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Best attractions in Canada: Top 25

The first thing that comes to mind for the would-be tourist is the magnificent mountain resorts. Travelers are drawn to Canada’s natural attractions such as national parks, which combine natural beauty with top-notch tourist services. Trips here are always fascinating, promising many vivid experiences and unexplored mysteries. However, for a trip to this country to be as complete as possible, you need a qualified guide or chaperone. Local guides have serious professional training. Their services are indispensable for those who think in advance what to see in Canada. Interestingly, this country is the second largest by area after the Russian Federation. Three oceans washes its shores, so natural resources here are extremely rich.

What to see in Canada first

It seems that in the vast expanses of this country the tourist can easily get lost, but if you have with you guides in Canada, and plan the route to the smallest detail, then no problems during the vacation are not expected. See how many interesting places there are, make an individual program and pack your bags!

1. Canada’s Parliament Building (Ottawa)

Canada Parliament Building and Peace Tower with Clock

The architectural complex, where the working sessions of the Canadian government are held, looks like a medieval castle from the outside. It is located in a convenient location for travellers - in the heart of Ottawa. The gray stone of which the building is built seems gloomy at first glance. However, the overall composition of the building is so precise and precise that the complex inspires involuntary respect. It seems that the architects who built the complex in 1860 were fanatically devoted to the idea of symmetry in architecture.

The pointed towers are placed strictly symmetrically in relation to the central column, on which the clock is visible from everywhere. The fact that the gray stone is also covered with copper plates testifies to the strength of the building. Nevertheless, in 1916, the building did not survive the devastating fire. Reconstruction work was carried out in an orderly manner, but it dragged on until 1922.

The events of World War I were reflected in the overall composition of the complex. The Peace Tower, which is the central part of the building, is dedicated to the memory of Canadians who fell on the fronts of World War I. The main hall where meetings are held is named after the number of parliamentarians. It is called the Hall of Confederation or the Hall of Two Hundred.

The symbol of Canada’s unity is the eternal flame surrounded by the coats of arms of all the provinces. The composition with the eternal flame is located on Parliament Square. Parliament building opens with a list of attractions of Canada. It is included in almost all sightseeing and tourist routes.

2. The Oratory of St. Joseph (Montreal)

The brass dome of the Oratory of St. Joseph is the second largest in the world

Among the must-see sights in Canada is the Oratory of St. Joseph. The beginning of construction work dates back to 1904. The initiative for the project belongs to André Bessette. The original version of the oratory was a small chapel nestled on the slope of Mont Royal next to Notre Dame College. The church quickly became popular, the number of parishioners increasing every year. So already in 1917, a church for 1,000 people was built here.

Over time, it too began to increase in size. The first project to enlarge the church was proposed in 1924. The final version of the oratory, which is on the modern list of attractions in Canada, was completed in 1967.

The church holds the memory of the many miracles performed by Brother André Bessette. Tellingly, Pope John Paul II recognized the miracles attributed to Brother Andre. The recognition took place in 1982, and Brother Andrew was canonized in 2010. He was canonized by Pope Benedict XVII.

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3. Notre Dame de Montreal (Montreal) Basilica

The towers of the basilica are named Restraint and Perseverance

Looking for something to visit in Canada? Don’t hesitate long, Notre Dame de Montreal Basilica should be the first destination of your trip. The Neo-Gothic style provided the basilica with an austere, almost ascetic look. The building was erected in the 19th century. It is truly magnificent. Tourists listen with amazement and admiration to stories that the sculptures here are gilded, and the interior is finished with fleur-de-lis gold leaf.

The austere and exceptionally symmetrical building has become a veritable jewel of the city. The gray noble stone has weathered over time, but this adds to the charm of the structure. The square in front of the basilica is lined with the same grey stone, which creates the impression of a single composition.

The square is dominated by the pointed spires of two symmetrical towers and between them are oval windows covered with large shutters. This Canadian landmark is also interesting because it houses the largest pipe organ.

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4. Niagara Falls (Niagara Falls, Ontario)

Niagara Falls Canada is one of the widest in the world

Niagara Falls is included in the list of natural attractions in Canada. In addition, it is considered one of the wonders of the world. The Falls are located on the border of Canada and America. With a terrifying roar tons of water flows powerfully descend every second. The waterfall is in a dense cloud of splashing, because the pressure of the water is quite strong.

In translation, Niagara means “rumbling water. It is quite true, as the gigantic water falls from a height of 50 meters. Millions of travelers come here to see this unique natural phenomenon with their own eyes.

