, which take your breath away. Moldavian guides tell a lot of interesting things about the monastery and the settlement itself.

Official website:

7. Capriana Monastery

Capriansky Monastery of the Holy Assumption

Located in the village of the same name, located 40 km from Chisinau. It was first built of wood in 1429, but a few centuries later a large church of stone “grew” in its place. About 70 years ago the monastery was closed, dispersing all the monks, it was decided to use the building as a children’s tuberculosis dispensary, but in the early 90s it was returned to the faithful. Wondering where to go in Moldova? Visit Capriana Monastery, you will not regret it.

8. Pushkin’s house-museum in Chisinau

Pushkin's House-Museum in Chisinau

Pushkin House-Museum in Kishinev. Attractions in Moldova are scattered throughout the country, but most of them are concentrated in Chisinau. One of them is the house where the famous poet Alexander Pushkin lived during his exile. This period of his life he described in his work “The Black Shawl. There was also a poem “The Prisoner of the Caucasus”, which was created under the impression of the beauty of Moldova.

Sightseeing in Moldova: what else to visit in Moldova?

9. Park “Stefan cel Mare”

Monument to Stefan the Great in Park "Stefan cel Mare"

What to see in Moldova? Visit the oldest park and you will not regret. It was built back in 1818, initiated by the governor’s wife. On the territory of the park are placed and other attractions of Moldova, namely, a monument to Pushkin, Stefan cel Mare, many beautiful fountains, stone lions. It is considered that the oldest park in Chisinau is really worth a visit in Moldova.

10. Soroca Fortress

Entrance to the Fortress of Soroca of the 15th century Adam Jones

Is a unique example of defensive architecture of the 15th century. This landmark of Moldova at one time was built to defend the garrison and local residents (Soroca) from Tatar invasions. On the photo you can note that today the fortress is in good condition. It includes 5 towers, the walls are 21 m high and 3 m thick. The characteristic feature of the Soroka fortress is the similarity to those in northern Italy.

11. Cricova Winery

Interior of Cricovo cellars for dignitaries Hans Põldoja

It is admittedly the most famous factory in the country today. Its uniqueness lies in the production of champagne using classic champagnization technology. The official description says that the enterprise is engaged in the production of vintage and ordinary wines. The length of the cellars is up to 120 km, the collection itself includes already more than a million bottles of wine. Still do not know what to visit in Moldova? Check out the wine factory, its cellars hold the remnants of the world famous Göring collection.

Official site:

12. Old Orhei

Museum-Preserve Old Orhei Serbinov Maria

This is the name of a full-fledged historical and archaeological complex. It has a rich history, characterized by an incredibly beautiful landscape, and a lot of legends are associated with this place. If you go on a trip, try to see the high limestone hills, which have a powerful energy. Their view can not help but fascinate, and the surprise is that they are more than 14 million years old. Excavations in this place have been conducted since the 40’s, the museum complex itself was formed in 1968. Now this landmark of Moldova is one of the most visited.

13. Wine Cellars at Mileshti Mici

The famous wine cellars in Mileshti Mici

This is not only a famous landmark of Moldova, but also the oldest wine cellars on the territory of the country. The length of the underground city is about 200 km, for technological purposes only 55 km are used. The tour of the place includes wine tasting. On the territory of the complex there is where to make interesting photos, for example, against the background of the fountains on the theme of wine.

Official site:

There are no problems with the hotels in Moldova. You can find the variant, which suits you, using special services, such as And in general there is a lot to see in Moldova. Going on vacation in this country, you will not regret. Above is not a complete list of attractions in Moldova, more information can be found on the Internet. All of it is freely available.

What else can I see in Moldova? There are interesting places in Chisinau, Balti, Bender, Ribnitsa, Orhei, Tiraspol. By planning your trip responsibly, you will ensure an excellent holiday.

Read also about the best sights of Romania and be inspired for your next trip to Europe!