The waterfall is part of a complex of three streams: the American, Fata Bride and Niagara. Canada owns only the Niagara Falls. The composition, which was created by nature itself, stretches for almost a kilometer. The grandeur of this unique phenomenon is worth seeing at least once in a lifetime.

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Be sure to check out this beautiful video about Canada!

5. The Royal Museum in Ontario (Toronto)

The building of the Royal Museum looks like a cracked crystal

The collections of the Royal Ontario Museum contain over 6,000,000 objects. It has more than 40 galleries. Artifacts, dinosaur collections, and art from Africa and the Middle East are on display. The museum has frequent exhibitions, so it will be of interest to those deciding what to see in Canada. The year the museum was founded is 1857.

The University of Toronto fully managed all the exhibits and affairs of the museum until 1968. In 1969, the Royal Museum was granted the status of an independent institution. Nevertheless, the Royal Museum has retained to this day its cultural and historical ties to the University. University experts often advise the museum staff and assist in resolving controversial issues concerning the provenance of art objects.

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6. Great Lakes (Atlantic Ocean Basin)

Freshwater wealth of Canada

The group of freshwater lakes includes: Upper, Guron, Michigan, Erie, and Ontario. The time of formation of the lakes is thought to be the last ice age. As scientists suggest, they arose due to the pressure of the glacier on the earth’s crust.

In the process of glacioisostasis (sinking and rising of the land), the lakes were gradually filled with water, a direct result of melting ice. The Great Lakes are the natural attractions of Canada. They are the largest reservoir of fresh water on Earth.

Interestingly, the water in the lakes moves from one to another on the principle of communicating vessels. The fact is that the lakes are connected by rivers. The area of the basin is 768,000 square kilometers and the volume of water is 22,671 cubic kilometers. The deepest lake is the Upper Lake, while the shallowest is St. Clair. The government protects this unique natural ensemble. In particular, large sums are allocated annually for sewage treatment plants. All five lakes are navigable. In addition, they are a place of rest for thousands of tourists.

7. Capilano Hanging Bridge (Vancouver)

An amazing hanging pedestrian bridge of the Qupilano over a deep gorge

Among the landmarks of Canada, the hanging bridge is an iconic object. This unique construction was built in 1899. The authorship of the project belongs to the Scottish engineer George Grand McCain. It was originally made of cedar planks connected with hemp rope. Of course, such a structure could not last long. Reconstruction began in 1956.

Currently, the length of the bridge exceeds 130 meters. It connects the two banks of the Capilano River at a height of 70 m. It is a powerful river with a fast current, but from the bridge it looks like a tiny stream. With modern means of communication between different settlements, the bridge has lost its original purpose. Now it belongs exclusively to the tourist infrastructure. Locals rightly consider it just an entertainment.

But it is an entertainment of the highest class. Everyone who crosses it at least once is guaranteed an unforgettable experience. Below the bridge you can see not only the river, but also the endless green forest. Of course, the passage on the bridge is completely safe. It is surrounded on both sides by sturdy railings and metal netting.

A tiny restaurant on one of the banks is never empty. Several viewing platforms are also reinforced and fenced with metal netting. Tourists love this bridge. It makes you feel the pettiness of all human problems compared to the pristine grandeur of nature.

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8. Wood Buffalo National Park (Province of Alberta)

Wood Buffalo National Park Reserve

The province of Alberta is home to Canada’s natural landmark, Wood Buffalo National Park. Its area exceeds 44,000 square kilometers. This is a protected corner of Canadian nature. The territory is protected by the state.

All the conditions for the flourishing of flora and fauna are created here. The climate in the park is temperate, with pronounced warm summers and cold winters. The protected area includes coniferous and mixed forests, as well as tundra sparse forests. The purpose of creating the protected area in 1922 was to preserve the bison population.

The government’s efforts to protect the area have not been in vain, and now the bison population has increased. In addition, many forest inhabitants live here safely: beavers, wolves, reindeer caribou. Tourists will also be interested to see the cranes and pelicans, which feel at ease here.

Excursion routes to the park have been thought out in detail. In particular, there are 36 sites for camping in the park. However, a special permit is required to organize overnight parking. A unique feature of the park is that here you can see the longest beaver dam in the world, the length of which exceeds 800 meters.

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9. Chateau Frontenac (Quebec)

Colorful view of Château Frontenac

The castle is listed as a national landmark in Canada. The authorship of the project belongs to the American architect Bruce Price. The architecture of the castle-hotel meets the stylistics of a medieval castle. The grand opening took place in 1893, but it continued to be completed and increase in volume. Architect William Sutherland Maxwell designed the central tower, which made the castle look more imposing. The construction work was finally completed in 1926.

Tourists will be interested to know that in 1943 the Quebec conference was held here. At this time, Franklin Roosevelt and Winston Churchill stayed at the hotel. The castle hotel is located on an elevated site. It is built on the banks of the St. Lawrence River. Cape Diamant, on which the hotel stands, is quite high, so from the windows of the castle you can admire the surroundings and the magnificent panoramic views.

The current owner of the hotel is a corporation Ivanhoe Cambridge. Its administration immediately began restoration works immediately after signing the contract of sale in 2011. A total of $75 million was allocated for the restoration.

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10. Underground City (Montreal)

View of the Underground City in Montreal

The Underground City is nothing more than a pedestrian zone. It is 30 km long. It is a good way to hide from the excruciating heat of summer or from the cold winds of winter. The underground pedestrian zone includes more than 1,000 stores, several dozen cinemas and about 200 restaurants.

It is a unique Canadian attraction that connects all the subway stations. The underground city contains 1,600 apartments. Approximately half a million people visit it each year. The subway is interesting because it expressively and vividly represents the power of modern engineering.

Canadian sights: what else to visit while in Canada

Even if there aren’t many days to explore the northern country, there are excursions in Canada that you will definitely want to visit. To understand which of them will be the most fascinating for you and those traveling with you, it will not be difficult with the help of our prepared list with descriptions and fresh photos.

11. A Thousand Islands (Ontario)

The Thousand Islands Park is the most beautiful corner of North America

Are you still undecided about what to see in Canada? Then the Thousand Islands Park will be a real discovery for you. It is located between the cities of Brockville and Kingston. The 2,000 square kilometer stretch of water is home to many islands. The name Thousand Islands Park is provisional; it is impossible to accurately count their number. Especially the smaller ones, which sometimes hide completely under the water. The islands vary in size. There is an island with a soccer field, others are dozens of times larger.

The islands were formed on the basis of a mountain system. Over time, it has been erased by the winds and polished by the waters of the glacier. The two largest islands are Wolf and Hut. Islands are a true paradise for tourists. First of all, it is a very beautiful natural attraction. It is not necessary to look for a long time, what to see in Canada. The Thousand Islands Park should be a part of your trip. Canadians themselves call the park the garden of God. There are constant excursion programs here.

The flora and fauna of the islands leave an unforgettable impression. It is interesting that some islands are inhabited. On them build comfortable cottages, and living in them is considered prestigious. At the same time, electricity cottages are provided by environmentally friendly energy sources.

12. Banff National Park (Province of Alberta)

Banff National Park - Rocky Mountain Park

Canada’s first park was established in the province of Alberta in 1885. It is located 100 kilometers from Calgary and is the largest natural attraction in Canada. Hotels and restaurants are completely subdued tourist business. Depending on the season the cost of hotel rooms varies. But in any case, tourists are provided with vivid impressions. And the glacial Lake Moraine, which is located in the park, can be safely included in the rating of the most beautiful places in nature on our planet.

The most favorite activities for travelers are gondola rides and playing golf. It is in the park that the famous golf course, The Fairmont Banff Springs, is located. It was designed by Canadian architect Stanley Thompson.

There are many sulfur springs here. Hot springs can improve your health in a short time. In addition, tourists are invited to visit the Canadian baths, founded back in 1887.

On the territory of the park are free animals, which can be seen in their natural habitat. In particular, in the park you can meet bears and cougars. Approach them categorically not, it is better to consider the animals through binoculars. Each tourist is given a set of rules to follow when meeting wild animals.

Finally, the park offers Banff upscale skiing service. The slopes for skiing and snowboarding here are some of the best in the world.

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13. Bay of Fundy (Nova Scotia)

Fantastic Landscape of Bay of Fundy

The bay is a fantastically beautiful place. Its highlight are the huge red rocks covered in vibrant greenery. The bay is also known for the highest tide level. It reaches a 17-meter mark. Tourists are always shocked by this information: more than 100 million tons of water approaches and leaves the shore in 12 hours.

No wonder the stones of the bay are so smooth and polished. The bay belongs to those sights that should be visited in Canada. And it is recommended to visit it twice a day - before and after the tide. It will give the opportunity to see a unique phenomenon in its entirety. This feature (fast and powerful tide) is used in the tourism business.

Here is a special attraction - riding on boats at high tide. The feeling is inexpressible for those who are in the bay. The water arrives literally by the minute and those in the boats feel like they are going higher and higher on some incredible ride.

14. Vancouver Aquarium (Vancouver)

Vancouver Aquarium Aquarium Aquarium

Sightseeing in Canada is crowned by the Vancouver Aquarium. It is located in Stanley Park and is always open to the public. The aquarium began welcoming tourists and all comers in 1956. It is one of the oldest aquariums in the country. The exhibitions here are broken down by theme. Most of them are devoted to the underwater world. Here you can also admire the tropical butterflies, which absorbed all the colors of the rainbow. From time to time butterflies burst out of the transparent aviaries and fly freely between the tourists. Onlookers are enthralled. They do not try to catch butterflies, it is forbidden. But to see these fluttering blossoms is to experience a real aesthetic shock.

The aquatic kingdom is represented here in all its diversity. Spectators have the opportunity to admire the dolphins, sharks, seals. Professional guides will tell you in detail about any species that interest the visitors. You can walk around the aquarium for a long time. Many people travel with children, and for the little ones are equipped with special play areas, where they can rest and continue the journey.

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15. Johnston Strait

Johnston Strait is a favorite place for surfers

Huge waves that give surfers the opportunity to show off their skills have made the Strait extremely popular. Extreme sports enthusiasts from all over the world flock here. The waves are amazing. They’re coming in fast. And just as swiftly they melt away at the shore. There are all conditions to admire the water element and to compete with it.

The strait is beautiful at any time of the year and at any time of day. Its peculiarity is the ability to reflect the sun’s rays so that it acquires a bright green hue.

There is a second name for this place: “Pacific Cemetery. However, it does not scare away surfers. The bay as a magnet attracts those who love speed and motion. In addition, in these parts a lot of tourists who like to travel “savage”. Near the strait there is always some tent city where travelers spend their time.

The underwater world of the bay is no less interesting than the beauty of the shore. The fact is that it is near the shores of the strait that orcas are often found. They hunt and frolic here. It is considered great luck to catch a killer whale in the lens of a camera.

16. National Gallery of Canada (Ottawa)

The "Mother" sculpture by Louise Bourgeois at the central entrance to the National Gallery of Canada Radagast
Interior of the National Gallery of Canada en:User:GarrettRock

Canada’s capital city certainly can’t do without historically significant landmarks. One prime example of this is the country’s leading art museum, the Canadian National Gallery in the heart of downtown Ottawa. The gallery itself was founded in 1880 and previously occupied the parliament building. As the collection grew the gallery needed more space and moved from place to place several times over the decades until a decision was made to erect its own building. Today, the museum has six permanent exhibitions on two floors. And you can relax here in the restaurant, whose large windows offer great views of Parliament and the Ottawa River.

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17. Casa Loma Castle (Toronto)

The exquisite neo-Gothic Casa Loma Castle on the northwest edge of Toronto SimonP
The Henry Pellat Lounge at Casa Loma Castle Steven V. Rose

Toronto, Canada is the country’s major metropolis and its industrial center. In the city, ultra-modern structures coexist next to historic buildings. For example, you can visit the Royal Museum, whose creative building resembles an enormous crystal made of glass and metal, and the refined neo-Gothic Casa Loma Castle. The original mansion was built at the beginning of the last century for a wealthy businessman who later sold his luxurious apartments due to the inability to maintain them. Later a hotel worked in the building, and then the castle began to serve as a place of interest with beautiful architecture.

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18. Habitat 67 unusual apartment building (Montreal)

Unusual-looking apartment complex with 146 apartments in Montreal

An unusual modernist structure graces Montreal’s Ville-Marie street - the strange Habitat 67 unified cube-shaped building. Despite its modern appearance, its history goes back to 1967 when a young architect Moshe Sadfi, chosen to represent Canada at the World’s Fair, presented his graduation project. The graduation turned out to be a resounding success, and the project formed the basis of a real structure that to this day is one of the most interesting and extraordinary in the city. The complex of 354 cubes, assembled in 12 floors, is an apartment house. To make the housing comfortable and interesting, according to the original design, succeeded, but it did not become affordable - this complex buried in the green has some of the most expensive apartments in the city.

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19. Chateau Lurie (Ottawa)

Chateau Laurier in the Dark StupendousMan2008

Despite Canada’s relatively warm winters, the weather brings its own adjustments to travel and vacations. When choosing what to see in Canada in winter, it is worth setting aside time to visit Chateau Laurier, one of the oldest hotels in Ottawa, whose building is a beautiful castle. The opening of the hotel-castle took place in the distant 1912 - it was to this event that the most distinguished passengers of the famous Titanic once rushed. Thus, the two events, solemn and tragic, intertwined and were linked together. The majestic castle is decorated in the French château style, which is a mixture of the French Renaissance and neo-Gothic. The facade is characterized by graceful pointed turrets and a certain asymmetry of the facade. Inside the castle there are nearly three hundred luxurious rooms.

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20. Zoo (Toronto)

The main entrance to the Toronto Zoo Maelwys
The "Splash Island" educational playground at the Toronto Zoo Dennis Jarvis

Back in the 1970s, Canada became the second country in the world to create a Ministry of the Environment to address Canada’s environmental problems. And not so long ago one of the Canadian cities, Toronto, was recognized as the best city on the planet for work and life - its excellent environmental situation contributed to it. Not surprisingly, one of the largest zoos in the world, where animals are kept in conditions as close to natural as possible, works here. The zoo is located in the Red Valley and contains about 5 thousand species of fauna, and the total length of its paths reaches 10 kilometers. Due to the huge scale of the park, in order to provide comfort to visitors, there is a train with 4 carriages - the zoomobile.

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21. Harbour Centre (Vancouver)

The famous skyscraper in Vancouver is the Harbour Centre Tower Kelam

Exploring the sights of Canada on a map, you can see how many interesting places you can visit in Vancouver. One of Vancouver’s most “visible” structures is located in the central business district of the city. It is the famous skyscraper, the Harbour Centre Tower, on top of which is an observation deck with a 360 degree view of the surroundings. From here you can see the Pacific coast, the city port, and examine the city layout and architecture of the buildings. The snow-capped peaks of Solyburn and Mount Seymour, the horizon-defying sea, the arteries of the rivers that seem to cut the city apart - all this and more can be seen from the top of the famous tower. You can get here by high-speed elevator in just 40 seconds.

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22. Gastown (Vancouver)

Steam clock in the Gastown Historic District at dusk Anthony Maw, Vancouver, Canada

Vancouver’s main treasure trove of history is in the heart of its Gastown neighbourhood, named after its first resident, Jack Dayton, nicknamed Gassy. Gastown’s history is steeped in lore, but most interestingly, its narrow streets are lined with historic buildings reminiscent of Queen Victoria’s glittering reign, and its courtyards hide quaint modern stores and hip eateries that are hard to find as only the locals know every nook, cranny, and back alley. Interesting finds in the neighborhood include a steam clock, the Queen Elizabeth National Park, the police museum, and an abundance of souvenir shops.

23. Stanley Park (Vancouver)

View of downtown Vancouver from the lost lagoon of Stanley Park Zotium
The old brightly painted Indian totem poles in Stanley Park

When choosing what to see in Canada in the fall to see the local nature in all its beauty, Stanley Park, just outside of downtown Vancouver, is a must-see. Despite the proximity of urban civilization, this park covers an impressive area of 405 hectares, and the total length of its paths more than 200 kilometers. It is not necessary to walk around them all, just look around and see autumn in its brightest colors: a variety of centuries-old trees in this period are dressed in colored attire, and a fantastic riot of yellow, brown, gold, purple flowers and their halftones just amazes the imagination. The local inhabitants of the park - almost tame raccoons, squirrels, gulls, ducks, swans, and geese - are sure to please.

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24. Montmorency Falls (Quebec)

The picturesque and powerful Montmorency Falls in Quebec Leslie Mateus

You can immerse yourself in the atmosphere of centuries-old antiquity and comprehend the unique history of the country by visiting ancient towers, museums, galleries and other historical sites of Canada. A presentation of the country would not be complete without mentioning the beautiful natural world. One of the highlights is Montmorency Falls. The huge foamy stream of water falls in a solid 84-meter wall into the Montmorency River, which, after a short way, flows into the St. Lawrence River. Above the waterfall is equipped with a suspension bridge, from which you can see the outline of Quebec City and the island of Orleans. There are also several other areas around the falls that allow you to see it from many different angles.

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25. Rocky Mountains (western Canada)

Mount Robson is the highest point of the Canadian Rocky Mountains User:とある白い猫/List/Sources/08

In the system of the North American Cordilleras stands out a mountain range, the Rocky Mountains, which have the status of both a U.S. landmark and a Canadian landmark because of their border location at the junction of the two nations. It is within this massif that two of Canada’s most famous national parks, Jasper Park and Bank, are located. The Rocky Mountains are truly teeming with magically beautiful lakes. Among them is Lake Peyto, a high-mountain lake with bright white-blue waters. When the glaciers that feed the lake melt, its waters are saturated with “glacial flour. This tiny sand, formed by the grinding of rocks by descending glaciers, gets into the lake waters, giving them an incredible hue. After visiting all the interesting places in Canada, how about heading to the United States? The best attractions in the U.S. await in this amazing country!